
Terms for subject Nautical containing 自动 | all forms | in specified order only
自动焊接工艺fully-mechanized welding processes
办公自动化系统office automation
自动气体保护金属电弧焊semi-mechanized gas-shielded metal arc welding (GMAW)
自动焊工艺semi-mechanized welding processes
协定自动出口配额制agreement voluntary export quotas
安全相关的自动功能safety related automatic functions
快速自动往复传送系统fast automatic shuttle transfer system
感温式自动失火报警器automatic thermal type fire alarm
感烟式自动失火报警器automatic smoke type fire alarm
推力器自动控制动力定位系统automatic thruster control DPS
推进器的自动控制automatic thruster control
无线电报自动报警器radiotelegraph auto alarm
机舱自动engine room automation
测温式失火自动报警器automatic thermal type fire alarm
测温式失火自动报警器air-temperature automatic fire alarm
测烟式失火自动报警器automatic smoke type fire alarm
滑油低压自动停车装置lubricating oil low-pressure automatic shut-down mechanism
燃烧自动调节装置automatic combustion regulating system
特殊自动控制装置specific automation equipment
独立式自动导航系统self-contained automatic navigation (system)
给水自动调节装置automatic feed water regulating system
罗经自动操舵仪autopilot system
自动关闭系统automatic shutdown system
自动出口配额制voluntary export quotas
自动功率管理系统动力定位系统automatic power management system DPS
自动化系统automation systems
自动卸载automatic load shedding
自动去污油分离机self-cleaning centrifuge
自动发音教学机automated pronunciation instructor
自动喷水器、探火及失火报警系统automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm systems
自动喷水器系统automatic sprinkler system
自动喷水灭火系统automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system
自动喷水灭火系统automatic sprinkling system
自动喷水灭火系统automatic fire-extinguishing sprinkler system
自动安全控制器automatic safety control
自动张紧器automatic tensioner
自动拖缆机constant tension winch
自动拖缆机automatic towing winch
自动控制功能automatic control functions
自动控制方式动力定位系统automatic control mode DPS
自动控制阀automatically controlled valve
自动操舵仪auto pilot
自动气胀式个人漂浮装置automatically inflated PFD
自动清洗滑油滤清器self-cleaning lubricating oil filter
自动温度调节装置automatic temperature regulating equipment
自动滑油注油器automatic lubricators
自动点火系统automatic ignition system
自动电子扫描相控阵active electronically scanned array
自动监测装置automatic watch keeping equipment
自动系泊绞车automatic mooring winch
自动舱底水排出装置bilge automatic discharging device
自动记录器self-recording apparatus
自动识别系统 AIS 目标AIS target
自动识别系统 AIS 目标的激活activation of an AIS target
自动识别系统目标identification system AIS target
自动调节轴承self-adjusting bearing
自动起动装置automatic start-up equipment
自动边墩auto side blocks
自动送钻杆辊道automatic racking system
自动防火风闸fire dampers automatically
自动隔断装置automatic isolating arrangement
自动雷达标绘仪automatic radar plotting aid
自动鱿鱼钓机squid angling machine
自激振动self-excited oscillations
自然振动固有振动natural vibration
自由扰动运动free perturbation motion
自驱动型自吸型self-priming type
潜艇航向及深度自动控制仪automatic course keeping and depth keeping controls
航迹自动描绘仪navigation plotter
蒸汽温度自动调节装置steam temperature automatic regulating system
被激活的自动识别系统 AIS 目标activated AIS target
超速自动脱扣overspeed trip
遥控自动深度控制系统remote automatic depth control system
锅炉自动控制装置automatic boiler control system
锅炉全自动控制boiler fully-automatic control
锅炉半自动控制boiler semi-automatic control
静止自动识别系统 AIS 目标sleeping AIS target
非协定自动出口配额制non-agreement voluntary export quotas