
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 能力 | all forms | in specified order only
世界氧气顶吹转炉生产能力world-wide L-D capacity
世界钢的总生产能力total world steel capacity
中子吸收能力neutron absorption capacity
仓容能力bunkering capacity
某合金元素代替锌的能力zinc-replacement capacity
传热能力heat transfer ability
电流传输能力entrainment capacity
低吸收能力材料material of low absorbing power
低堆位层错能金属中的临界切应力critical shear stress in metals of small stacking-fault energy
低堆位层错能金属中的流变应力flow stress in metal of small stacking-fault energy
作业线能力line capacity
使用废钢的能力scrap consumption ability (转炉的)
供料能力supply capacity
供料能力feed capacity
能力corrosive power
保护渣流能力flux infiltrating ability
保护渣流人渗人能力infiltration ability of flux
保护渣润滑能力lubrication ability of powder
保护渣润滑能力powder lubrication ability
保护渣润滑能力flux lubrication capability
保护渣的润滑能力lubricating ability of flux
保护渣绝热能力flux insulation capability
保护渣绝热能力insulation ability of powder
保护渣绝热能力flux insulation ability
催化能力catalytic power
光亮电镀能力bright throwing power
光学分辨能力optical resolution
全世界钢的总生产能力total world steel capacity (Total world steel capacity for the early part of the twenty-first century will be in the area of 800-850 million tonnes. 21世纪初,世界钢的总生产能力将介于 8.00 ~ 8.50 亿 t 之间。)
冷却能力refrigerating capacity
冷却能力cooling power
冷却能力cooling capacity
减宽能力width-reducing capacity
减震能力buffering power
减震能力试验damping capacity test
分离能力separation ability
分离能力separative power
分解能力capacity of decomposition
分辨能力resolving power
切削能力cutting quality
切削能力cutting ability
切割能力cutting capacity
创新能力innovative competence
创汇能力capacity to earn foreign exchange
制冷能力refrigerating capacity
制粒能力capacity of granulation
力学性能mechanical property (【技】材料在外力作用下所表现出的形状改变及其断裂的性质。材料的力学性能通常包括:抗拉强度、抗压强度、硬度、冲击吸收能量、蠕变强度、疲劳强度等。: Alloy steels are basically carbon steels with additional alloy elements added to alter the characteristics and bring about a predictable change in the mechanical properties. 从本质上说,合金钢是通过添加合金元素改变其特性并产生预期力学性能变化的碳钢。)
力学性能mechanical behaviour
力学性能各向异性mechanical anisotropy
力学性能的方向性directivity of mechanical property
力学性能试验mechanical testing
力学性能试验mechanical test
加热能力heating power
加热供热,供暖能力heating capacity
助熔能力fluxing ability
助熔能力fluxing power
化学反应能力chemical reactivity
化铁炉生产能力blast cupola capacity
单位生产能力specific capacity
单套设备能力single-line capacity
单炉生产能力individual furnace capacity
卷扬能力hoisting capacity
卸料能力discharge capacity (单位时间排料量)
压力机能力press tonnage
压力机能力press capacity
钢年生产能力annual raw steel production capacity
原有能力existing capacity
原钢年生产能力annual crude steel capacity
焊缝能力slag detachability
双功能压力机bifunctional press
反射能力reflection power
反差区别能力contrast perception
反应能力reactive capability
反应能力控制reactivity control
发射能力emissive power
发射能力emissive ability
发热能力caloric power
发生生产能力generating capacity
变形能力ability to deform
吃废钢能力scrap consumption ability (常指转炉加人废钢的能力)
吊车起重能力carrying capacity of crane
吨计生产能力tonnage capacity
含水能力moisture-retaining capacity
含水能力ability to retain moisture
吸收能力absorptive power
吸收能力absorption ability
吸收能力sorptive capacity
吸收能力absorption property
吸收能力absorption power
吸收能力absorbing ability
吸气能力gas-absorption capacity
吸热能力heat absorption capacity
唧送能力pumping power
土在自然状况下可让汽车通过的能力soil trafficability
土壤承载能力soil bearing capacity
型芯抗热折断能力core refractiveness
堆放能力stockpiling capacity
处理能力processing rate
处理能力handling capability
处理能力handling ability
存焦能力coke storage capacity
实际生产能力effective capacity
容纳能力holding capacity
密封能力sealing ability
小时生产能力hourly production capacity
小时生产能力hourly capacity
小钢厂使用废钢的能力minimill ability to use steel scrap
小钢厂生产能力mini mill capacity
小钢厂盈利能力profitability of mini mill
工作能力working capacity
工序能力process capability
带材轧机生产能力strip rolling mill capacity
带材轧机生产能力strip mill capacity
年产焦炭能力annual coke capacity
年产钢锭能力annual ingot-making capacity
年生产能力annual production capacity (Sparrows Point is a 100% continuous-cast plant with an annual production capacity of 3. 27M tonnes(3. 6M tons) 雀点厂是一个年生产能力 327 万 t (约360万美 t) 的全连铸钢厂。)
年生产能力yearly capacity
年生产能力180万t的板坯连铸机1. 8 million-tonne/year slab caster
废钢利用能力scrap steel utilization ability
废钢熔化能力scrap melting capacity
废钢熔化能力steel-scrap melting capability
废钢熔化能力scrap-melting capability
废钢熔炼能力scrap melting capacity (In both practices, 1000°C. is the maximum temperature of the scrap steel prior to charging the hot metal. Therefore, the enthalpy available for increasing scrap melting capacity is approximately 160 kcal/kg scrap input ;while the total enthalpy requirement to melt scrap is 330 kcal/kg scrap. 在这两种操作实践中,兑铁水前废钢的最高温度均为 1000°C。 因此,用于提高废钢熔炼能力的现有热焓约为 160kcal/kg 废钢加人量,而熔化废钢的热焓需求量总计为 330kcal/kg 废钢。)
废钢熔炼能力scrap-melting capability
废钢熔炼能力scrap-melting ability
废钢耗用能力scrap steel consumption ability
强脱硫能力strong desulphurizing capacity
形状分辨能力shape resolution
总交换能力total exchange capacity
总生产能力total capacity
感受热处理的能力response to heat treatment
成膜能力film forming capacity
戴纳帕克高能高速压力机Dynapak press
扩大生产能力expanded capacity
扩大生产能力expanded capacity
扩大生产能力expansion of production capacity
扩建能力expanded capacity
扩散能力diffusion capacity
承载能力bearing value
承重能力carrying capacity
承重能力load-bearing capacity
承重能力load capacity
承重能力weight-carrying power
承重能力weight-carring power
承重能力bearing power
技术开发能力technical development ability
技术开发能力capacity to develop technology
抗再氧化能力resistance to reoxidation
抗冲击能力shock resistance
抗冲击能力resistance to shock
抗剥落能力spalling resistance
抗剥落散裂能力spalling resistance
抗压碎能力resistance to crushing
抗压缩能力resistance to compression
抗变形能力resistance to deformation
抗回火能力resistance to tempering
抗弯能力resistance to bending
抗氧化能力oxidation resistance
抗渣侵蚀能力resistance to slag attack
抗腐蚀能力resistance to corrosion
抗裂能力crack resistance
抗轴向负荷能力thrust capacity
抽吸能力pumping power
抽吸能力pumping capacity
拉拔能力pulling capacity
排气能力exhaust capacity
提升能力lifting power
提升能力hoisting capacity
提升能力elevating capacity
提高竞争能力boost competitiveness
摄谱仪分辨能力resolution of spectrograph
支承能力bearing power
放射能力emissive ability
散射能力scattering power
日生产能力daily capacity
映像分辨能力image definition
最大设计生产能力peak design capacity
最高生产能力ultimate capacity
最高设计能力peak design capacity
最高设计生产能力peak design capacity
月生产能力monthly production capacity
月生产能力monthly capacity
有效能力effective capacity
有效堆存能力live storage capacity
有效容量混匀能力blending capacity
有效生产能力available capacity
未夯实土吸水能力field moisture equivalent
机械能力machine capability
机组生产能力capacity of unit
板形控制能力shape control capability
板材生产能力plate production capacity
极限生产能力limiting capacity
极限承载能力ultimate bearing capacity
标称冶炼能力nominal melting capacity
能力pile capacity
检测出钢钢流中炉渣的能力ability to detect slag in tap stream
止推能力thrust capacity
氧化能力oxidizing ability
氧化膜生成能力film forming capacity
氧化铝吸收能力alumina absorption capacity
氧气顶吹转炉废钢熔化能力BOF scrap melting capacity
氧气顶吹转炉炼钢生产能力L-D steelmaking capacity
氧气顶吹转炉炼钢生产能力BOF steelmaking capacity
氧气顶吹转炉的竞争能力competitive power of LD converter
沉淀能力settling capacity
流态化能力fluidizing capacity
能力shock-absorbing capacity
润湿能力wetting power
润滑能力lubricating ability
液渣润湿钢水的能力molten slag wetting ability for liquid steel
淬透能力ability to depth-harden
渗出能力bleed back
渗碳气体的渗碳能力carbon potential
渣化能力fluxing power
湿着能力wetting ability
溅渣层抗炉渣侵蚀能力slag-corrosion resistant capacity of splashed slag coat
溶胀能力swelling power
溶解能力solvent power
溶解能力dissolving power
溶解能力solution power
溶解能力dissolving capacity
溶解夹杂物的能力ability to dissolve inclusions
火焰辐射能力flame radiating power
炉子生产能力tonnage of furnace
炉子生产能力capacity of furnace
炉子生产能力production capacity of furnace
炉子生产能力furnace capacity
炉料反射能力指数blend reflectance index
炉渣反应能力reactivity of slag
炼钢生产能力steelmaking capacity (At the Bums Harbor Div., Bethlehem Steel, a $20 million project to increase steelmaking capacity by 400, OOOtonnes/year, has been completed: it involved increasing the BOF heat size from 285 to 305 tonnes. 伯利恒钢公司伯恩斯港分公司的一个价值2000万美元、可提高年炼钢年生产能力 40 万 t 的生产项目业已完工,其中包括将氧气顶吹转炉炉容由 285t 提高到 305t。)
L-D 炼钢生产能力L-D steelmaking capacity
炼铁生产能力ironmaking production capacity
炼铁生产能力ironmaking capacity
烟化能力fuming capacity
烧嘴能力burner capacity
烧结生产能力sintering capacity
烧结能力agglomerating capacity
烧结机现有生产能力existing capacity of sintering machine
烧结生产能力sintering production capacity
烧结生产能力sintering capacity
焙烧能力roasting capacity
焙烧球团生产能力production capacity of fired pellet
焙烧球团生产能力burnt pellet production capacity
焦炭反应能力coke reactivity
焦炭成焦能力coke power
照相分辨能力photographic resolution
熔化能力melting-down power
熔化能力melting capacity
熔渣去硫能力sulphur-carrying power of slag
熔渣反应能力reactivity of slag
熔渣脱硫能力molten slag desulphurization ability
熔渣脱硫能力sulphur-carrying power of slag
熔炼能力smelting power
熔炼能力smelting capacity
物料通过能力throughput capacity
环境受纳能力environmental receptivity
环境吸收能力environmental assimilating capacity
现有生产能力existing capacity
现有能力existing capacity
现有板坯生产能力existing slab capacity
现有连铸生产能力existing continuous casting production capacity
现有连铸生产能力existing continuous casting capacity
球团生产能力pellet capacity
球团生产能力pelletizing capacity
生产能力working capacity
生产能力throughput (capacity)
生产能力production rate
生产能力利用系数利用率capacity factor
生成氧化膜的能力film forming capacity
生热能力caloric power
电磁场动力学能量dynamic electromagnetic field energy
电积能力throwing power
电镀能力covering power (镀槽的)
电镀表面沉淀能力throwing power
真空处理能力vacuum treatment capacity (The strong increase in vacuum treatment capacities in the EU reflects the demand for high quality steels. 欧盟真空处理能力的迅猛增加,反映出人们对优质钢的需求。)
破碎能力crushing capacity
硬化能力capacity for hardening
硬化淬火能力hardening capacity
硬化能力ability to harden
磨削能力grinding capacity
离子交换能力ion-exchange capacity
离子交换能力exchange capacity for ions
离解能力dissociating power
科研开发能力scientific research development capacity
科研开发能力capacity for scientific research development
穿透能力penetrating power
穿透能力breakthrough capacity
筛分能力screening capacity
管道通过能力pipe capacity
粉末法衍射图样的线分辨能力line resolution of powder pattern
粒化能力capacity of granulation
粗钢年生产能力annual crude steel capacity
粗钢生产能力raw steel capacity (The first phase, to be completed by the year 2000, will have 3 million tonnes of raw steel capacity, which will be converted into the flat-rolled products. 拟于 2000 年竣工的一期工程粗钢生产能力为 300 万 t, 将全部加工成扁平轧材。)
粘土吸水能力测定值Enslin value
粘结能力cementing power
粘结能力caking capacity
结晶器保护渣润滑能力lubrication capacity of mold flux (Therefore, the amount of powder consumed per unit of surface area(kg/m²) is most suitable for evaluating the lubrication capability of mold fluxes. 因此,采用单位表面积保护渣消耗量 (kg/m²) 最适合评价结晶器保护渣的润滑能力。)
结晶器保护渣润滑能力lubrication ability of mold powder
结晶器保护渣绝热能力insulation capability of mold flux
结晶器冷却能力cooling capacity of mold
绝缘能力insulating power
绝缘绝热能力性能insulating ability
缓冲能力buffering power
缓冲能力buffer capacity
缺陷分辨能力defect resolution
缺陷分辩能力defect resolution
氧化起鳞能力resistance to scaling
耐急冷能力chilling resistance
耐氧化起鳞能力resistance to scaling
耐腐蚀能力resistance to corrosion
耐腐蚀和抗变形能力 性能resistance to corrosion and deformation (The stainless steels have an excellent combination of resistance to corrosion and deformation, and maintenance of high strength at elevated temperatures. 这些不锈钢具有卓越的耐腐蚀和抗变形综合性能,在高温下仍能保持高强度。)
联合钢厂的竞争能力competitive capacity of integrated steel plant
脱氧能力deoxidizing capability
脱氧能力deoxidation power
脱硫能力desulphurizing power
脱硫能力desulphurization capability
脱硫能力sulfur removal capability (In the oxygen driven converter operation, the heavily oxidizing environment of the metal and slag limits the sulfur removal capability of the process. 在吹氧转炉操作中,金属和炉渣的强氧化环境限制了该工艺的脱硫能力。)
脱硫能力desulphurizing capability
脱硫能力desulphurizing capacity
脱硫能力desulphurizing ability
脱磷能力dephosphorization capability (In the SARP process, both desulphurization and dephosphorization are carried out using soda ash which has a high desulphurization and dephosphorization capability. SARP 铁水预处理法使用具有较高脱硫、脱磷能力的苏打灰进行脱硫和脱磷。)
膨胀能力swelling power
自净能力self-purification capacity
荷重能力loading capacity
萃出能力extractive power
萃取能力extraction power
蒸发能力evaporative capacity
蒸发能力capacity for evaporation
蓄热能力regenerative capacity
蓄热能力heat retaining capacity
补充生产能力surplus productive capacity
表面硬化能力capability to harden surface
表面硬化能力capability to surface-harden
衬度分辨能力contrast perception
衰减能力damping capacity
装煤能力coaling capacity
角分辨能力angular resolution
计算能力computing power
设备能力installation capacity
设备能力installed capacity
设备能力apparatus capacity
设备能力利用率utilization rate of equipment's capacity
设备生产能力capacity of plant
设计能力planned capacity
设计能力planned production rate
设计能力design throughput
设计能力designed capacity
设计能力design capacity
设计生产能力planned capacity
设计生产能力designed capacity
设计的峰值生产能力peak design capacity
负载能力load-carrying ability
贮存能力stockpiling capacity
贮矿能力ore storage capacity
贯穿能力penetrating power
起沫能力frothing quality
起重能力lifting capacity
起重能力lifting power
起重能力crane output
起重能力elevating capacity
起重能力carry (吊车的: More than half of all the spheroidal graphitic iron produced is centrifugally cast into pipes in diameters ranging from 50mm up to 1000mm, and used for carrying water and gas at both low and high pressures. 生产的大部分球墨铸铁都采用离心铸造法铸造成直径 50 ~ 1000mm 的管子,用于水和气体的高、低压输送。)
起重机能力crane capacity
起重机起重能力lifting capacity of crane
轧制能力rolling power
轧机现有生产能力existing capacity of rolling mill
轧机生产能力rolling mill yield
轧机生产能力mill capacity
轧机生产能力mill production capacity
轧机生产能力mill production
转炉使用废钢能力scrap consumption ability of converter
转炉吃废钢能力scrap consumption ability of converter
转炉废钢熔化能力scrap-melting ability of converter
BOF 转炉炼钢生产能力BOF steelmaking capacity
转炉的生产能力production capacity of converter
载荷能力load-carrying ability
辐射能力radiant power
输出能力output capacity
过冷能力undercooling capacity
过滤能力filter capacity
运转能力running ability
运输能力conveying capacity
还原能力reducing capacity
还原能力reducing power
还原能力reduction power
还原能力reducibility (【技】还原度,还原率:用还原气体从铁矿石中排除与铁结合的氧的难易程度的一种量度。还原性:指铁矿石中的铁氧化物被还原的难易程度或用还原气体从铁矿石中排除与铁相结合的氧的难易程度。)
还原能力reducing ability
还原能力deoxidation power
连铸机生产能力production capacity of caster
连铸机生产能力continuous caster capacity
连铸生产能力production capacity of continuous casting
连铸生产能力continuous casting capacity
透硬能力through-hardening capability
通过能力throughput (capacity)
通过能力swallowing capacity
造渣能力slagging ability
造渣能力slag ability
造球能力ability to ball
道路基本行车能力basic roadway capacity
重力加载蓄能【势、压、力】器gravity loaded accumulator
重力加载蓄能势,压,力gravity loaded accumulator
重力能gravitational energy
钢水氧化能力liquid steel oxidability
钢的年生产能力annual steel capacity
钢的生产能力steel capacity
钢的生产能力production capacity of steel
钢铁厂已有生产能力existing capacity of steelworks
钢铁厂现有生产能力existing capacity of steelworks
钢锭计算的生产能力ingot capacity
钢锭生产能力ingot production capacity
钢锭生产能力ingot capacity
润滑脂的防护能力protective value
阳离子交换能力cation exchange capacity
阳离子交换能力cation exchange ability
阳离子树脂交换能力cation resin capacity
阴离子交换能力anion-exchange ability
阴离子树脂交换能力anion-resin capacity
阻尼能力试验damping capacity test
阻滞能力retaining power
附加生产能力surplus productive capacity
除硫能力desulphurizing power
除硫能力desulphurizing ability
额定能力nominal capacity
额定处理能力rated input
额定生产能力rated capacity
风机能力blower capacity
风机鼓风能力fan duty
饱和离子交换能力saturation column capacity
能力连续狭缝式烧嘴装置high-capacity continuous slot unit (火焰清理机的)
能力连续狭缝式烧嘴装置high capacity continuous slot unit
高分辨能力high definition screen
高吸收能力材料material of high absorbing power
高堆位层错能金属的临界切应力critical shear stress of large stacking-fault energy
高堆位层错能金属中的流变应力flow stress of large stacking-fault energy
高堆位层错能临界切应力critical shear stress of large stacking-fault energy
高堆位层错能流变应力flow stress of large stacking-fault energy
高溶解能力high solvency
高炉渣脱硫能力desulphurization capacity of BF slag
高炉渣脱硫能力BF slag desulfurization capacity (【技】高炉渣的脱硫能力主要受以下因素的影响:1.炉渣碱度是影响脱硫的关键性因素。通常炉渣碱度越高,其脱硫能力越强。2. 炉渣中适宜的 MgO 含量能提高炉渣的稳定性和流动性,以及总碱度,从而有利于高炉渣的脱硫能力。3. 当炉渣的碱度不变而增加 Al₂O₃ 含量时,炉渣脱硫能力降低。4. 炉渣中 FeO 的存在增加了铁水中氧的浓度,使炉渣脱硫能力下降。5.渣铁温度高有利于脱硫。6. 通过改善炉渣脱硫的热力学与动力学条件,提高硫在渣铁间的分配比,是提高炉渣脱硫能力的重要因素。7.合理运用各种调剂手段,保证高炉顺行,可以充分发挥炉渣的脱硫能力、有效降低生铁的含硫量。)
高炉现有生产能力existing capacity of blast furnace
高炉生产能力furnace output
鱼雷罐车承载能力torpedo car carrying capacity
黏附能力adhesive capacity
鼓风能力blast capacity
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