
Terms for subject Environment containing 自理 | all forms
泄漏响应自动管理系统automated spill response management system
自然地理physical geography The study of the spatial and temporal characteristics and relationships of all phenomena within the Earth's physical environment (研究时间和空间关系的特点,以及地球上一切现象的物理环境。)
自然管理界的公共制度public institution of administrative nature Public institution for the management of administrative issues (管理管理问题的公共制度。)
自然资源管理management of natural resources Planned use of natural resources, in particular of non-renewable resources, in accordance with principles that assure their optimum long-term economic and social benefits (天然资源,特别是不可再生资源的计划使用,与保证最佳的长期经济和社会效益原则保持一致。)