
Terms for subject Environment containing 自然 | all forms | in specified order only
人与自然的关系man-nature relationship
回归自然return to nature
国际自然与天然资源保护联合会International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
地区自然公园regional natural park A park operated and managed by a region (由地区运营和管理的公园。)
感受自然feeling for nature A consciousness, sensibility or sympathetic perception of the physical world and its scenery in their uncultivated state (对未开垦物质世界及其景色的一种感知、感受或赞同的意识。)
挪威自然保护学会Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature
敏感的自然地区sensitive natural area Terrestrial or aquatic area or other fragile natural setting with unique or highly-valued environmental features (具有独特的或高价值的环境特性的陆地或水地或其它脆弱的自然居住地。)
欧洲自然保护区European nature reserve No definition needed (无需定义。)
综合自然保护区integral natural reserve Areas allocated to preserve and protect certain animals and plants, or both. They differ from national parks, which are largely a place for public recreation, because they are provided exclusively to protect species for their own sake. Endangered species are increasingly being kept in nature reserves to prevent them from extinction. Nature reserves also serve as a place for more plentiful species to rest, breed or winter (用以维持和保护某些特定的动物、植物或两者兼而有之的地区。国家公园大部分是公众休闲的地方,与国家公园不同,自然保护区是专门用来保护物种的。濒危物种越来越多地被放在自然保护区,以防止其灭绝,自然保护区也成为更多更丰富物种的休息、繁殖或过冬的地方。)
自发性自然保护区voluntary natural reserve Area of national interest which is protected under the responsibility of its owner in order to safeguard wildlife, archeological and geological sites (基于国家利益,由地区的拥有者负责保护的区域,用以保障野生动物、考古和地质遗迹。)
自然价值natural value
自然保护nature conservation Active management of the earth's natural resources and environment to ensure their quality is maintained and that they are wisely used (地球的自然资源和环境的积极管理以保证他们的质量被维持与被明智使用。)
自然保护区nature reserve Areas allocated to preserve and protect certain animals and plants, or both. They differ from national park, which are largely a place for public recreation, because they are provided exclusively to protect species for their own sake. Endangered species are increasingly being kept in nature reserves to prevent them from extinction, particularly in India, Indonesia and some African countries. Natural reserves were used once to preserve the animals that landowners hunted, but, in the 19th century, they became places where animals were kept to prevent them from dying out. Special refuges and sanctuaries are also often designated to protect certain species or groups of wild animals or plants, especially if their numbers and distribution have been significantly reduced. They also serve as a place for more plentiful species to rest, breed or winter. Many parts of the world also have marine and aquatic reserves to protect different species of sea or freshwater plant and animal life (被分配的用于维护并且保护某种动植物的地区。它们不同于国家公园,国家公园基本上是公共娱乐的一个地方,而自然保护区是专门提供的物种保护地。濒危物种正越来越被放在自然保护区以防止其灭绝,特别是在印度、印度尼西亚和一些非洲国家。自然保护区曾经被用来防止土地所有人狩猎,但是,在19世纪,变成防止动物消失的地方。特别避难处和庇护所也经常被指定来保护某些物种或者野生动植物群,特别是如果它们的数量和分布已经明显减少时。它们也成为更多的物种休养、繁殖或过冬场所。世界上许多地方也有海洋和水生物保护区来保护不同的海洋或淡水动植物物种。)
自然保护政策nature conservation policy
自然保护法nature conservation legislation A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to protect, preserve or renew an area's natural habitats or ecosystem (政府规定的规章约束或者法律法规以保护、维护或者恢复一个地区的自然栖息地或者生态系统。)
自然保护组织nature conservation organisation
自然保护规划nature conservation programme An organized group of activities and procedures, often run by a government agency or a nonprofit organization, to preserve and protect elements of the natural world such as mountains, trees, animals or rivers (活动和程序的组织团体,经常由政府机构或者一个非赢利的组织运作,以维护并且保护自然界的要素(例如山、树木、动物或者河流)。)
自然natural area An area in which natural processes predominate, fluctuations in numbers of organisms are allowed free play and human intervention is minimal (自然进程成为主流的地区,生物的数量波动可以自由运转且人类干预是最小的。)
自然区保护natural areas protection Active management of nature areas in order to ensure that wildlife is protected and the quality of its environment is maintained (积极管理自然地区以确保野生动植物被保护及保持其优质环境质量。)
自然地理physical geography The study of the spatial and temporal characteristics and relationships of all phenomena within the Earth's physical environment (研究时间和空间关系的特点,以及地球上一切现象的物理环境。)
自然排水系统natural drainage system
自然景观natural scenery An area where human effects, if present, are not significant to the landscape as a whole (整体上,人类活动(如果存在)对景观影响不重要的地区。)
自然景观干预intervention in nature and landscape Stepping in or participating in problem solving efforts for troublesome or perplexing situations involving the natural world or scenery (致力于或参与涉及天然区域或景观的麻烦或困扰问题的解决。)
自然更新natural regeneration The replacement by an organism of tissues or organs which have been lost or severely injured (生物体已经丧失或者严重损害的组织或器官的替换。)
自然权利rights of nature A rule or body of rules that derives from nature and is believed to be binding upon human society, as opposed to human-made laws such as legislative acts and judicial decisions (对人类社会有影响的自然规律,与人为规定的法律(如法案、判决)不同。)
自然灾害natural hazard The probability of occurrence, within a specific period of time in a given area of a potentially damaging phenomenon of nature (在一个具体的时期内一个给定地区的可能破坏的自然现象的发生概率。)
自然灾害natural disaster Violent, sudden and destructive change in the environment without cause from human activity, due to phenomena such as floods, earthquakes, fire and hurricanes (非人类活动引起的极端地、突然地和破坏性地环境变化,如洪水、地震、火灾和飓风。)
自然独立性natural independence law The inviolable, moral claim of non-human organisms and their habitats to exist unharmed or unchanged by human activity as postulated by certain environmental ethicists (如同某些环境伦理学家要求的,对非人类生物体和其栖息地的存在不受人类活动伤害和改变的不可侵犯的、道德的主张。)
自然环境natural environment The complex of atmospheric, geological and biological characteristics found in an area in the absence of artifacts or influences of a well developed technological, human culture (在没有人类产品和影响地区出现的大气、地质和生物特征的复合物。)
自然环境保护conservation of natural resources
英国自然环境研究委员会Natural Environment Research Council
自然的自净作用natural self-purification
自然的自净作用self-purifying capacity
自然科学physical science The sciences concerned with nonliving matter, energy, and the physical properties of the universe, such as physics, chemistry, astronomy, and geology (宇宙中与科学有关的事物、能源和物理性能,如物理、化学、天文学和地质学。)
自然科学natural science The branches of science dealing with objectively measurable phenomena pertaining to the transformation and relationships of energy and matter; includes biology, physics, and chemistry (科学的分支,处理关于能量和物质的转化和相互关系的客观地可测量的现象;包括生物学、物理学和化学。)
自然管理界的公共制度public institution of administrative nature Public institution for the management of administrative issues (管理管理问题的公共制度。)
自然资源natural resources
自然资源natural resource A feature or component of the natural environment that is of value in serving human needs, e.g. soil, water, plantlife, wildlife, etc. Some natural resources have an economic value (e.g. timber) while others have a "noneconomic" value (e.g. scenic beauty) (服务于人类需要中有价值的自然环境的特性或者组成部分,例如土壤、水、植物、野生动物等等。一些自然资源有经济价值(例如木材),而其它有"非经济"价值(如风景名胜)。)
自然资源保护natural resource conservation The management of living and non-living resources in such a way as to sustain the maximum benefit for present and future generations (有生命和无生命资源的管理,用这样的一种方式为当代与后代维持最大的利益。)
美国自然资源保护委员会Natural Resources Defense Council
自然资源保护联合委员会Joint Nature Conservation Committee
加拿大自然资源保护部Natural Resources Conservation Department
自然资源恶化degradation of natural resources The result of the cumulative activities of farmers, households, and industries, all trying to improve their socio-economic well being. These activities tend to be counterproductive for several reasons. People may not completely understand the long-term consequences of their activities on the natural resource base. The most important ways in which human activity is interfering with the global ecosystem are: 1. fossil fuel burning which may double the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration by the middle of the next century, as well as further increasing the emissions of sulphur and nitrogen very significantly; 2. expanding agriculture and forestry and the associated use of fertilizers (nitrogen and phosphorous) are significantly altering the natural circulation of these nutrients; 3. increased exploitation of the freshwater system both for irrigation in agriculture and industry and for waste disposal (农民、家庭和产业界为了增加其社会经济利益的各种活动所累积的效应。 许多原因使得这些活动导致不良的后果。 人们可能尚不完全明了这些活动对自然资源基础的长期影响。 人类活动干扰地球生态系统的最重要影响方式有:1.石化燃料燃烧可能在下一世纪中期使大气中二氧化碳浓度加倍,且硫和氮排放也将持续大幅增加;b.农业和林业的扩大,及其相关肥料的使用(氮和磷)将严重改变这些营养素在自然界的循环;c.为了农业灌溉、工业及废弃物弃置的需要,所需增加的淡水系统开发。)
自然资源的可持续利用sustainable use of natural resources
自然资源的获得access to natural resources
自然资源破坏评价natural resource damage assessment
自然资源管理management of natural resources Planned use of natural resources, in particular of non-renewable resources, in accordance with principles that assure their optimum long-term economic and social benefits (天然资源,特别是不可再生资源的计划使用,与保证最佳的长期经济和社会效益原则保持一致。)
自然遗产natural heritage Generally, the world's natural resources as handed down to the present generation, and specifically, the earth's outstanding physical, biological and geological formations, and habitats of threatened species of animals and plants and areas with scientific, conservation or aesthetic value (一般来说,指传给现在这代人的世界上的自然资源。特别地,指地球上杰出的物理、生物和地质构造物,以及受到威胁的动植物物种的栖息地和有科学、保护或者审美价值的地区。)
自然遗产评估natural heritage assessment Evaluation of the natural structures, resources and landscapes to ensure their careful management and preservation (对自然结构、资源和风景的评估,以保证对它们的精心管理和保存。)
自然预防nature protection Precautionary actions, procedures or installations undertaken to prevent or reduce harm to the elements of the material world that exist independently of human activity (担负防止或者降低危害独立于人类活动而存在的物质世界元素的谨慎行动、程序或者装置。)
自然风险natural risk Probability of harm to human health, property or the environment posed by any aspect of the physical world other than human activity (通过自然世界而非人类活动造成的对人类健康、财产或者环境危害的可能性。)
自然风险分析natural risk analysis Analysis of the probability of occurrence, within a specific period of time in a given area, of a potentially damaging phenomenon of nature (可能破坏的自然现象在一个具体的时期内,对一个的给定地区发生的可能性的分析。)
自然风险预防natural risks prevention Precautionary measures, actions or installations implemented to avert the probability of harm to humans, property or natural resources posed by conditions or events in the environment neither initiated nor formed by human activity (谨慎的措施、行动或者运行装置以避免产生危害人类、财产或者自然资源的条件或事件的可能性,这些条件或事件既不是人类活动引起的也不是人类活动形成的。)