
Terms for subject Ecology containing | all forms
一次从自然界直接开采利用的煤炭、石油、天然气、木材、水力、原子能、风力、潮汐、太阳能及地热等能源,统称为一次能源,又称天然能源primary energy source
一次从自然界直接开采利用的煤炭、石油、天然气、木材、水力、原子能、风力、潮汐、太阳能及地热等能源,统称为一次能源,又称天然能源primary energy
一次源需求primary energy demand
再回收的包装non-returnable packing
处理的垃圾non-treatable refuse
生物降解的残留物non-biodegradable residue
重复使用的材料non-recyclable material
不可再生non-renewable energy resources
世界源消耗world energy consumption
21世纪可再生源政策网络the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21)
中华人民共和国清洁源法P. R. China Act on Clean Energy
中国源与碳注册项目China Energy and Climate Registry
中国源技术转型Energy Technology Transitions in China
中国国际清洁源博览会Clean Energy Expo China
中国环境治理力拓展China Environmental Innovators
临界量条件critical energy condition
主要功primary function
从废料回收energy recovery from waste
传统conventional energy resources
电子束检测器low energy electron beam monitor
侵蚀erosive energy
侵蚀erosion energy
保护功protective function
保水water-holding power
保水water retaining capacity
保水防蚀ability of holding water and preventing erosion
倾斜对流有效位slantwise convective available potential energy
储水water capacity potential
自养微生物photoautotrophic microorganism (microorganismus photoautotrophus)
入侵invasive ability
全球增温潜global warming potential
再激活功reactivation function
农业生物源和能源作物agrobioenergy and energy crops
净化removal ability
净化功filter function
准可再生源形态quasi-renewable energy form
制浆性pulping property
剂量效dose effect
与价值function and value
生理functional group
性蓄积functional accumulation
性退化functional obsolescence
换算系数functional conversion coefficient
类群functional group
系列电池试验function-observed battery test
functional group
评价function estimate
定理kinetic energy theorem
动态热力学性thermodynamic performance
营养细菌chemotropic bacteria
化学分析光电子谱的分析electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis
区域源使用状况energy consumption by region
发射性emission behavior
发烟性smoking property
可再生源发展中心Center for Renewable Energy Development
可再生源和能源效率合作项目Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Program
可开发水资源available hydropower resources
可比comparable energy consumption
合理使用源奖励制度incentive system for rational energy utilization
energy sink
固氮nitrogen fixing capacity
联合国的国际原子机构International Atomic Energy Agency
土地使用land use capacity
土地功land function
土地负荷land carrying capacity
土壤保持功service of soil conservation
土壤保水retention capacity of soil
土壤吸持水soil water holding and absorption capacity
土壤渗透性soil percolation capacity
土壤贮水soil water storage capacity
地热geothermal power
地热利用utilization for geothermal energy
地热利用geothermal energy utilization
地热资源geothermal energy resources
地球量平衡earth's energy budget
地球量收支earth ’s energy budget
地球村源伙伴关系global village energy partnership
垃圾garbage energy
垃圾energy from refuse
城市环境功区划functional division of urban environment
基于性的评价系统performance-based measurement system
天敌功functional group of natural enemy
天然primary energy source
天然primary energy
天然primary energy resources
天然气natural gas energy resources
太阳solar power
太阳储存系统active system
太阳光伏solar photovoltaic PV power
太阳冷却系统absorption refrigeration
太阳发电solar electric power generation
太阳取暖solar heating
太阳电池石英钟quartz clock powered by solar cell
太阳的开发development of solar energy
太阳的数量quantity of solar energy
太阳空气调节系统absorption air conditioning
太阳耕作solar farm
太阳蒸馏淡化法desalination by solar distillation
太阳资源区划division of solar energy resources
太阳辐射solar irradiation
安全承载safe load-carrying capacity
适应functional adaptation
富集enrichment capacity
对流有效位convective available potential energy
对环境有利的源战略environmentally favourable energy strategies
对环境有利的源选择environmentally favourable energy options
X 射线光电子X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
X 射线光电子谱分析X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis
就地储on-site energy storage
工业industrial energy resources
工业新new source of industrial power
常规conventional energy resources
广义节generalized energy saving
弯曲性bending property
径流runoff energy consumption
径流consumption of runoff energy
微生物群落功多样性functional diversity of microbial community
改善property improvement
时间关系performance-time relationship
总吸音total absorption
恢复restoration ability
恢复recovery capability
恢复性restoration characteristic
截热heat-trapping ability
SEMEDAX扫描电镜-量色散 X 射线分析scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive X-ray analysis
抗侵蚀性anti-erosion capability
抗氧化力指数oxygen radical absorbance capacity
抗磨蚀abrasion resistance
抗菌功antimicrobial function
抽水蓄电站建设工程pumped storage power project
拉丁美洲源组织Organismo Latinoamericano De Energia
持水water retention capacity
指标性index properties
按可引起污染的程度被定级设施classified facility
按实际可达到的尽可as low as reasonably achievable
捕捞fishing effort
排入性emission behavior
放射radioactive energy
装置energy sink
散热heat dissipation potential
new energy resources
源和可再生能源new and renewable sources of energy
源和工业技术开发组织New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
源开发new energy development
源技术new energy technique
新高效洁净new efficient and clean energy
无污染non-pollution energy source
无污染源形态non-polluting form of energy
无污染海洋波nonpolluting sea wave energy
无碳源生产carbon-free energy production
3s 技术intelligent 3S technique
暴露反应功exposure response functions
替代energy alternative
替代alternative energy resources
替代化石alternatives to fossil fuel
最佳见度excellent visibility
最可most probable number
最小耗minimum energy dissipation
有吸收力的absorbent agent
有效水蚀风蚀effective water and wind erosion energy
木质素官lignin function group
的污染标准functional pollution criteria
杀菌germicidal energy
标准技术性standard performance
发电nuclear power generation
的环境管理environmental management of nuclear energy
森林forest energy
森林量流动forest energy flow
——次primary energy
——次primary energy resources
欧洲可再生源发展目标EU Renewable Energy Targets
specific capacity
气象meteorological energy resources
源经济hydrogen energy economy
利用hydroenergy utilization
水保功anti-erosion function
水分性变化water property change
水动力性numerical hydrodynamics
水塔功指在西北干旱地区必须发挥的供水功能water tower function
水平见度horizontal visibility
水文功hydrological function
水环境保护功functional district of water environment
水环境功function district of water environment
污染型pollution energy
河流水资源hydropower resources of river
河流自净stream,self purification
法国绿色源计划French Green Energy Plan
wave energy spectrum
波浪量估计energy budget of wave
流速velocity energy
浅层地热shallow geothermal energy
海水热ocean thermal energy
海洋oceanic energy
海洋利用ocean energy utilization
海洋ocean energy source
海洋marine energy resources
海洋转换器ocean energy converter
海洋转换因子ocean energy conversion factor
海洋功区划marine functional zoning
海洋波ocean wave power
海洋波ocean wave energy
海洋波利用ocean wave energy utilization
海洋波发电机ocean wave electric generator
海洋波转换ocean wave energy conversion
海洋潮汐ocean tidal power
海洋潮汐ocean tidal energy
海洋热thermal sea power
海洋热ocean thermal energy
海洋热资源ocean thermal resource
海洋热转换ocean thermal energy conversion
海洋生物ocean bioenergy
海洋风oceanic wind power
海流ocean current energy
海流量转换ocean current energy conservation
浸透impregnability (impregnabilitas)
设备energy dissipater
消耗臭氧潜ozone deplete potentials
涵养水源功water conservation function
涵水功function of contain water
混合energy mix
清洁pollution free energy
清洁源载体clean energy-carrier
温室升温潜greenhouse-warming potential
湿地功评价functional assessment of wetland
湿地水文功评价assessment of wetland hydrological function
溢洪道下的消energy dissipation below spillway
energy sink
thermal power
热处理材性properties of heat-treated wood
热电thermoelectric power
燃料fuel energy
物理力学性physics mechanical property
特佳见度exceptional visibility
状态指示功status information function
环境接受的代用品environmentally acceptable substitute
环境同化environmental assimilating capacity
环境和源资源environmental and energy resources
生态功ecosystem function
生态功ecological function
生态水文功ecological hydrological function
生态环境功ecological environment function
生态系内量流动energy flow in ecosystem
生态系结构与功ecosystem structure and function
生物量转换biological energy conversion
生物团biomass energy
计量装置measuring device for electrical energy
电子量选择器electron energy selector
石灰含沙sand-carrying capacity of lime
矿山年生产annual producing capacity of mine
矿物mineral energy
矿物源地质储量geologic al reserves of mineral energy
第三功tertiary function
量理论equal energy theory
纳污pollutant-holding capacity
纸浆物理性physical property of pulp
综合integrated energy consumption
绿色green energy resources
绿色源与能源效率Green Energy and Energy Efficiency
网络完整性功network integrity function
美国原子委员会Atomic Energy Commission (US)
群组功group function
耐磨abrasive resistance
耐腐性decay resistance
energy consuming
设备energy-dissipating device
设备energy dissipater
力比降energy slope
效比energy and efficiency rate
流动energy flow
流系统energy flow system
源与交通创新中心一家在中国注册的独立的,非盈利性的专业机构,核心使命是在中国推动清洁,低碳,节能技术和政策来缓解全球气候变化Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation
源与交通创新中心开展的低碳项目low carbon projects carried at ICET
源与碳注册系统energy and carbon registry
源保有储量available reserves of energy resources
源储量energy reserve
源分配系统energy distribution system
源利用energy use
源利用效率energy use efficiency
源利用方式energy utilization patterns
源地理geography of energy
源安全指标体系indicator system of energy security
源审计energy audit
源密集的energy consuming
源工业储量energy industry reserves
源工业储量industrial reserves of energy resources
源工业布局energy industry layout
源工业布局arrangement for energy industry
源总回采率overall recovery rate of energy resources
源技术展望项目energy technology perspectives project
源折算系数conversion coefficient of energy resources
源效率承诺energy efficiency commitment
源材energy wood
源核算energy accounting energy audit
源法Law on Energy
源消耗dissipation of energy
源消费弹性系数energy consumed elasticity index
源特许条约energy charter treaty
源环境政策energy environmental policy
源球一个水晶球形的物体,它可以在一些特定时刻呈现出不同的颜色,显示一座楼内的能源使用状态,其设计者为奥伯林学院 (Oberlin College) 环境研究项目主任约翰・彼得森 (John Petersen)Energy Orb
源白皮书Energy White Paper
源监察energy watch
源监控器energy monitor
源监测energy monitoring
源稳定energy security and stability
源终端消费量final consumption of energy
源结构energy composition
源节约conservation of energy
源规划energy planning
源设计engine design
源资源开发利用率development and utilization rate of energy resources
源需求预测energy demand forecast
源预测energy forecasting
见度coefficient of haze
见度减低reduction in visibility
谱分析法energy spectrometry
分布energy distribution
量发散energy spread
量图解energy diagram
量平衡法估算湖面蒸发的方法之energy-balance method
量循环energy cycle
量收支energy balance
量散射的球面系数global coefficient of energy scattering
量浓度energy density (GE)
量消耗energy dissipation
量消费energy expenditure
量聚焦energy focusing
量转换率energy conversion rate
量金字塔pyramid of energy
量预算energy budget
energy barrier
自净self purification capacity
自净self purification ability
自然natural energy
自然循环冷却natural circulation cooling capacity
自然资源的基础功function of resource foundation
臭氧发生器为你的空间除臭、杀菌、消毒,并且十分环保The ozonizer deodorizes, sterilizes and disinfects your space chemical-free and environmentally friendly
臭氧消耗潜ozone depleting potential
致温室效应气体的吸热heat-trapping ability
减排save energy and cut emissions
基金Energy Saving Trust
新技术new energy conservation system
节用energy conservation
英国风协会British Wind Energy Association
草地产草forage yield of grassland
蕴含embodied energy
表面化学官surface chemical functional group
被动式太阳采暖系统passive solar heating system
解离dissociation energy
negative energy state
负担力界限affordability threshold
负载性关系performance loading relationship
资源功区划functional zoning of resources
资源生态系统功function of resource ecosystem
转移transfer energy
路线soft energy path
辅助功secondary function
辐射radiating capacity
辐射测量设备radiation measurement equipment
辐射辐射的radiant energy
输砂sediment transport competency
输送transporting power
近海风offshore wind energy
近海风offshore wind power
重力势gravity potential energy
键离解dissociation energy of bond
间接节indirect energy saving
防护protection capability
防腐性decay resistance
阳光辐射incident radiation
阻燃性fire retardancy
阿罗不可定理Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem
降雨动rainfall energy
雨滴动raindrop energy
非再生源形态non-renewable energy form
wind power
资源区划divisions of wind energy resources
饱和导水saturated conductivity
high energy consumption
高臭氧消耗潜high ozone-depletion potential