
Terms for subject Commerce containing 自动 | all forms | in specified order only
专利自动失效automatic lapse of patent
原始数据自动缩为 SDAsource data automation (指以机械可读形式收集原始数据,一般的媒体有磁带 (magnetic tape)、打卡片 (punched card)、穿孔带 (punched tape))
合同自动中止automatic suspension of a contract (如遇不可抗力)
合同自动解除automatic cancellation of a contract (如遇不可抗力)
美国外国银行信贷自动限制规则voluntary foreign credit restraint guidelines
岀口自动限制voluntary export restraint
岀口自动限制voluntary export restriction
推行新的进口自动批准制度carry out a new AAIS
电子计算机自动化数据处理automated data processing
自动出口配额voluntary restraint of export
自动出口配额automatic export quota
自动出口限额voluntary export quota (指自动岀口限制(voluntary restraint of export))
自动分类automatic sorting
自动化管理系统automated management system
自动升运装载车elevating wagon
自动发现故障automatic diagnosis
自动合作voluntary cooperation
小商品自动售货机vending machine
投币式自动售货机slot machine
自动展期贷款revolving loan
自动岀口限制voluntary restraint of export (指自动岀口限额(voluntary export quota),亦用 voluntary restriction of export)
自动岀口限额autonomous export quota
自动延续合约self-renewing contract
自动恢复保险金额条款automatic reinstatement clause
自动承保增值peak cover
自动承保增值条款peak cover clause
自动最佳化控制self-optimizing control
自动生产线automated production line
自动破产申请voluntary bankruptcy (与被动破产 (involuntary bankruptcy) 相对)
自动计时钟time clock
自动记录图record chart
自动记录图recording chart
自动记录片recording card
自动设计automation design
自动识别automatic diagnosis (故障)
自动调节系统self-adjusting system
自动调节设计control design
自动限制出口简写为VERvoluntary export restraint
自动限制协定voluntary restraint agreement
自己动手用品商店DIY store
自由浮动汇率freely fluctuating exchange rate (包括:汇率下浮 (floating downward),汇率上浮 (floating upward))
自由浮动汇率制freely fluctuating rate of exchange system
证券行情自动记录收报机stock ticker
进口自动批准制度Automatic Approval of Import System
银行业务自动automation of banking service
非自由的浮动汇率制managed flexibility system (指可调整钉住汇率制 (adjustable-peg system))