
Terms for subject Management containing 自理 | all forms
内部自办的管理培训方案in-house management training programme
扩大企业的自主权和企业职工参加管理的权力expand the decision-making power of enterprises and the power of their workers to participate in management
生产管理与自动机械production control and servomechanism
目标管理与自我控制management by results and self-control
自主的企业经理autonomous business manager
自动化生产管理automated production management
自动化管理automated management
自动统御机构理论servomechanism theory
自始至终的管理cradle-to-grave management
自我实现人理论self-actualizing man theory
自我的心理状态ego complex
自我管理方案self-administered plan
自行控制管理management by self-control