
Terms for subject Sports containing 能力 | all forms | in specified order only
主要心理能力primary mental ability
乳酸生成能力lactate-producing capacity
体力功能容量physical working capacity
体力活动能力physical working capacity
免疫能力immunologic competence
免疫能力immunological competence
免疫能力immune competence
力所能及within one's power
力所能及to the best of one's ability (capacity)
功能能力functional capacity
动作能力特异性假说specificity of motor abilities hypothesis
卷土重来的能力bounce-back ability
压力换能器pressure transducer
在马拉松赛跑中、一名筋疲力尽的运动员可能岀现衰竭、脱水等症状In a marathon race an exhausted runner may display the following symptoms: exhaustion, or dehydration
基本能力basic capacity
学习能力learning ability
学术能力academic aptitude
实力较差的运动员使用高超的赛跑策略有可能赢得胜利Victory can be won by an inferior runner who uses superior running strategy
工作能力work ability
工作能力试验work performance test
差别能力测验differential aptitude test
循环呼吸系统适应能力circulorespiratory fitness
循环系统适应能力circulatory fitness
心率170次/分的身体活动能力测验PWC-170 test
心理能力mental power
心理能力mental ability
心肺适应能力cardiorespiratory fitness
心血管适应能力cardiovascular fitness
总动作能力假设general motor ability hypothesis
总心理能力general mental ability
感知动作能力perceptual motor ability
技术能力technical competence
抗干扰能力capacity of resisting disturbance
折光能力refractive power
接力赛跑队第四名队员要求速度快、终点冲刺能力The fourth runner of the relay team shall be a fast runner with strong finishing power
控制能力control ability
携氧能力oxygen-carrying capacity
摄氧能力oxygen uptake capacity
攻击能力attacking ability
无氧能力anaerobic power
无氧代谢能力anaerobic performance
无氧代谢能力anaerobic capacity
无氧代谢能力生成anaerobic energy yield
无氧代谢工作能力anaerobic work capacity
智力技能intellectual skill
最大无氧能力maximal anaerobic power
最大运动能力maximum performance
最大适应能力maximal adaptive capacity
有氧能力aerobic power
有氧代谢工作能力aerobic work capacity
有氧适应能力aerobic fitness
查错能力error detection capability
氧债耐受能力oxygen debt tolerance
特殊能力special ability
生理适应能力physiological fitness
生理适应能力physiological adaptation
纵观全局能力ability to read the game
耐力是一般运动能力的基本成分之一Endurance is one of the basic components of general athletic ability.
耐寒能力tolerance to cold
耐暑能力tolerance to heat
肺通气能力pulmonary ventilation capacity
能力倾向测量aptitude test
能力倾向测量aptitude measure
能力倾向测验aptitude test
能力干预capacity interference
能力平衡power balance
能力水准ability level
能力水平level of performance
能力水平standard of play
能力水平ability level
能力测试capacity test
能力测试power test
能力测试ability test
血小板聚集能力platelet aggregability
血红蛋白携氧能力oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin
计时跑是田径运动中检验运动员能力与状态的一种练习跑A time trial is a practice race in track and field to determine the ability and conditioning of an athlete
赛跑运动员获得"第二次呼吸"的能力取决于他的身体状况The ability of the runner to achieve second wind depends chiefly on his physical condition.
身体工作能力physical work capacity
身体活动能力physical work ability
身体活动能力physical work capacity
身体活动能力physical efficiency
身体熟练能力physical proficiency ability
运动能力athletic ability
运动能力exercise capacity
运动能力exercise performance
运动能力motor performance
运动能力motor ability
运动适应能力测验motor fitness test
运动能力测验performance test
运动能力测验motor fitness test
运动能力薄弱motor debility
运动学习能力motor educability
运动适应能力sports fitness
运动适应能力sport aptitude
适应能力adaptation capacity
适应能力测定adaptability assessment
酵解能力glycolytic capacity
锻炼能力exercise capacity
队伍的适应能力team adaptability
队伍适应能力team adaptability
静力性力量是指不移动位置、 在固定某一种姿势时用力的能力Static strength is the ability to apply force at a particular position without moving through the range of motion