
Terms for subject Environment containing 能量 | all forms | in specified order only
基于煤的能量coal-based energy Power generated by the steam raised by burning coal in fire-tube or water-tube boilers (在烟管锅炉或水管锅炉内燃烧煤得到蒸汽的过程中而获得的能量。)
生物质能iciba生物量能量台, 可再生能源,利用生物燃料,例如从污水、农业、工业、或家庭产生的有机废弃物中得到甲烷(沼气)。其他生物燃料包括在"能源森林"中生长的树或其他的植物,例如甘蔗,增长为他们的能源潜力。生物质能依靠燃烧,因此生产二氧化碳;因此,它的利用不能缓和温室效应。biomass energy A renewable energy source that makes use of such biofuels as methane (biogas) generated by sewage, farm, industrial, or household organic waste materials. Other biofuels include trees grown in so-called "energy forests" or other plants, such as sugar cane, grown for their energy potential. Biomass energy relies on combustion and therefore produces carbon dioxide; its use would not, therefore, alleviate the greenhouse effect
能量产生energy generation
能量分配系统energy distribution system Any publicly or privately organized setup in which usable power such as electricity is delivered to homes and businesses (任何公有或者私人所组织设计的系统,用以输送可用的电力到家庭和商业机构。)
能量守恒不灭energy conservation
能量守恒energy balance The energetic state of a system at any given time (在任何时间,系统的能量状态。)
能量energy resource Potential supplies of energy which have not yet been used (such as coal lying in the ground, solar heat, wind power, geothermal power, etc.) (尚未被使用但有可能是能量的潜在来源。(例如地壳中的煤、太阳能、风力、地热等))
能量积聚energy storage