
Terms containing 能带 | all forms | in specified order only
exhib.能带gaffer's tape
station.不管你去哪里,都随身携带一个小笔记本,或者任何能让你随时记下新想法的东西Bring a small notepad with you everywhere you go, or at least something where you can jot down your ideas
shipb.主机与轴带发电机之间离合功能试验clutching test between main engine and shaft generator
shipb.主机与轴带发电机之间离合器的功能试验clutching test between main engine and shaft generator
met.交叠能带overlapping band
el.介质禁带中线能级dielectric midgap energy
el.价带最高能态[级]vertical blocking transformer VBM valence band maximum
oil能带low-energy zone
el.能带low energy band
space能带电粒子low energy charged particle
met.低位能带low-lying energy band
desert.低能干旱带河流low-energy arid zone stream
gen.能带我去医院吗?Can you walk me to the hospital?
gen.你能否给布朗先生带个口信?I wonder if you could give Mr. Brown a message for me?
IT允许能带allowed band
earth.sc.允许能带permitted band
el.充填能带效应band filling effect
el.光诱生子能带间吸收光谱photoinduced intersubband absorption spectrum
earth.sc.全性能卫星扫描带full performance swath
el.再次带负荷能力reload capability
met.分离能带separate energy band
tech.分级能带宽度太阳能电池graded energy gap solar cell
met.刚性能带模型rigid band model
tech.包气带自净能力ability of self-cleaning of aeration zone
met.半充满能带semifilled band
el.能带沃尼埃轨道模型one-band Wannier orbital model
met.占有能带band occupancy
tech.占有能带occupied band
cartogr.卫星性能数据磁带spacecraft performance data tape
met.能带模型two band model
gen.双层床为孩子们创造愉悦的生活环境,且还带有多功能书桌Bunk beds create exciting, fun environments for children with versatile desks
met.受主能带acceptor band
phys.受激激子能带exciton band
tech.受激能带excited band
space可能分布带zone of possible distribution
el.可能最大温带风暴probable maximum extratropical storm
el.可能最大热带气旋probable maximum tropical cyclone
tech.可能隆起带zone of potential heave
met.合金相能带理论zone theory of alloy phases
auto.安全带吸能式织带环energy absorbing webbing loop
met.固体能带band theory of solids
tech.固体能带band theory of solid
proj.manag.在该磁带被扩充之前、请输入可以执行的清洗次数。数值不能为零Enter the number of cleanings that this cartridge can perform before it is considered to be expended. The value must not be zero
el.基区能带energy bandgap of base
tech.基本能带fundamental band region
el.能带结构complex band structure
comp.多功能带装置multi-function tape unit
el.多功能宽带机载无线电台multifunction broadband airborne radio
el.多功能宽带通信系统multifunctional broadband communications system
el.多功能磁带机multi-function tape unit
avia.多功能磁带装置multifunction tape unit
tech.多功能移动组合式皮带输送机multifunctional mobile combination belt conveyer
el.能带间跃迁intersubband transition
gen.它们可能为控制当前肥胖病的流行带来了希望They may offer hope in the battle to control the current obesity epidemic
met.容许能带permitted energy band
met.容许能带allowed energy zone
met.容许能带allowed energy band
mil., air.def.容许能带allowed band
tech.容许能带allowed energy band
el.宽带化、智能化和个人化的综合业务数字网broadband, intelligent and personalized integrated services digital network
comp., net.宽带化、智能化和个人化的综合业务数字网broadband, intelligent and personalized ISDN
IT宽带承载能力broadband bearer capability
comp., net.宽带智能网broadband intelligent network
comp., net.宽带网策略控制功能broadband policy control function
tech.宽频带总能量剩余曲线total energy residual curve for wide frequency band
tech.富余挟带能力excessive carrying capacity
el.导带最低能态conduction band minimum
met.导带电子能量conduction band electron energy
telecom.导带能级conduction level
el.导带-轻空穴价带跃迁能态密度density of states for conduction band-light hole valence band transitions
el.导带-重空穴价带跃迁能态密度density of states for conduction band-heavy hole valence band transitions
tech.履带式万能挖土机crawler universal excavator
agric.履带式车辆性能tracklayer performance
met.布洛赫能带Bloch band
space带动能武器的母卫星kinetic energy carrier satellite
met.带卷万能装卸车coil car
met.带卷万能装卸车coil buggy
el.带基本负荷原子能电站base-load nuclear power plant
tech.带应急功能的荧光灯镇流器fluorescent lamp ballast with emergency function
auto.带有排污排水功能的储气筒purge tank
el.带有能量色散X射线分析系统的扫描电子显微镜scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray analysis system
met.带材轧机生产能力strip rolling mill capacity
met.带材轧机生产能力strip mill capacity
pharm.带氧能Oxygent (全氟溴烷 (perflubron) 乳剂商品名;携氧药)
textile带污能力soil carrying capacity
tech.带沙能力silt-carrying capacity
oil带状聚能射孔器strap jet gun
tech.带电粒子能谱仪charged particle energy spectrometer
tech.带电粒子能量分析仪charged particle energy analyser
tech.带电粒子闪烁能谱仪charged particle scintillation spectrometer
auto.带自动保持功能的驻车制动器handbrake with automatic hold
IT带语音能力的调制解调器voice-capable modem
el.带负荷切换电能[供电]power shift
refrig.带负荷性能rate of loading
el.带负荷能力loading capacity
tech.带边能量band-edge energy
refrig.带进口叶片的能量调节capacity control using inlet vanes
met.带钢冶金性能metallurgical property of strip
el.带隙中心能级midgap level
tech.带隙能band-gap energy
IT带隙能量band gap energy
expl.应变能变形带当岩石爆破条件一定时,或者装药量很小,或者炸药埋置很深,爆破作用仅限于岩石内部。爆破后岩石表面不出现破坏,炸药的全部能量被岩石所吸收,表面岩石只产生弹性变形,爆破后岩石恢复原状。实现这一状态的炸药埋深最小值,即为临界埋深strain energy range
el.恒定带宽换能器constant bandwidth transducer
gen.您不能从自助餐厅带走任何食物You shouldn't take out from the buffet
cosmet.我们保证制造的香水和酒精、香精和水一样纯净,不带任何杂质,因为经过了预处理,能保证产品外观清澄、气味醇和、香气扑鼻We guarantee to make our perfume as pure as alcohol, essence and water, without any impurities, because pretreatment guarantees our products to be limpid, mellow and fragrant
gen.我们吃不了的能带走么?Can I take the leftover back?
gen.我带了一个小女婴。能把婴儿车带上飞机吗?I have a baby girl with me. Can I bring her cradle with me on the plane?
gen.我拉肚子,您能带我去最近的洗手间吗?I have loose bowels. Can you take me to the nearest room?
gen.我昨天在贵店买了这条皮带,你能帮我在皮带上打个新孔吗?I bought this belt here yesterday. Can you punch a new hole in the belt for me?
gen.我现金没带够,能刷卡吗?I don't have enough cash. Can I pay by card?
gen.我能把刚买的这瓶水带上飞机吗?Can I bring the bottle of water I just bought?
gen.我能随携带这个旅行袋吗?Can I take this traveling bag as a carry-on?
gen.我能随身携带这个旅行袋吗?Can I take this traveling bag as a carry-on?
dentist.拔牙后几天唾液里可能会带有少量血液It might bleed a little bit for the rest of the day
tech.挟带泥沙能力sediment carrying power
tech.挟带泥沙能力sediment-carrying capacity
hydroel.st.挟带能力carrying capacity
tech.挟带能力carrying power
space携带原子弹的能力atomic-bearing capability
tech.携带岩屑能力solids-carrying capacity (泥浆)
tech.携带岩屑能力carrying power (泥浆)
tech.携带岩粉能力solids-carrying capacity (泥浆)
tech.携带岩粉能力carrying power (泥浆)
gen.商品名携带式辐射能测定仪a Cutie pie
tech.携带式野外能谱仪portable field spectrometer
gen.携带核武器的能力atomic capability
tech.摩擦带电性能triboelectrical behavior
tech.摩擦带电性能triboelectrical property
tech.摩擦带电性能triboelectric property
tech.摩擦带电性能triboelectric behavior
el.数字化、综合化、宽带化、智能化和个人化digital, integrated, broadband, intelligent and personal
met.施主能带donor band
el.智能宽带控制器intelligent broadband controller
mil., air.def.智能宽带网络intelligent broadband network
danc.能带动气氛的人Micphone Controller
expl.有人证明使用这种破碎带模型、遇到各种岩石和爆破环境时、能可靠地估算过筛直径为1mm 碎岩的比例The crushed zone model has been shown to provide a realistic estimate of the proportion of fragments passing 1 mm for a wide variety of materials and blasting situations
telecom.杂质能带impurity band
shipb.校正倾斜高能磁带high energy tape
met.正常能带normal band
met.正常电子能带normal electron energy band
hydroel.st.泥沙挟带能力silt carrying capacity
tech.泥沙挟带能力sediment-carrying capacity
tech.泥沙携带能力silt-carrying capacity
tech.泥沙携带能力sediment-carrying capacity
earth.sc.海洋能量活动带energy active zones of the ocean
tech.液压万能履带式挖土机hydraulic universal crawler type excavator
met.湿热带性能试验tropicalization test
met.满充能带full energy band
met.满充能带occupied energy band
met.满充能带filled energy band
tech.满充能带filled band
tech.满带能级filled level
met.满带能级filled energy level
tech.满带能级filled-band level
oil潮下高能带subtidal high-energy zone
plast.热带性能试验tropicalisation test
earth.sc.热带风能转换参考基准实验tropical wind energy conversion and reference level experiment
mil., air.def.球面对称能带spherically symmetric band
met.电子能带electron energy band
tech.电子能带electronic energy band
el.电子能带electronic band spectrum
met.禁带能级forbidden energy level
tech.禁带隙能forbidden gap energy
met.禁戒能带forbidden energy band
met.空位能带vacant energy band
space空间高能带电粒子space high-energy charged particle
gen.符合要求的残障人士可携带经过培训的服务型宠物入舱。宠物应该待在乘客指定座位的前面区域,不能进入过道Trained service animals are accepted in cabin for qualified individuals with a disability. A service animal should sit in the floor space in front of the customer's assigned seat but cannot protrude into the aisles
securit.给投资者带来不能接受的风险pose unacceptable risk to investors
el.缓变能带隙绝缘体金属-绝缘体-半导体graded energy bandgap insulator metal-insulator-semiconductor
semicond.能带energy band
semicond.能带Bloch band
met.能带上限top of band
met.能带下限bottom of band
el.能带分裂效应band splitting effect
el.能带协和紧束缚模型band-consistent tight binding model
tech.能带发射band emission
met.能带energy band diagram
busin.能带band diagram
met.能带图像band picture
tech.能带图式band scheme
tech.能带学说energy band theory
tech.能带宽度energy gap
mil., air.def.能带宽度energy bandwidth
met.能带宽度energy band width
mil., air.def.能带energy band tail
mil., air.def.能带尾伸band edge tailing
tech.能带尾伸band-edge tailing
met.能带模型band model
met.能带理论band theory
tech.能带理论zone theory
el.能带电压再归一化bandgap renormalization
el.能带电压配准技术bandgap referencing technique
met.能带结构band structure
phys.能带结构zone structure
geol.能带结构energy band structure
el.能带结构计算band structure calculation
busin.能带band theory
phys.能带边缘-band edge
tech.能带边缘band edge
met.能带间磁光效应interband magneto-optical effect
met.能带间距band separation
mil., air.def.能带间距energy band separation
met.能带间隙band gap
tech.能带间隙energy band gap
el.能带energy bandgap
tech.能带band gap
met.能带energy surface of band
gen.能给我送一些绷带吗?我把手割伤了,麻烦您快点Would you bring me some bandages? I cut my finger. Please try to hurry
oil能量带energy belt
desert.能量带energy band
tech.能量带模型energy band model
tech.能量带通energy band pass
avia.能量频带energy channel
telecom.自由能带unoccupied band
el.航天器性能数据带spacecraft performance data tape
cartogr.航天器性能数据磁带spacecraft performance data tape
shipb.航行时轴带发电机负荷试验和功能试验load and function tests for shaft generator on sea trial
shipb.航行时轴带发电机负荷试验和功能试验load test and function test for shaft generator on sea trial
chem.节能压敏胶带energy-saving pressure sensitive adhesive tape
met.表面能带surface energy band
el.谐振子带朗道能级耦合resonant subband Landau level coupling
gen.谢谢等待,先生,我们能为您提供9月25至28号带飘窗的单人间。您能告诉我您计划什么时候到达酒店吗?Thank you for waiting. Yes, sir, we can offer you a single room with a bay window on Sep 25th to Sep 28th. Can you tell me when did you plan to arrive at our hotel?
avia.货物吸能约束带的前向载荷-位移forward load-displacement for energy absorbing cargo restraint
shipb.轴带发电机负荷和功能试验load test of shaft generator and its function on sea trial
shipb.轴带发电机负荷试验和航行时功能试验load test of shaft generator and its function test on sea trial
wind.载带能力carrying capacity
tech.边带能量sideband energy
space边带能量扩散sideband energy dispersal
gen.那你从新加坡转机时,能帮我从机场的免税店带点儿东西吗?Well, could you do me a favor and buy something in the duty-free shop when you transfer in the Singapore airport?
met.部分充满能带partially filled energy band
el.阶梯能带隙绝缘体金属-绝缘体-半导体stepped energy bandgap insulator metal-insulator-semiconductor
met.频带能量面energy surface of band
oil能带high-energy zone
el.能带high-energy band
tech.高性能纸带high performance tape
oil高流体势能带high fluid potential belt
tech.高流体热能带high fluid potential belt
el.高级智能磁带advanced intelligent tape
IT高能磁带high-energy tape
telecom.高能磁带high energy tape