
Terms for subject Textile industry containing 自动 | all forms | in specified order only
仓敷纺连续自动化纺纱系统Kurabo Auto Transfer Spinning System
自动加油full automatic oil
自动加油装置full automatic oiler
自动双站式结鞋帮机full automatic two-station type shoemaking machine
自动回转式 PVC 塑胶鞋射出成型机automatic rotary type four-color PVC shoes injection moulding machine
自动圆形针织机fully automatic circular knitter
自动平型针织机full automatic flat knitting machine
自动开袋机full automatic pocket-hole sewing machine
自动成型手套机automatic full fashion glove knitting machine
自动成型袜机full automatic hosiery machine
自动手套针织机automatic glove knitting machine
自动拉布机automatic spreading machine
自动揿纽机automatic snap fastening machine
自动横机automatic flat knitting machine
自动横机full automatic flat knitting machine
自动爪式液压前帮机制鞋full automatic claw type hydraulic toe-lasting machine
自动缝纫full automatic sewing
自动羽毛纷绗机fully automatic feather quilting machine
自动羽绒绗缝机fully automatic feather quilting machine
自动跳针绗缝机full automatic skip quilting machine
自动车间ghost shifts
自动轮转式双色射出结帮机automatic rotary type direct injection two color sports shoes making machine
自动轮转式塑胶鞋机full automatic rotary type plastic making machine
自动铆钉机automatic riveting machine
全国证券交易商协会股票自动行情指数National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations index
全成形自动手套机automatic glove full-fashion knitting machine
全盘自动fully automation
出口自动设限voluntary export restriction
出口自动设限voluntary export restraint
出口自动限制voluntary export restraint
自 动织袜机semi-automatic hose machine
自动加油semi-automatic oil
自动semi transfer
自动头拉链zipper with semi-autolock slider
自动拉链头链zipper with semi-autolock slider
自动横机semi-automatic flat knitting machine
自动熨烫机semi-automatic pressing machine
自动织补机patch-o-matic darner
自动络筒机semi-automatic winder
自动花纹电子扫描系统semi-automatic scan system
自动钉掀纽机semi-auto snap fastening machine
自动齿尖拉链semi-automatic prong slider
单程式自动织袜机one-process automatic hosiery machine
双边自动缝纫机double edge automatic sewing machine
双针筒自动罗纹机double cylinder automatic rib machine
外汇自动分配制Automatic Foreign Exchange Allocation
多头自动电脑绣花机机绣台布automatic computerized multi-head embroidery machine tablecloth
多头自动绣花机multi-head automatic embroidery machine
多头自动绣花缝纫机multi-head automatic embroidery machine
大和纺自动化纺纱系统Daiwabo's Automated Spinning System
大批锭自动络筒机semi-automatic winder
完全自动编织integral knit
小批锭自动络筒机small group winder
张力自动调节牵拉系统variable take-down system
往复自动真空抄针装置商名,日 本Ever-cleaner
投币自动干洗机coin-operated self-service drycleaning machine
投币自动干洗机coin-op cleaner
投币自动洗涤coin-op laundry
投币式自动售货机slot machine
摇臂式自动磨刀裁剪机automatic grinding cutter
数控自动缝纫设备numerical control automatic sewing unit
断头自动检测装置ends down locator
旋转式自动喷枪air gun rotary spraying unit
日东纺自动化纺纱系统Nittobo Automatic Spinning System
日本丰田自动化纺纱系统Toyota Automated Spinning System
普遍自动universal automation
智能自动intelligent automation
服装生产自动化系统automated system for clothes production
服装生产自动化系统automated system for clothing production
机械式自动吸边器mechanical automatic cloth guider
格柏自动吊挂系统automatic Gerber mover
格柏自动裁剪系统Gerber cut
格柏自动裁床automatic Gerber cutter
橡胶鞋底自动液压机rubber sole auto hydraulic press
洗涤自动线automatic washing line
液压自动平衡压鞋底机hydraulic-autobalance sole attaching machine
激光自动验布装置automatic laser inspection and control equipment
电传自动报价机纸带ticker tape
电力自动同步机power selsyn
电子自动加油electron automatic oiling
电子提花自动扫描装置autoscan unit
电脑自动裁剪系统computer automatic cutting system
电脑自动裁床computerized automatic cutting table
电脑自动针织机computerized automatic knitting machine
程序自动裁剪programmed automatic cutting
程控自动裁剪programmed automatic cutting
端缝自动停缝装置automatic stitching stop at seam end
管纱自动供给装置automatic cop feeder
纸样自动生成pattern autogeneration
织针自动定位器automatic needle positioner
股票行情自动收录器用纸带ticker tape
自动万能熨烫机automatic utility press
自动上胶中后帮打钉机制鞋automatic heel seat tacking and side cement lasting machine
自动上胶折边机thermo-cementing edge folder
自动上衬衣口袋器automatic shirt pocket setter
自动下剪线automatic under trimmer
自动亮度调节automatic brightness control
自动auto-open umbrella
自动作业工厂automated factory
自动保温型服装智能型服装,商名,日本Mobile Thermo
自动倒向送料automatic reverse feed
自动倒缝装置automatic reverse stitching system
自动倒缝装置automatic reverse stitching device
自动停针位装置automatic needle positioning device
自动储备voluntary reserve
自动全成形手套机automatic glove full-fashion knitting machine
自动出纳机cash dispenser
自动分料装置automatic distributor
自动分解autogenous decomposition
自动分配automatic dispose
自动切带刀automatic tape cutte
自动切带机automatic tape chopper
自动初缝及修剪袖头缝纫机automatic cuff runstitcher automatic cuff topstitcher
自动剪料头机automatic cropper
自动剪线器automatic thread cutter
自动剪线头automatic end trimming
自动剪线平缝机straight lock stitcher with automatic thread trimmer
自动剪线缝纫机autothread trimmer stitcher
自动剪线缝纫机automatic thread trimmer stitcher
自动剪线装置automatic thread cutting device
自动剪线装置automatic thread trimming device
自动加固缝纫机automatic tacking machine
自动加固缝纫机automatic fastening machine
自动加油装置self acting lubricator
自动加煤炉magazine stove
自动加硫定型机制鞋automatic heat forming machine
自动匀染的readily leveling
自动包缝机automatic wrapping machine
自动包缝机automatic serging machine
自动包装mechanical packing
自动包边缝纫机automatic serging machine
自动包边缝纫机automatic serger
自动升压泵站unattended booster pumping station
自动单只落袜automatic separation
自动印花机印 T 恤衫用automatic press
自动印花机autoprinting machine
自动压脚提升器automatic presser foot lifter
自动压袖口机automatic cuff pressing machine
自动压袖头机automatic cuff pressing machine
自动双层平针袜口automatically turned welt
自动叠布机robotic spreader
自动同步电动机self-synchronous motor
自动后踵结帮机制鞋automatic hydraulic heel-lasting machine
自动售票机ticket issue machine
自动喂扣automatic button feeding
自动喂管纱装置automatic cop feeder
自动喂给auto feed
自动回针automatic backtack
自动图案automatic pattern
自动圆型针织机automatic circular knitter
自动圆头锁孔机automatic eye let sewing machine
自动头拉链autolock slider zipper
自动套结机automatic tacking machine
自动套结机automatic bartacker
自动定中心锭子elastic-mounted spindle
自动定位器automatic positioner
自动定向最佳处理self directing optimization
自动对准最佳处理self directing optimization
自动小额交易automated pit trading
自动带切刀automatic tape cutter
自动带切机automatic tape cutte
自动带式验针器automatic conveyer needle detector
自动带式验针机automatic conveyer needle detector
自动开袋机automatic flap pocket sewing machine
自动开袋缝纫机automatic pocket welting machine
自动开袋缝纫机automated sewing machine of flap pocket
自动循环装置automatic cycling device
自动快速定型加硫机制鞋automatic rapid heat forming machine
自动成型平机Cotton's patent frame
自动成本估计automatic cost estimates
自动手表automatic winding watch
自动扎袜口机automatic welting
自动扎袜口装置welt tying-up
自动打褶机automatic pleats making machine
自动打褶机automatic pleating machine
自动扳花automatic racking
自动折袜口机automatic welt tying up hosiery machine
自动拉带器automatic tape puller
自动拨款账户automatic transfer service accounts
自动拨线装置automatic thread wiping device
自动排列automatic dispose
自动排料automated layout
自动接头auto ends up
自动控制mechanical control
自动描图系统auto-tracing system
自动描花样系统automatic drawing pattern system
自动描花样系统automatic color drawing system
自动提花横机automatic flat jacquard machine
自动搁浅intentional grounding
自动操作unattended operation
自动收放针手套机automatic glove full-fashion knitting machine
自动放弃leave by will
自动放弃继承权leave by will
自动放码automatic grading
自动数据存储与传输装置,自动数据存输系统Automatic Data Accumulator and Transfer
自动整烫设备automatic pressing equipment
自动整烫设备automatic pressing equipage
自动无缝圆袜机automatic seamless hosiery machine
自动无缝手套机automatic seamless glove knitter
自动曲折形缝纫automatic zigzag sewing
自动标比尺寸automatic dimensioning
自动核对mechanical check
自动横移automatic racking
自动气动剪刀automatic air scissors
自动油压平衡压底机制鞋auto-hydraulic balancing sole attaching machine
自动洗片机automatic processor
自动洗衣店coin laundry
自动活络 V 形三角automatic drop V-cam
自动活络三角座automatic drop lock
自动滚边机automatic piping machine
自动滤色片分光光度计automatic filter spectrophotometer
自动烫衣机automatic press
自动熨烫工作服机coveralls automatic press
自动熨烫机automatic pressing machine
自动生产线automatic line
自动直缝缝纫机automatic straight-run sewing machine
自动短袜机automatic sock knitting machine
自动短袜机automatic half-hose machine
自动码布折布机automatic measuring and folding machine
自动磨刀器automatic self-sharpener
自动称量器weight pan
自动移圈automatic transfer
自动移罗纹装置automatic rib transfer attachment
自动移针床automatic racking
自动程序控制外形缝纫机self-programming contour seamer
自动程序调节器programming controller
自动程序锁纽孔机automatic sequential buttonhole sewing machine
自动穿线automatic threading
自动符号工艺图解automated symbolic artwork program
自动筛网印花automatic screen print
自动管理automatic management
自动粗缝机automatic baster
自动生产线transfer machine
自动线迹密缝机构automatic condensed stitching mechanism
自动织布机automatic loom
自动织短袜机automatic sock knitting machine
自动织补automatic darning
自动织袜机automatic hosiery knitting machine
自动结算voluntary settlement
自动绗缝机automatic quilting machine
自动络筒机automatic winder
自动edge following
自动缝制系统automatic sewing system
自动缝头automatic toe linking
自动缝带袢机automatic belt loop machine
自动缝机automatic hook sewing machine
自动缝标牌装置automatic name setter
自动缝标签机automatic labelling machine
自动缝环机automatic drop loop machine
自动缝省机automatic dart sewing machine
自动缝省机automatic dart sewer
自动缝端加固机构automatic bartacking machanism
自动缝端加固机构automatic backtacking mechanism
自动缝纫机automatic sewing machine
自动缝纫机automatic machine
自动缝纫机电脑控制自动开袋、上袖、上领等automatic welting machine
自动缝纫设备automatic sewing equipment
自动缝纫设备automated sewing equipment
自动缝袖衩机automatic sleeve-placket machine
自动缝边edge following
自动缝针定位器automatic needle positioner
自动网版印花automatic screen printing
自动翻袜装置automatic stocking turner
自动翻领烫领机retractable collar turning and pressing machine
自动翻领烫领机automatic collar turning and pressing machine
自动翻领衬垫机lapel roll padding automat
自动翻驳领机lapel roll padding automat
自动翻驳领衬垫机lapel roll padding automat
自动股票行情录ticker tape
自动胶水烘干机制鞋automatic cement drying machine
自动脱袜板装置self-stripping apparatus
自动舌针self-acting latch needle
自动花式线缝automatic fancy stitching
自动落筒装置position integrated doffer
自动落筒装置automatic doffer
自动落纱机automatic doffer
自动袖头面缝机裤子翻边automatic cuff runstitcher automatic cuff topstitcher
自动袖衩折叠机automatic placket folding machine
自动裁剪automatic cutting
自动裁带automatic tape cutting
自动裁边机autojig machine
自动装卸mechanical load and unload
自动装卸mechanical handling
自动装卸机truck loader
自动装料器automatic loader
自动装料机automatic loader
自动装饰线缝缝纫机automatic decorative stitching machine
自动装饰线迹automatic ornamental stitch
自动计道装置automatic end counting device
自动认可automatic approval
自动设限voluntary restraint
自动设限协定voluntary restraint agreement
自动调心锭spindle plumber
自动调线装置auto striper
自动贴商标装置automatic labelling unit
自动贴商标装置automatic labeling unit
自动起口和折口automatic casting-on and welting
自动起始与终止加固缝automatic start and finish tacking
自动跳缝automatic skip
自动转移automatic transfer
自动输送机械装置transfer mechanism
自动进口配额制automatic import quota
自动进口限额automatic import quota
自动进料装置automatic feed unit
自动送料auto feed
自动送料机构automatic feeding machanism
自动送纽装置automatic button feeding device
自动速冻定型机制鞋automatic high speed refrigerating machine
自动配额voluntary quota
自动配额制voluntary quota system
自动量剪机automatic cutting-off and measuring machine
自动量裁机automatic cutting-off and measuring machine
自动量裁机automatic cuffing-off and measuring machine
自动钉扣机button robot
自动钉扣机chineseknot robot
自动钉纽扣机button robot
自动钉袋机automatic pocket setting machine
自动铺布机automatic spreading machine
自动锁圆头纽孔机automatic eye let sewing machine
自动锁圆头纽孔缝纫机automatic eye sewing machine
自动锁眼机automatic buttonhole stitching machine
自动锁纽孔机automatic buttonhole stitching machine
自动长缝缝纫long seam unit
自动长缝机long seam unit
自动长缝线迹automatic long stitch
自动长缝缝纫机automatic long seamer
自动闭合回路校正automatic closed loop calibration
自动阻气门automatic choke
自动限额voluntary ceiling
自动鞋踵中底削边机制鞋automatic inside shaving machine
自动领圈切缝机automatic collar runstitch machine
自动领子压平机automatic collar press
自动风压折袋机pneumatic pocket creasing cachine
自己动手做Do it yourself (DIY)
自愿劳动voluntary labor
自由变动汇率freely flexible exchange rate
自由浮动unmanaged flexibility
自由运动作业free-motion work
自紧身运动衫cycling jersey
自行车运动套装cycling suit
自行车运动服cycling sportswear
自行车运动鞋cycling shoes
计算机自动裁剪系统computer automatic cutting system
计算机自动裁床computerized automatic cutting table
计算机自动裁片机computer cutting machine
计算机自动针织机computerized automatic knitting machine
自动线迹选择器ultra-matte stitch selector
自动线迹选择器ultra-matic stitch selector
过肩自动缝合机yoke-attaching machine
进口自动批准制Automatic Approval Import
遇缝自动跳越seam jumping
遇缝自动跳跃seam jumping
针盘自动位移automatic dial racking
钟渊纺连续自动化纺纱系统Kanebo Automatic Progressive System
锭子自动调心器spindle plumber
长缝轨控自动缝纫机automated sewing machine of long seams
长缝轨控自动缝纫机automated controlled sewing machine of long seams
自动织机non-automatic loom
骑自行车运动鞋cycling shoes