
Terms for subject Sports containing 脱节 | all forms | in specified order only
上胫腓关节脱位dislocation of superior tibiofibular joint
关节全脱位complete dislocation of joint
关节半脱位subluxation of joint
关节脱位dislocation of joint
关节脱臼dislocation of joint
坐骨结节骨骺撕脱epiphyseal avulsion of ischial tuberosity
指间关节脱位dislocation of interphalangeal joint
掌指关节脱位dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint
肘关节脱位dislocation of elbow joint
肩关节前脱位anterior dislocation of shoulder
肩关节脱位shoulder dislocation
肩关节脱位dislocation of shoulders
肩锁关节脱位acromioclavicular dislocation
胸肋关节半脱位subluxation of sternocostal joint
胸锁关节脱位dislocation of sternoclavicular joint
脱节out of joint
腕掌关节骨折脱位fracture-dislocation of carpometacarpal joint
膝关节剥脱性骨软骨炎osteochondritis dissecans of knee joint
膝关节脱位dislocation of knee joint
跟骨结节骨骺撕脱epiphyseal avulsion of calcaneal tuberosity
骶髂关节半脱位subluxation of sacroiliac joint
髋关节半脱位semiluxation of hip joint
髋关节脱位dislocation of hip joint