
Terms for subject Electronics containing 自动测 | all forms | in specified order only
人侵自动探测器报警automatic intruder detector alarm
休斯自动化月球观测器Hughes automated lunar observer
偶然事故远程自动探测remote automatic detection of contingencies
先进符号自动测试设备程序设计advanced symbolic ATE programming
先进静态测试自动记录仪advanced static test recording apparatus
自动测试代数语言fully automatic test algebraic language
全球自动中继观测系统automatic relay global observation system
全自动分选与测试fully automatic sorting and testing
内置自动测试与检査设备built-in automatic test and checkout equipment
分步式自动导电胶测试stepping automatic conductive rubber test
动态自动雷达测试仪dynamic automatic radar tester
自动测试系统semi-automatic test system
自动测高仪semi-automatic height finder
半自动晶体管测试仪semi-automatic transistor tester
半自动检测装置semi-automatic checkout equipment
半自动电路性能监测器semiautomatic circuit performance monitor
半自动电路测试仪semi-automatic circuit tester
半自动线路测试设备semi-automatic line test equipment
半自动距离、方位与高度测量semi-automatic range, azimuth and height
卫星自动监测系统satellite automonitor system
卫星遥测数据自动简化系统satellite telemetry automatic reduction system
可编程自动测试仪programmable automatic tester
可编程自动功能测试仪programmable automatic function tester
可编程自动晶体管测试仪programmable automatic transistor tester
可视化自动测试设备visual automatic test equipment
国际自动测试会议International Automatic Testing Conference (IEEE)
增强自动化专用测试设备enhanced automated special test equipment
多功能自动测试设备versatile automatic test equipment
多功能自动测试设备汇编程序VATE assembly program
多目标探测与自动跟踪器multi-target detector and automatic tracker
多系统自动测试设备multisystem automatic test equipment
大型集成电路自动测试系统large integrated circuit automatic test system
富士通自动遥测与控制Fujitsu automatic telemetry and control
带自动遥测和记录的浮标automatical recording and telemetering buoy
带自动遥测和记录的浮标automatic recording and telemetering buoy
快速自动检验与评估测试设备test equipment for rapid automatic checkout and evaluation
探测雷达自动监制detection radar automatic monitoring
数字化自动跟踪与测距digital automatic tracking and ranging
数字模块自动测试仪digital module automatic tester
时序电路自动化逻辑测试系统SC automated logic test system
柔性自动电路测试仪flexible automatic circuit tester
柔性自动电路测试仪快速通用接口连接器flexible automatic circuit tester quick universal interface connector
柔性自动电路测试仪自动互连设备flexible automatic circuit tester automatic interconnection device
检验与自动监测checkout and automatic monitoring
模块化自动测试设备modular automatic test equipment
模块化自动测试设备控制和支持软件MATE control and support software
模拟数字自动可编程测试器analog digital automatic programmable tester
模拟设计与测试自动化analog design and test automation
水质自动监测系统automatical water quality monitoring system
测试软件自动生成环境test software automatic generator environment
测量仪表半自动故障预测记录semi-automatic failure anticipation recording in instrumentation
测量、控制与自动化会议Measurement, Control and Automation Conference
海军海洋气象自动观测发报浮筒navy oceanographic and meteorological automatic device
海军自动雷达测试设备navy automatic radar test equipment
混合电路自动测试生成程序hybrid automatic test generator
混合电路自动测试系统hybrid automatic test system
激光分步对准自动测量系统laser step alignment-automatic measurement system
电子元件寿命自动测试与记录automatic life testing and recording of electronic components
电子对抗半自动探测装置ECM semi-automatic detection device
电子系统测试自动化electronic system test automation
亚洲电子设计自动化与测试技术会议暨展览会Electronic Design Automation and Test Conference and Exhibition
电气测试自动化系统electrical test automation system
电路板自动测试设备automatic board test equipment
码分多址自动测试系统code division multiple access automatic test system
移动式自动化微波测试设备mobile automated microwave test facility
移动式自动辐射测试仪mobile automatic radiation tester
程序设计测试自动动态评估法automatic dynamic evaluation by programming testing
程控自动测试设备programmed automatic test equipment
程控自动电路测试仪programmed automatic circuit tester
精密自动测量机precision automatic measuring machine
线宽和套准精度自动测量系统automatic linewidth and registration measurement system
线路绝缘自动测line insulation automatic test
终端自动监测系统terminal automatic monitoring system
自动中继线测试设备automatic trunk test equipment
自动传输测试设备automatic transmission testing equipment
自动传输测量系统automatic transmission measuring system
自动传输测量设备automatic transmission measuring equipment
自动信息测试automatic information test
自动信息测试机automatic information tester
自动内部自测试automatic built-in self test
自动分类、测试与记录分析automatic sorting, testing and recording analysis
自动分选与测试设备facility for automatic sorting and testing
自动动态分析测量automatic dynamic analysis measurement
自动动态多普勒测试仪automatic dynamic Doppler tester
自动动态数字测试仪automatic dynamic digital tester
自动化产品测试automated production testing
自动化可靠性与可维修性测量系统automated reliability and maintainability measurement system
自动化可靠性与可维修性测量系统控制执行系统ARMMS control executive system
自动化地面观测系统automated surface observing system
自动化学战剂报警检测系统automatic chemical agent detection alarm system
自动化工艺监测系统automated process monitoring system
自动化故障诊断测试系统automated fault diagnostic test system
自动化模块测试automated module test
自动化气象观测系统automated weather observing system
自动化气象观测系统数据采集系统AWOS data acquisition system
自动化测绘automated mapping
自动化测试与负载分析系统automated testing and load analysis system
自动化测试网络automated test network
自动化测试、评估与报告automated testing, evaluation and reporting
自动化生产测试系统automated production testing system
自动化电子束测试仪automated electron beam tester
自动化硬件标准测试程序automated hardware benchmark
自动化程序测试设施automated program testing facility
自动化设备测试automated unit test
自动化话音链路观测automated voice link observation
自动化遥测系统automated telemetry system
自动参数测试系统automatic parametric test system
自动在线[内电路]测试程序生成程序automatic in-circuit test program generator
自动基带监测仪automatic baseband monitor
自动多参数半导体测试仪automatic multiparameter semiconductor test set
自动多模式测量automatic multi-pattern metering
自动导电胶测试系统automatic conductive rubber test system
自动岀局干线测试automatic outgoing trunk test
自动探[检]测automatic detection
自动故障探测automatic fault finding
自动故障探测与维修automatic fault finding and maintenance
自动故障隔离测试automatic fault isolation tester
自动数字监测子系统automatic digital monitor subsystem
自动晶体管测试设备automatic transistor test equipment
自动检设备automatic checkout test equipment
自动检査、诊断与预测系统automatic inspection, diagnostic and prognostic system
自动检査、诊断和预测系统automatic inspection,diagnostic and prognostic system
自动检测单元automatic detecting unit
自动检测系统automatic checking system
自动气象观测系统automatic meteorological observing system
自动测光装置electronic eye
自动测向仪automatic direction finder
自动测向设备automatic direction finding equipment
自动测试验分析系统automatic test analysis system
自动测试中断与接人automatic test break and access
自动测试台automatic test station
自动测试向量生成automatic test vector generation
自动测试图形生成程序automatic test-pattern generator
自动测试执行程序automatic test executor
自动测试指南automatic test guide
自动测试支持系统automatic test support system
自动测试数据生成程序automated test data generator
自动测试方案生成程序automatic test plan generator
自动测试生成automatic test generation
自动测试生成程序automatic test generator
自动测试生成设备automatic test generation facility
自动测试码图形生成automatic test pattern generation
自动测试码图形生成程序automatic test pattern generator
自动测试程序生成程序automatic test program generator
自动测试终端automatic test terminal
自动测试综合设备automatic test equipment complex
自动测试规程程序automatic test procedure
自动测试计划automatic test plan
自动测试设备会议暨展览会Automatic Test Equipment Conference and Exposition
自动测试设备协会美国Automatic test Equipment Association
自动测距与测角automatic distance and angle measurement
自动测量系统automatic measurement system
自动测量、计算与分类系统automatic measuring, computing and sorting system
自动测量设备automatic measuring device
自动测量软件automatic measurement software
自动激光测试设备automatic laser testing set
自动激光测距测向仪automatic laser ranging and direction instrument
自动用户线路测试设备automatic subscriber line test equipment
自动电路板插件测试仪automatic circuit board card tester
自动电路板测试仪automatic circuit board tester
自动电路测试仪automatic circuit tester
自动电路质量监测automatic circuit quality monitoring
自动电阻测试仪automatic resistance test set
自动监测[视,听]系统automatic monitoring system
自动监视与测量设备automatic monitoring and measuring equipment
自动目标探测与报警系统automatic target detection and alerting system
自动程序设计与测试系统automatic programming and test system
自动程序设计测试automatic programming testing
自动系统测试装置automatic system test unit
自动系统自测试automatic system self-test
自动红外测试与检查系统automatic infrared test and inspection system
自动线路测试仪automatic wire tester
自动线路测试器automatic line test set
自动线路测试设备automatic line test equipment
自动线路绝缘测试仪automatic line insulation tester
自动膜厚测量系统automatic film thickness measuring system
自动计算机测试automatic computer testing
自动诊断测试automatic diagnostic test
自动误差校正/检测automatic error correction/detection
自动调整与监测系统automatic set-up and monitoring system
自动跟踪遥测接收天线automatical tracking telemetry receiving antenna
自动辐射测量系统emission measurement automatic system
自动连接测试automatic connection test
自动连接测试中继线automatic connection test trunk
自动逻辑测试与记录设备automatic logic testing and recording equipment
自动遥测automatic remote testing
自动遥测反转换系统automatic telemetry decommutation system
自动遥测跟踪接收automatic telemetry tracking receiving
自动遥测跟踪接收天线automatic telemetry tracking receiving antenna
自动雷达数据测量设备automatic radar data measuring equipment
自动预测维护automatic predictive maintenance
自编程自动电路测评器self-programming automatic circuit evaluator
自适应动目标探测adaptive moving target detection
计算机化自动测试仪computerized automatic tester
计算机化的自动系统测试机computerized automatic systems tester
计算机化自动系统测试仪computerized automatic system tester
计算机化自动系统测试仪程序设计语言CAST programming language
计算机控制自动测试系统computer operated automatic test system
计算机操作的自动测试系统computer operated automatic test system
计算机程控自动检验与测试系统computer programmed automatic checkout and test system
计算机自动化测试computer automated testing
计算机自动化测试系统computer-automated test system
计算机自动化测试设备computer-automated test equipment
计算机自动化测量与控制一种国际通用的核电子测量仪器标准接口技术computer automated measurement and control
计算机自动惯性测试设备computerized automatic inertial test set
计算机自动线路监测[听]系统computer automatic line monitoring system
计算机辅助自动测试系统computer-aided automatic test system
远程自动测量站long-range automatic measuring station
远程自动气象观测站remote automatic meteorological observing station
连续自动线路监测[听]系统continuous automatic line monitoring system
通用自动测试系统general purpose automatic test system
通用自动测试设备general-purpose automatic test equipment
通用自动控制与测试设备universal automatic control and test equipment
逻辑设备待机状态自动测试器automatic logical equipment readiness tester
遥控自动测向仪automatic direction finder, remote-controlled
遥测数据自动简化设备telemetry automatic reduction equipment
野战炮兵数字自动计算机自动逻辑测试仪FADAC automatic logic tester
阴极射线管自动测CRT automatic direction finding
集成电路自动测试仪automatic integrated circuit tester
集成电路自动测试设备integrated circuits automatic test equipment
雷声自动测试系统Raytheon automatic test system
雷声自动测试设备语言Raytheon automatic test equipment language
飞行器自动测试系统vehicle automatic test system