
Terms for subject Gymnastics containing | all forms
半转¹⁄₂ twist to back
双人过翻滚back to back over
反转 360°接腾越twist to vault
反转 360° 接腾越twist to vault
反转360° 接腾越twist to vault
反转 360° 接腾越Ono
屈体胫bent nape-support
摇篮跳接着网cradle back drop
斜线助跑的腾越rear vault from oblique run
斜线助跑的腾越fencer's vault
斜进腾越rear vault from one leg
斜进腾越approach half sideward
正踢反直接接反转360° 接腾越blind direct change to an Ono
直体 ³⁄₄ 前空翻至crash dive
翻转1¹⁄₄ 接near perfect 1¹⁄₄ to the back
高低杠屈伸neck spring
高低杠屈伸kip up
高低杠屈伸kip up
双人技巧上滚翻roll over back
flexed toward face
后滚球roll the ball on back
向站立back stand
双人技巧对背套肘滚翻elbow lock and roll
弹后空翻成站立back Cody
弹起接前空翻ball out
着网接弹腿 ³⁄₄ 空翻成站立back pullover
腾越rear vault over bar
腾越rear vault
腾越上rear vault
腾越下rear vault dismount
腾越下rearward dismount
腾越下rear off
腾越向内转体出杠side castaway to full pirouette
部滚球ball rolled on the back of body
双脚面平移出travel circles of both legs in sidesupport rearways
转体 540° 接着网corkscrew back drop
转体 360° 接着网cat-twist to back drop