
Terms for subject Surgery containing 肾 病 | all forms | in specified order only
先天性肾囊性病congenital renal cystic disease
单侧肾多发性囊肿病unilateral multicystic disease of kidney
急性尿酸盐肾病acute urea nephropathy
病理性肾结核pathological renal tuberculosis
移植肾原病复发recurrence of original disease in transplanted kidney
肾动脉纤维增生病fibroplasia of renal artery
肾囊肿及囊肿性疾病cysts and cystic disease of kidney
肾实质性病变parenchymal lesion of kidney
肾小球囊肿病glomerulocystic disease
肾放线菌病actinomycosis of kidney
肾棘球蚴病echinococcus disease of kidney
肾病灶清除术renal cavernostomy
肾盂白斑病leukoplakia of renal pelvis
肾窦脂肪瘤样病renal sinus lipomatosis
肾纤维脂肪瘤样病renal fibrolipomatosis
肾软斑病malakoplakia of kidney
肾门脂肪瘤样病lipomatosis of renal hilus
肾髓质囊性病medullary cystic disease of kidney
血管运动性肾病vasomotor nephropathy
镰状细胞肾病sickle cell nephropathy