
Terms for subject Weightlifting containing | all forms
上拉至pull up
举杠铃至前齐肩pull the weight to the front of the shoulders
仰卧前持铃抬上体barbell quarter rofl-up
仰卧前持铃抬上体barbell quarter roll-up
仰卧两膝触abdominal knees curl
仰卧屈臂持铃经头至double bent arm pullover
仰卧直臂持铃扩lateral raise lying
双手提铃至hands to shoulder
双手提铃至再至颈后的上提hands clean continental and jerk behind neck
双手提铃至屈臂推举hands to shoulder and bent press
双手提铃至先至腰部的挺举hands continental jerk
双手提铃至的挺举hands continental jerk
反握提铃至backhand curl
反握提铃至back hand curl
完成提铃至complete the clean
屈臂持铃扩bent-over chest crossovers
屈臂持铃扩bent over chest crossovers
屈臂提铃至bent-over rowing
屈臂提铃至reverse curl
屈臂提铃至bent over rowing
chest developer
chest weight
持铃扩chest crossovers
持铃扩chest crossover
别腰flatten out
提铃至clean the weight to chest
提铃至clean to the chest
提铃至clean the weight to the chest
提铃至bring the barbell up to the chest
提铃至支撑姿势clean position
提铃至支撑姿势chest rest
提铃至阶段during the clean
立姿扩收练习器vertical butterfly machine
前反复推举repetition press
前坐蹲shoulder squat
前平推Neider press
前弯举biceps curl
前弯举two-hand curl
扩收练习器butterfly machine
chest press