
Terms containing 能量 | all forms | in specified order only
avia.不可能不付代价地把热量从一个低温物体传给另一个高温物体It is impossible for a self-acting machine,unaided by an external agency,to convey heat from one body to another at a higher temperature
securit.不能用数量估量的资产unquantifiable assets
avia.临界能量critical energy
ecol.临界能量条件critical energy condition
avia.临界起爆能量critical initiation energy
sport.为了使投掷符合丈量条件、运动员的脚不能踩过起掷线The thrower must not step over the scratch line, if he is to have his throw qualify for measurement
shipb.为了便于报价,能否告知贵方所需数量Would you please tell us the quantity you require so as to enable us to work out the offer.
sport., med.代谢性能量消耗metabolic energy cost
sport., med.代谢性能量生成metabolic energy yield
gen.以最大能量full out
avia.任务总能量total mission energy
sport., med.体力功能容量physical working capacity
avia.余速能量损失leaving velocity energy loss
horticult.作物智能栽培的量化为作物智能栽培学基本特征之一quantization of intelligent crop production
shipb.你方如能在产品质量、价格、交货和付款方面与我方全力合作,我方将向你方大量订货We shall be able to give you big orders if you will fully cooperate with us on products quality, price, delivery and payment.
ecol.侵蚀能量erosive energy
ecol.侵蚀能量erosion energy
sport.保存能量preserve one's strength
sport.保存能量conservation of energy
sport.保存能量conserve one's energy
avia.兆瓦能量mw energy
avia.光谱辐射能量spectral radiant flux
gen.光速太高以致不能用普通的方法来测量the velocity of light is too great to be measured by ordinary means
avia.能量系统total system energy
avia.冲击能量管理impact energy management
sport., med.能量energy fractions
avia.刹车能量brake energy
avia.刹车能量极限重量brake energy limit weight
avia.刹车能量限制重量brake energy limiting weight
ecol.剂量效能dose effect
sport., physiol.功能余气量functional residual capacity
gen.动态能量变换dynamic energy conversion
avia.动态能量转化dynamic energy conversion
nautic., tech.勇气、力量、忠诚、能力courage, strength, sincerity and competence
refrig.单位能量费用unit energy cost
gen.单位长度射程中的能量损失linear energy transfer
refrig.单机能量调节capacity regulation of single unit
shipb.能量电路double energy circuit
sport., med.能量X线吸收测定法dual energy X-ray absorptiometry
refrig.反射能量reflected energy
gen.发送出能量irradiate energy
refrig.变速能量调节capacity control by variable speed
sport.可代谢能量metabolizable energy
avia.可变能量variable energy
avia.可用能量energy availability
avia.可用能量分析energy availability analysis
avia.可用能量损失energy availability loss
avia.可用能量损耗energy availability loss
avia.可用的能量available energy
securit.可能大量抛售股票的市场heavy market
avia.可能重量更改possible weight change
avia.可见能量探测与定位visible energy detection and ranging
avia.叶轮能量损失impeller energy loss
avia.叶轮能量损失系数impeller energy loss coefficient
avia.吃气式风洞能量energy ratio of blowdown tunnel
refrig.后备能量margin energy
refrig.吸能容量energy absorbing capacity
avia.喷嘴环能量损失nozzle ring energy loss
avia.喷嘴环能量损失系数nozzle ring energy loss coefficient
avia.国家能量展望national energy outlook
avia.国家能量情报中心national energy information center
avia.国家能量national energy outlook
ecol.地球能量平衡earth's energy budget
ecol.地球能量收支earth ’s energy budget
avia.垂直速度与能量变化率vertical speed and energy rate
gen.垃圾食品含有高能量和高脂肪,但却没什么营养Junk food contains high energy, high fat but low nutrition
avia.能量acoustical energy
avia.声波能量acoustic energy
avia.声波能量守恒原理acoustic energy conservation principle
geol.外延能量损耗精细结构extended energy loss fine structure
geol.外延电子能量耗损精细结构谱extended electron loss fine structure spectra
sport.外部能量external energy
avia.外部能量extrinsic energy
avia.太阳/热能量转换solar/thermal energy conversion
gen.太阳的能量主要以光和热的形式传至地球the energy of the sun comes to the earth mainly as light and heat
ecol.太阳能的数量quantity of solar energy
gen.如我方不断订货,你方能保证竹纤维毛巾的质量吗?If we place regular orders, can you ensure the quality of your bamboo fiber towels?
gen.如果物体没有重量,那么它就不会有势能if a body had no weight, it would have no potential energy
shipb.如果贵方能满足我们的需要量,我们就接受贵方的价格If you can meet our needs of quantity, we'll accept your price.
refrig.季节能量seasonal energy efficiency ratio
refrig.季节性的能量利用系数seasonal energy utilization factor
avia.守恒型能量方程conservation form of energy equation
sport., med.安静能量消耗resting energy expenditure
gen.实际上,为了其主要影片能够走向国际,好莱坞曾一度为其每部大片预备了大量资金In fact, the Hollywood studio staple has for a while been the big budget extravaganza that will sell overseas
avia.实际性能余量actual performance reserve
geol.X 射线能量光谱仪X-ray energy spectrometer
geol.X 射线能量光谱测定法X-ray energy spectrometry
avia. X 射线能量分光计X-ray energy spectrometer
avia.X 射线能量扩散分析energy dispersive analysis of X-rays
avia.X 射线能量扩散吸收energy dispersive absorption of X-rays
avia.层流边界层能量方程energy equation of the laminar boundary layer
avia.屏蔽室屏蔽效能测量shielding efficacy measurement of shielding room
refrig.带进口叶片的能量调节capacity control using inlet vanes
avia.平均应变能量average strain energy
avia.开口系一般瞬态能量方程transient energy equation for open system
avia.弹头爆炸能量分布图warhead emission pattern
avia.微波能量microwave energy
sport., psychol.心理能量mental attitude
avia.性能度量measure of performance
avia.性能测量performance measure
avia.性能测量基线performance measurement baseline
avia.性能测量报告performance measurement report
avia.性能测量系统performance measurement measuring system
avia.性能评估和工作量评价performance assessment and workload evaluation
avia.性能评估和工作量评估performance assessment and workload evaluation
avia.能量Eh (如规定飞行高度及速度下的总能量)
avia.能量控制total energy control
sport., med.能量消耗total energy expenditure
avia.能量管理系统general energy management system
avia.能量补偿total energy compensation
refrig.总发散能量total energy emission
avia.总输入能量total input energy
gen.慢化到铟能量时的中子龄age to indium resonance
gen.我如何能得到厂家的质量保证呢?How do I get the manufacturer's warranty?
avia.截止能量cutoff energy
ecol.SEMEDAX扫描电镜-能量色散 X 射线分析scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive X-ray analysis
avia.技术性能测量technical performance measurement
avia.技术性能测量technical performance measures
avia.技术性能测量系统technical performance measurement system
avia.抗烧毁能量burn-out energy
avia.拦阻器材能量吸收装置arresting unit
avia.振动能量vibration energy
fishery捕捞能力测量估算capacity measurement
fishery捕捞能力测量估算capacity indicator
fishery捕捞能力测量估算capacity measure
avia.排出能量exit energy
avia.排气能量exhaust energy
gen.控制食欲和人体能量平衡的机制,在体内调节方面是相当精准的The mechanisms that control appetite and energy balance in the human body are elegantly calibrated
avia.推力管理功能教练机任务模拟机流量计thrust management function
avia.放电能量discharge energy
avia.放电能量水平discharge energy level
refrig.旁通型能量调节器bypass capacity regulator
sport., physiol.无氧能量产生anaerobic energy production
refrig.无级能量调节continuative energy regulation
avia.最低能量minimum energy
avia.最低能量转移minimum energy transfer
avia.最大能量中断起飞maximum energy rejected take off
avia.最大制动能量速度maximum brake energy speed (它是关于总重、高度、温度、跑道坡度、风量以及制动结构的函数。它的值必定小于V₁)
avia.最大刹车能量maximum brake energy
fishery最大可能产量maximum potential yield
avia.最小能量霍曼变轨minimum energy Hohmann transfer
avia.最小点燃能量minimum ignition energy
gen.有一部分能量丧失了there is a portion of energy lost
ecol.有效水蚀风蚀能量effective water and wind erosion energy
sport., physiol.有氧能量产生aerobic energy production
sport., med.有氧能量生成aerobic energy production
avia.服役的能量缓冲装置operational energy absorbers
avia.机动能量maneuvering energy
sport., med.机能残气量functional residual volume
sport., med.机能残气量functional residual capacity
ecol.杀菌能量germicidal energy
comp.标量功能部件scalar functional unit
ecol.森林能量流动forest energy flow
shipb.模拟能量输入analogue energy input
shipb.模拟外部能量输入analogue external energy input
refrig.每单位体积流量的能量energy per unit volume flow
sport., med.每日能量总消耗total daily energy expenditure
avia.气动弹性能量aeroelastic energy
avia.水下发射控制能量规格underwater launch control energy requirements
ecol.波浪能量估计energy budget of wave
ecol.海流能量转换ocean current energy conservation
gen.溶剂纯度或质量差可能导致纺织品上留下难闻的气味Poor solvent purity or quality can result in an objectionable odor in the textiles
avia.火花能量spark energy
med.热能含量caloric value
avia.热能防冰系统热量包络图a thermal profile of an operating thermal ice protection system
sport., med.热能需要量energy requirement
avia.燃料能量fuel energy
gen.燃料与能量文摘Fuel and Energy Abstracts
avia.爆震起爆能量detonation initiation energy
securit.生产能量差异capacity variance
ecol.生态系内能量流动energy flow in ecosystem
sport., med.生物能量bioenergetics
ecol.生物能量转换biological energy conversion
ecol.生物团能量biomass energy
avia.电力传输•能量传输power transmission
avia.电子能量损失electron energy loss
geol.电子能量损失能谱electron energy loss spectroscopy
shipb.电子能量谐振电路electronic energy tank circuit
ecol.电子能量选择器electron energy selector
pack.电磁能量处理electromagnetic energy treatment
avia.电离能量ionization energy
ecol.电能计量装置measuring device for electrical energy
avia.直升机旋翼能量管理系统helicopter energy/rotor management system
avia.直接能量传输系统direct energy transfer system
refrig.瞬态能量平衡transient energy balance
ecol.石灰含沙能量sand-carrying capacity of lime
ecol.矿物能源地质储量geologic al reserves of mineral energy
gen.碎片能量分布fragment energetics
avia.碰撞能量collisional energy
avia.碰撞能量collision energy
avia.磁流体动力能量交互mhd energy interaction
refrig.程序指令式能量调节系统capacity regulation system of program order
refrig.稳定流动能量方程steady flow energy equation
avia.稳态流动能量方程steady-flow energy equation
avia.空中防御高能量激光系统air defense high-energy laser system
ecol.能量理论equal energy theory
avia.系统能量system energy
sport., med.细胞能量cellular capacity
sport., med.细胞能量消耗cell energy consumption
avia.结冰防护系统能量消耗the power extraction associated with ice protection system operation
sport., physiol.耗氧能量当量energy equivalent of oxygen consumption
sport., med.肌肉能量muscular energy
sport., med.胞浆能量状态cytoplasmic energy state
sport., psychol.能力倾向测量aptitude test
sport., psychol.能力倾向测量aptitude measure
sport., med.能当量energy equivalent
ecol.能源保有储量available reserves of energy resources
ecol.能源储量energy reserve
ecol.能源工业储量energy industry reserves
ecol.能源工业储量industrial reserves of energy resources
ecol.能源终端消费量final consumption of energy
avia.能量energy (公热量单位 cal = calorie (卡路里),英热量单位 (B. T.U.),瓦特 (W),千瓦 (kW),马力小时 (HP・h・)。换算如下:lkg・cal = 3. 968 B. T. U. =426.6kg • m, 1 马力小时=0. 735 45 千瓦小时)
sport., med.能量不灭conservation of energy
avia.能量丧失loss of energy
avia.能量传播energy propagation
avia.能量传输系统energy transfer system
shipb.能量传送速度velocity of energy transmission
avia.能量传递energy transferring
avia.能量传递路径energy transfer path
refrig.能量使用指标energy use index
avia.能量energy value
refrig.能量储备margin energy
avia.能量储备energy storage
avia.能量储备energy reserve
refrig.能量储备系统energy conservation system
refrig.能量减缩器capacity reducer
avia.能量函数energy function (的)
ecol.能量分布energy distribution
avia.能量分布energy profile (图)
avia.能量分析energy analysis
avia.能量分析器energy analyzer
avia.能量分析方法energy analysis technique
sport.能量分配energy distribution
avia.能量利用因数utilization factor
refrig.能量利用指标energy utilization index
avia.能量利用效率power efficiency
avia.能量功耗power consumption
avia.能量匹配条件energy-matching condition
gen.能量energy coverage
refrig.能量单位energy units
avia.能量原理energy theory
ecol.能量发散energy spread
avia.能量变化energy change
avia.能量变换energy transformation
avia.能量变换power conversion
avia.能量变换energy transfer
avia.能量变换路径energy transfer path
avia.能量可用率energy availability rate
sport., med.能量吸收energy intake
sport., med.能量吸收absorption of energy
avia.能量吸收特征energy absorption characteristic
avia.能量吸收特性energy absorption behavior
gen.能量吸收率specific energy absorption
refrig.能量品位降低energy breakdown
refrig.能量回收通风系统energy recovery ventilation system
avia.能量因数energy factor (因子)
ecol.能量图解energy diagram
avia.能量增加energy increment
avia.能量增加energy addition
avia.能量增益energy gain
avia.能量存储系统energy storage subsystem
avia.能量存储系统energy storage system
avia.能量存储系统stored energy system
avia.能量存储装置energy storage device
gen.能量守恒不灭conservation of energy
avia.能量密度energy density (单位体积的声能)
avia.能量energy difference
avia.能量平衡分析analysis of energy balance
ecol.能量平衡法估算湖面蒸发的方法之energy-balance method
avia.能量energy sink
ecol.能量循环energy cycle
avia.能量性能energetic performance
avia.能量恒等式energy identity
sport., med.能量恢复energy recuperation
avia.能量恢复系统energy recovery system
avia.能量损失因子energy loss factor
med.能量损耗energy depletion
multimed.能量损耗energy consumption
avia.能量损耗谱energy loss spectroscopy
refrig.能量换算系数energy conversion factor
refrig.能量控制capacity control
sport., med.能量摄入energy intake
sport., med.能量摄取caloric intake
sport., med.能量支出energy outgo
ecol.能量收支energy balance
ecol.能量散射的球面系数global coefficient of energy scattering
avia.能量旁路energy bypass
avia.能量旁路比energy bypass ratio
avia.能量最省解决方案minimum energy solution
sport., med.能量来源energy source
refrig.能量核算energy audit
avia.能量椭球energy ellipsoid
avia.能量energy sink
refrig.能量模拟energy simulation
refrig.能量模拟软件energy simulation software
avia.能量energy rate
avia.能量比率输人控制器energy rate input controller
ecol.能量浓度energy density (GE)
ecol.能量消耗energy dissipation
avia.能量消耗power consumption
avia.能量消耗率specific energy consumption
ecol.能量消费energy expenditure
refrig.能量特性energy characteristics
avia.能量特性energetic performance
avia.能量状况相关要素energy situation correlation elements
avia.能量理论energy theory
sport., med.能量生成energy production
refrig.能量的回收recovery of energy
gen.能量的直线传递linear energy transfer
gen.能量直接变换direct energy conversion
avia.能量直接转化direct energy conversion
avia.能量直接转化实验室direct energy conversion laboratory
gen.能量直接转换direct energy conversion operation
gen.能量直接转换研究所美国宾夕法尼亚大学所属的Institute for Direct Energy Conversion
avia.能量相互作用energetic interaction
energ.ind.能量energy product
avia.能量稳定energy stability (度)
avia.能量稳定性理论energy stability theory
avia.能量管理显示energy management display
avia.能量管理显示器energy management display indicator
avia.能量管理显示器energy management display
avia.能量系数energy efficiency
avia.能量缓冲座椅energy attenuating seat
med.能量缺乏energy deficiency
avia.能量耗散energy sink
med.能量耗竭energy exhaustion
avia.能量耦合energy coupling
ecol.能量聚焦energy focusing
geol.能量色散 X 射线分光计energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer
geol., oil.proc.能量色散 X 射线分析energy dispersive X-ray analysis
geol.能量色散 X 射线分析仪energy dispersion X-ray analyser
geol., oil.proc.能量色散 X 射线探测器energy dispersive X-ray detector
geol., oil.proc.能量色散 X 射线荧光energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence
geol.能量色散光谱energy dispersive spectroscopy
geol.能量色散分光计energy dispersive spectrometer
geol.能量色散X射线探测仪energy dispersive X-ray detector
refrig.能量节约energy economy
avia.能量表现energy representation
avia.能量表象energy representation
avia.能量表达式energy expression
sport., psychol.能量调动energy mobilization
refrig.能量调节capacity modulation
refrig.能量调节capacity regulation of road drainage
avia.能量调节energy accommodation
refrig.能量调节器capacity controller
avia.能量调节系数energy accommodation coefficient
refrig.能量调节装置capacity regulating device
refrig.能量调节阀capacity regulating valve
refrig.能量负荷demand of energy
refrig.能量费用预算energy cost budget
avia.能量跟踪power tracking
avia.能量转化与守恒定律law of energy conservation and conversion
avia.能量转变率transition rate
avia.能量转换与分配系统power conversion and distribution system
avia.能量转换反应energy-transfer reaction
gen.能量转换实验研究Energy Conversion Laboratory
avia.能量转换效率power conversion efficiency
ecol.能量转换率energy conversion rate
avia.能量转换系数energy-conversion coefficient
avia.能量转换系统power conversion system
avia.能量转换装置energy conversion devices
gen.能量转换装置公司Energy Conversion Devices, Inc.
avia.能量转换路径energy transfer path
avia.能量输出energy output
avia.能量适应系数energy accommodation coefficient
avia.能量通道energy channel
energ.ind.能量通量energy density
energ.ind.能量释放分量energy release rate
energ.ind.能量释放分量energy release component
ecol.能量金字塔pyramid of energy
avia.能量阀值energy threshold
energ.ind.能量需求energy demand
avia.能量需求energy requirement
avia.能量需要energy requirement
ecol.能量预算energy budget
avia.能量频带energy channel
avia.能量高度energy height
avia.自动性能测量系统automated performance measurement system
refrig.能量stored energy
energ.ind.补助能量subsidy energy
gen.要花许多力量才能赶上have a great deal of leeway to make up
gen.要花许多力量才能赶上have much leeway to make up
gen.调制能量分布spread of the modulation energy
sport., med.质心的能量energy of CoM
avia.质点能量particle energy
avia.质量保证功能测试系统quality assurance functional test system
avia.质量功能部署quality function deployment
avia.质量性能mass performance
avia.质量性能报告quality performance report
avia.质量控制功能测试系统quality control functional test system
avia.质量控制和性能监控系统quality control and performance monitoring system
avia.质量能力mass capability
avia.起点能量zero point energy
avia.足够能量enough energy
avia.轮盘摩擦能量损失系数impeller friction energy loss coefficient
shipb.载波能量carrier energy
ecol.辐射能测量设备radiation measurement equipment
gen.输入能量power input
avia.边界层能量损失厚度energy loss thickness of boundary layer
avia.边界层能量方程energy equation of the boundary layer
avia.边界层能量积分方程energy integral equation of the boundary layer
sport., med.运动能量sports bar
sport., med.运动能量sports gel
shipb.这种商品目前缺货,只能少量供应The article is in short supply now. Only a small quantity is available.
gen.这种黄铜孔雀独一无二,有不同的大小和重量,这种材料无疑能让它保存一辈子The exclusive brass peacock is available in different size and weight and the material will surely make it last for a lifetime
avia.进场进近能量管理系统approach energy management system
avia.量具能力gage capability (指一个量具对同一个零件进行多次测量后的测量数据散度,测量系统的波动性可用其耗用的工程容差的百分数表示)
med.长期能量摄入不足chronic energy deficiency
med.长期能量摄入不足chronic dietary energy deficiency
avia.闭口系能量方程energy equation for closed system
avia.阀值能量energy threshold
sport.静力性力量是指不移动位置、 在固定某一种姿势时用力的能力Static strength is the ability to apply force at a particular position without moving through the range of motion
sport., med.静态能量消耗resting energy expenditure
sport., med.静息能量消耗量resting energy expenditure
med.静止能量消耗resting energy expenditure
avia.非守恒型能量方程nonconservation form of energy equation
avia.飞机能量效率aircraft energy efficiency
avia.飞艇测量与性能综合计算机comprehensive airship sizing and performance computer
sport., med.食物能量food energy
avia.能量密度物质high energy density matter
avia.能量武器high yield weapon
geol.能量海脊边缘high energy ridge margin
avia.能量激光战术空中防御系统high energy laser tactical air defense system
gen.能量磷酸盐high energy phosphate
securit.能量货币high powered money
avia.高破裂能量high rupturing capacity
avia.黏滞的能量耗散viscous energy dissipation
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