
Terms for subject Agriculture containing 育种 | all forms | in specified order only
一年生作物辐射育种radiation breeding of annual crops
三体育种行为trisomic breeding behavior
不发育种rudimentary seed (semen rudimentaris)
不同生育期品种different duration varieties
不育二倍体杂种sterile diploid hybrid
不育杂种sterile hybrid (hybrida sterilis)
世纪 育种rice breeding in the 21st century 21
中等生育期品种medium-duration variety
习惯育种customary breeding method
乳牛育种breeder of dairy cattle
亚麻育种flax breeding
亚麻育种flax breeding
亲缘育种related breeding
人工育种artificial breeding
人工突变育种artificial mutation method of breeding
传统育种技术conventional breeding technique
传统育种customary breeding method
传统育种classical breeding method
体细胞杂交育种breeding for parasexual hybrization
作物育种plant breeding
作物育种crop breeding
作物育种plant-breeding plot
作物育种plant breeding garden
作物育种plant breeding
作物育种crop breeding
作物育种学定义definition of crop breeding
作物育种学家plant breeder
作物育种学年会annual meeting of crop breeding
作物育种学教本textbook of plant breeding
作物育种家权益plant breeder's right
作物育种工作者plant breeder
作物育种技术plant breeding technique
作物育种杂志Journal of Plant Breeding
作物育种plant breeding method
作物育种的诱发突变induced mutation in plant breeding
作物育种的辐射使用法use of radiation in plant breeding
作物育种程序plant breeding program
作物育种plant-breeding station
作物育种试验plant breeding experiment
克隆 育种breeding by cloning
育种rabbit breeding
分析育种analytic breeding
分离育种breeding by separation
初次良种繁育primary seed growing
半不育性育种行为semisterility breeding behavior
半多育杂种semiprolific hybrid
单倍体育种monoploid breeding
单倍体育种haploid breeding
单倍体育种haploid method of breeding
单倍体育种haploid breeding method
单倍体与育种haploid and breeding
单倍体突变育种haploid mutation breeding
同胞育种sib method of breeding
品种内育种intravarietal breeding
品种培育breed of variety
品种繁育breed of variety
品种间不育性intervarietal sterility
回交育种backcross breeding
回交育种backcross breeding method
回交育种backcross method of breeding
园圃育种breeding by garden
国家育种state selection station
国家育种课题national breeding programs
国际生产作物新品种育种家协会International Association of Breeder for the Production of New Varieties
地方育种local breeding station
块根作物育种root-crop breeding
培育高反应品种指对氮breeding high-response variety
多倍性育种polyploidy breeding
多年生作物辐射育种radiation breeding of perennial crops
多系天然杂交育种polycross breeding method
多育性杂种prolific hybrid
大麻育种hemp breeding method
妨碍种子发育seed development hindered
姊妹育种sib method of breeding
实际育种问题practical breeding problem
家畜育种livestock breeding
家畜动物育种animal breeding
家畜育种livestock breeder
家畜育种animal breeder
家畜良种繁育场livestock breeding farm
家畜良种繁育法案livestock breeding act
家禽育种poultry breeding
家系育种"family" breeding
家系育种"family" method of breeding
家蚕育种silkworm breeding
封闭式畜群育种closed herd breeding
封闭式畜群育种closed flock breeding
谷类作物育种small grain breeding
谷类作物育种圃播种机small grain nursery planter
小孢子与植物育种microspore and plant breeding
小麦育种wheat breeding
小麦育种wheat breeding garden
小麦育种圃拖拉机wheat nursery tractor
小麦育种圃播种机wheat nursery seeder
小麦育种圃收获机wheat nursery harvester
小麦育种wheat breeding
小麦育种wheat breeding methods
小麦育种课题项目wheat breeding project
小麦杂交育种wheat hybridization breeding
小麦激进育种即对小麦常规育种进行巨大改革radical wheat breeding
小麦良种繁育wheat seed growing
小麦辐射育种wheat radiation breeding
常规育种技术conventional breeding technique
引种育种introduction breeding
扩大良种繁育区extension plot of seed growing
抗倒伏育种breeding for lodging-resistance
抗病育种breeding for disease resistance
抗虫育种breeding for insect-resistance
抗风育种breeding for wind-resistance
控制杂交育种controlled cross breeding
改良混合育种modified bulk system
改良谱系育种modified pedigree system
放射性育种radioactive breeding
效能育种breeding for performance
新品种选育breeding of new variety
新育成品种newly bred variety
新育成品种公开推广release of newly bred variety
无性繁殖育种breeding by cloning
早生育期品种early-duration variety
晚生育期品种late-duration variety
有效育种个体effective breeding individual
有效育种大小effective breeding size
有效育种数量effective breeding size
有效育种群体effective breeding population
期望育种expected breeding value
杂交育种hybridization breeding
杂交育种hybridology (hybridologia)
杂交育种hybridologist (hybridologistus)
杂交育种hybridization method of breeding
杂交用原种蚕饲育rearing of parent silkworms for hybridization
杂交能育种cross-fertile species
杂合子育种heterozygotic breeding
杂种育种hybrid breeding
杂种不育性hybrid sterility
杂种与育种hybrid and breeding
杂种优势育种breeding of heterosis
杂种优势育种heterosis breeding
杂种优势育种breeding for heterosis
杂种卵片发育bastard merogony
杂种能育性hybrid fertility
条播育种drill plot
林木育种forest tree breeding
果树育种fruit breeding
柑橘培养的育种利用breeding use of citrus culture
染色体育种chromosomal breeding
树木育种tree breeding
育种cotton breeding
育种cotton breeding
育种cotton breeder
育种工作者cotton breeder
棉花良种繁育cotton-seed growing
棉诱发育种cotton induction breeding
植物育种与遗传组织organization of plant breeding and genetics
植物育种plant thremmatology (phyto thremmatologia)
植物育种学会Synapsis Club
欧洲植物育种研究协会European Association for Research on Plant-Breeding
母系系统选择育种family line breeding
母系选择育种family line breeding
毛皮兽育种fur breeding
民间育种personal breeding
油菜育种rape breeding
油菜育种rape breeding garden
油菜育种rape breeding
油菜育种rape breeding method
油菜育种规划方案rape breeding plan
油菜良种繁育rape seed growing
混合综合育种bulk breeding
混合育种mass method of breeding
混合育种bulk method of breeding
混合育种bulk breeding
混合育种Akarp method
混合群体育种bulk population method
混合谱系育种mass-pedigree system
烟草杂交育种tobacco hybridization breeding
照射育种irradiation breeding
牧草育种grass breeding
牧草育种grass breeding
牧草育种试验grass breeding trials
育种swine breeding
育种swine breeding
育种工作者swine breeder
玉米育种corn breeding
玉米育种corn breeding
玉米育种技术corn breeding techniques
玉米同胞育种maize sib method of breeding
玉米杂交育种maize hybridization breeding
玉米种子繁育corn seed growing
玉米突变育种mutation breeding in corn
玉米辐射育种maize radiation breeding
现代作物育种modern plant breeding
甘蔗育种sugarcane breeding
甘蔗育种cane breeding
甘蔗育种研究所sugarcane breeding institute
甘蔗育种趋势sugarcane breeding trend
甘薯育种sweet potato breeding
甘薯育种sweet potato breeding garden
甘薯育种步骤方法sweet potato breeding procedure
甜菜三倍体育种sugarbeet triploid breeding
甜菜诱变育种sugarbeet induction breeding
生产性能育种breeding for performance
生化育种biochemical breeding
生态育种ecological breeding
畜产育种rearing battery
畜产育种brooder battery
百株育种centgener plot
百株育种centgener plan
直接种子繁育straight seed growing
相对育种relative breeding value
短生育期品种short-duration variety
秆行育种rod row method of breeding
种内不育的intrasterile (intrasterilis)
种子育种seed amelioration
种子育种seed breeding
种子发育seed development
种子繁育seed breeding
种子繁育者seed multiplier
种子败育seed failure
种子败育seed abortion
种间能育性interfertility (interfertilitas)
种间能育的interfertile (interfertilis)
育种rice breeding
育种rice breeding
稻杂交育种rice hybridization breeding
稻良种繁育rice seed growing
稻诱发育种rice induction breeding
稻辐射育种rice radiation breeding
穗行法育种每穗种一行的育种方法breeding of ear-to-row method
突变育种breeding by mutation
系统育种line breeding
系统育种breeding of line
育种breeding group
繁育新品种switch to a new type
级进育种逐步改良品种grade breeding
纯品种繁育pure variety breeding
纯种繁育pure-line breeding
纯种繁育不分离breeding true
纯系育种pure-line breeding
纯系育种pure-line method of breeding
纯育品种pure bred variety
纯育品种pure breeding variety
纯育品种bred variety
组合育种组合二遗传力最高的要求性状品种进行杂交combination breeding
经济作物育种economic plant breeding
综合育种synthetic selection
综合经济育种aggregate economic breeding value
缩短育种世代进程rapid generation advance
缩短育种周期shortening of breeding cycle
缩短育种年代acceleration of generation advancement
育种sheep breeding
羊良种繁育sheep breeding
肥育品种fattening breed
肥育品种breed for fattening
育成品种bred variety
育成品种登记registration of improved variety
育成品种退化deterioration of improved variety
育成种指动物improved race
育成种improved breed
育种seed breeding
育种race amelioration
育种与花药培养breeding and anther culture
育种专业化specialization of breeding
育种专家husbandry adviser
育种专家animal adviser
育种专家breeding consultant
育种专家livestock adviser
育种专家breeding adviser
育种习性breeding behavior
育种基因相加效应breeding value
育种值估计estimation of breeding value
育种值的相关correlation of breeding value
育种值预测prediction of breeding value
育种农场seed farm
育种协会breeding association
育种协会breed society
育种原理principle of selection
育种原理breeding principles
育种原种breeding stock
育种品系line of breeding
育种breeding plot
育种selective nursery
育种garden of breeding
育种breeding garden
育种breed nursery
育种圃地breeding field
育种breeding field
育种thremmatology (thremmatologia)
育种seed breeder
育种家免责breeders' exemption
育种家免责breeder's exemption
育种家种子breeder's seed
育种家种子breeder seed
育种小区breeding plot
育种工作者seed breeder
育种幅度breeding range
育种成果success in breeding
育种技术breeding technique
育种效能breeding efficiency
育种方向specialization of breeding
育种方式system of breeding method
育种方法breeding procedure
育种方法分类classification of breeding methods
育种时间breeding time
育种栽培breeding cultivation
育种步骤breeding procedure
育种method of breeding
育种生产性能breeding performance
育种用公畜male for breeding
育种的遗传库genetic pool in breeding
育种目标aim of breeding
育种种植计划书breeding planting plan
育种程序breeding programmes
育种seed breeding station
育种系统system of breeding
育种繁育breeding cultivation
育种组织organization of breeding
育种细胞遗传学breeding cytogenetics
育种范围breeding range
育种规模breeding scale
育种计划breeding project
育种计划breeding programmes
育种设计breeding project
育种试验breeding test
育种试验breeding experiment
育种课题breeding project
育种辐射技术radiative technique for breeding
育种阻碍breeding barrier
育种顾问breeding consultant
育种顾问livestock adviser
育种顾问animal adviser
育种顾问husbandry adviser
育种顾问breeding adviser
胚培养的育种应用breeding application of embryo culture
胚珠培养的育种技术breeding technique of ovule culture
能育差别测验种fertility differentials
能育差别测验种fertility differential tester
自交不育种self-sterile species
自交不育种self-sterility seed
自交能育种self-fertile species
良种繁育seed growing
良种繁育seed propagation
良种繁育stock breeding
良种繁育increase of seeds
良种繁育制度seed growing system
良种繁育区seed growing region
良种繁育合作社seed growers' co-operative
良种繁育圃seed growing plot
良种繁育家seed grower
良种繁育站seed growing station
花生育种peanut breeding
花生育种groundnut breeding
花生育种peanut breeding
花生育种groundnut breeding
花生种子败育groundnut abortion of seed
花生良种繁育groundnut seed growing
花生辐射育种peanut radiation breeding
花生辐射育种groundnut radiation breeding
苎麻育种ramie breeding
茶树育种tea breeding
茶树育种tea breeding
蜜蜂育种bee breeding
详细育种种植计划书detailed breeding planting plan
诱变育种breeding by induction
诱导系育种derived line method
谱系育种pedigree breeding
谱系育种"family" breeding
谱系育种pedigree method of breeding
谱系育种"family" method of breeding
谱系育种计划书pedigree plan
谷类作物育种grain breeding
谷类作物育种cereal breeding
谷类作物育种grain breeding
谷类作物育种cereal breeding
谷类作物育种cereal breeder
谷类作物育种工作者cereal breeder
谷类作物育种计划cereal breeding projects
豆类育种legume breeding
豆类育种legume breeder
豆类育种工作者legume breeder
育种sterile seed (semen abortivus)
育种abortive seed (semen abortivum)
越亲育种transgression breeding
轮交育种rotational cross breeding
轮回杂交育种rotationary crossbreeding
轮回杂交育种rotational cross breeding
辐射育种radiation breeding
辐射育种radioactive breeding
辐射育种irradiation breeding
辐射育种radiation breeding
辐射育种breeding by radiation
辐射育种的方法学程序methodological procedures of radiation breeding
辐射突变育种irradiation mutation breeding
远缘杂交育种breeding by wide cross
选型育种指选型交配assortative breeding
选择育种selection breeding
选择育种breeding by selection
选择的育种breeding value of selection
选择良种繁育selective breeding
选育品种variety obtained by selection
选育良种breeding improved varieties or strains
采用胞质雄性不育生产杂种种子hybrid seed production using cytoplasmic male sterility
重组育种recombination breeding
长生育期品种long-duration variety
闭锁群育种closed flock breeding
雄性不育单交种male-sterile single crosses
集团育种mass method of breeding
集群选择育种group selection method
雷姆茨氏育种指混合育种法Ramsch's method of breeding
非孟德尔式育种non-Mendelian method of breeding
育种horse breeding
马铃薯育种potato breeding
马铃薯育种potato breeding
高粱良种繁育kaoliang seed growing
高级作物育种advanced plant breeding
黄麻育种jute breeding
黄麻育种jute breeding
黄麻良种繁育jute seed growing
黄麻辐射育种jute radiation breeding
黍良种繁育millet seed growing