
Terms for subject Surgery containing 脱 位 | all forms | in specified order only
中心脱位central dislocation
先天性膝关节脱位congenital dislocation of knee
先天性髋脱位congenital dislocation of hip
先天性髋关节脱位congenital hip joint dislocation
先天性髋关节脱位congenital dislocation of hip joint
先天性髌骨脱位congenital dislocation of patella
创伤性脱位traumatic dislocation
压缩脱位综合征compression dislocation syndrome
复发性肩关节脱位recurrent dislocation of shoulder
复发性肩关节后脱位recurrent posterior dislocation of shoulder
寰枢椎自发性半脱位atlanto-axial joint spontaneous subluxation
尺骨骨干骨折兼桡骨头脱位Monteggia fracture
掌指关节半脱位subluxation of metacarpophalangeal joint
月骨脱位lunate dislocation
月骨周围脱位perilunar dislocation
桡骨头脱位radial head dislocation
桡骨小头半脱位subluxation of capitulum radii
桡骨小头半脱位radial head subluxation
环枢关节脱位subluxation of atlantoaxial joint
瘫痪性髋关节脱位paralytic dislocation of hip
睾丸脱位dislocation of testis
肩关节脱位dislocation of shoulder
膝关节脱位dislocation of knee
蒙泰贾骨折脱位Monteggia fracture-dislocation
距骨周围脱位peritalar dislocation
远端桡尺关节半脱位subluxation of distal radio-ulnar joint
远端桡尺关节半脱位Madelung deformity
远端桡尺关节半脱位distal radioulnar joint subluxation
闭孔脱位displaced into obturator foramen
阴茎脱位dislocation of penis
非外伤性寰枢椎脱位nontraumatic atlanto-axial dislocation
颞下颌关节脱位dislocation of temporomandibular joint
髋关节脱位hip joint dislocation
鼻中隔三角软骨脱位dislocation of triangular cartilage of nasal septum