
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing 育种 | all forms | in specified order only
一年生植物育种breeding for yearly plant
一般育种general breeding value
不育杂种infertile hybrid
专业化良种繁育计划spayed cow
乳牛育种dairy cattle breeding
乳牛育种dairy cattle breeder
交叉回交育种criss-cross breeding
人工育种通过人工选配动植物的种系改进生物的性状biological engineering
人工杂交育种controlled cross breeding
从大批引种中选育的selection from introduced seed
优良种畜育种配对elite breeding pair
免疫性育种immunity breeding
全国育种方案national breeding program
全国育种计划national breeding program
全国养猪育种者协会National Pig Breeder's Association
全国养猪育种者协会National Pig Breeders' Association
全国家畜育种者协会National Association of Animal Breeders
全国林肯羊育种者协会National Lincoln Sheep Breeders Association
全国绵羊育种者协会National Sheep Breeders' Association
共同市场马铃薯育种者协会德国Association of Common Market Potato Breeders (Germany)
养牛育种协会National Cattle Breeder' Association
农场与家畜育种者杂志Farmer and Stock Breeder
农民与家畜育种者杂志Farmer and Stock Breeder
分离育种breeding by isolation
分隔育种breeding by separation
加速育种世代hastening of generation
动物育种animal breeding
动物育种文摘Animal Breeding Abstracts
动物育种animal breeder
动物育种设备animal breeding equipment
化学成分育种breeding for chemical composition
半闭锁育种semi-closed breeding
双交系育种biclonal breeding
可能育种probable breeding value
可能育种一头种畜的遗传型的估计值probable breeding value
合作育种group breeding scheme
合格繁育原种registered propagation stock
品种保育preservation of authorized race
品种选育breed selection
品种间杂交繁育interstrain breeding
商业性杂交育种commercial crossbreeding
商品畜、禽育种commercial breeding
地方育种试验local breeding station
培育一个新品种developing a new breed
基于毛色育种breed through in colour
多交系育种polyclonal breeding
家兔育种rabbit breeding
家畜动物育种animal breeding
家畜育种livestock farming
家畜育种cattle breeding
家畜育种breeding of animals
家畜动物育种breeding of animals
家畜育种animal breeding
家畜育种livestock raising
英国家畜育种研究组织Animal Breeding Research Organization
家畜育种stock breeder
家畜育种livestock breeder
家禽育种poultry breeder
家系育种family method of breeding
封闭育种在优良畜群中(纯系或系间杂种),选出一定数量的家畜,经多代自群繁育而形成新(品)系(常命以商品名)closed breeding
序列育种sequence breeding
开放式核心群育种系统open nucleus breeding system
当地培育的品种locally developed breed
抗性育种breeding for resistance
抗锥虫育种trypanotolerant breeding stock
控制性诱导育种controlled induced breeding
提高营养质量育种breeding for improved nutritional quality
新品种繁育breeding of new varieties
普利茅斯洛克观赏品种鸡育种者协作组Plymouth Rock Fanciers Club
有效育种effective breeding size
杂交育种breeding by hybridization
杂交育种作业crossbreeding operation
杂交育种作业cross-breeding operation
杂交育种后裔crossbreeding progeny
杂交育种后裔cross-breeding progeny
杂交育种操作crossbreeding operation
杂交育种操作cross-breeding operation
染色体杂种不育chromosomal hybrid sterility
标准育种根据家禽品种标准图谱的要求进行育种standard breeding
母系育种tail female
母系育种female line of breeding
每个种畜繁育单位应摊种公畜的份额share of sire per unit
混合谱系育种mass-pedigree system
育种cattle breeding
育种cattle breed
牛的育种cattle breeder
特殊育种special breeding value
育种pig breeding
育种swine husbandry
育种pig farming
育种pig husbandry
育种pig production
猪的育种swine breeding
猪的育种pig breeding
瑞士褐牛育种者协会Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders' Association
瑞士褐牛育种者协会Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders' Association
生产性能育种breeding cow
生态育种ecological breeding
皮毛兽育种fur breeding
相对育种relative growth rate
相对育种以畜群平均育种值为100,而以个体育种值与此相比的相对数值relative breeding value
矫正育种corrective mating
种子繁育seed growing
种畜选育协会Association pour la Selection et le Developpement des Animaux de Race
种间杂交不育interspecific sterility
突变育种mutational breeding
突变育种breeding by mutation
等级育种结构hierarchical breed structure
系普育种pedigree method of breeding
系统杂交育种systematic crossbreeding
系谱育种pedigree breeding
级进育种grade breeding
纯种家畜育种pedigree breeder
纯种繁育pure line breeding
纯种繁育pedigree breeding
纯种繁育pure breeding
纯育品种pure-breeding variety
纯育品种pure-bred variety
细胞遗传育种cytogenetic breeding
维持育种machine milking
绵羊合作育种sheep cooperation breeding
绵羊合作育种sheep group breeding scheme
羊毛工艺与绵羊育种杂志Wool Technology and Sheep Breeding
美国兰布列羊育种者协会American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders Association
美国南丘羊育种者协会American Southdown Breeders' Association
美国婆罗门牛育种者协会American Brahman Breeders Association
美国安哥拉山羊育种者协会American Angora Goat Breeder's Association
美国家兔育种者协会American Rabbit Breeders' Association
美国毛皮兽育种杂志American Fur Breeder
美国短角牛育种协会American Shorthorn Breeder's Association
美国纯种马育种者协会American Standardbred Breeders' Association
美国绵羊育种研究所United States Sheep Breeding Laboratory
美国罗姆尼羊育种者协会American Romney Breeders' Association
美国苏格兰高原牛育种者协会American Scotch Highland Breeders' Association
美国豚鼠育种者协会American Cavy Breeders Association
美国骑乘马育种者协会American Saddle Horse Breeders' Association
联邦动物育种与遗传学局Commonwealth Bureau of Animal Breeding and Genetics
联邦植物育种遗传学局Commonwealth Bureau of Plant Breeding and Genetics (UK)
育成品种improver breed
育成品种improved breed
育种体系breeding system
育种genetic value
育种值相关correlation of breeding value
育种breeding zone
育种breeding garden
育种breeding unit
育种基础品种basic race of breed
育种工作者breeding manager
育种性状breed character
育种性状breeding trait
育种指数breeding index
育种方案breeding policy
育种方案breeding plan
育种方案breeding scheme
育种方案breeding program
育种方案breeding system
育种方案breeding project
育种方案breeding programme
育种方法breeding method
育种材料breeding material
育种核心群breeding nucleus
育种潜能breeding potential
育种目标breeding purpose
育种目标requirement of breeding
育种目标breeding goal
育种目标breeding aim
家畜育种研究所breeding institute
育种程序breeding procedure
育种策略breeding programme
育种策略breeding strategy
育种系统breeding system
育种繁殖breeding cultivation
育种组织mating system
育种组织breeding organization
育种组织breeding structure
育种结构mating system
育种结构breeding structure
育种者协会breed registry association
育种计划breeding plan
育种计划breeding scheme
育种计划breeding program
育种计划breeding policy
育种计划breeding programme
育种记录breeding record
育种适合度reproductive fitness
育种适合度fitness for breeding
英国家禽育种者与孵化商协会British Poultry Breeders and Hatcheries Association
英国牛育种者协作组British Cattle Breeders' Club
英国禽鸟育种者协会British Bird Breeders' Association
育种silkworm breeding
蚕品种选育silkworm breeding
蚕种保育breeding of silkworm eggs
蚕种繁育silkworm eggs reproduction
西南草原与绵羊育种研究所Southwestern Range and Sheep Breeding Laboratory
观赏品种和消遣品种育种fancier and hobbyist
辐射育种用辐射诱发突变,提供育种原料的育种方法radiation breeding
输血杂交育种crossbreeding by blood transfusion
蜜蜂闭锁育种closed population breeding
闭锁群育种不引人外血,场内自群繁育closed flock breeding
集团育种bulk method of breeding
预期育种expected breeding value
育种指数high breeding index
黑端细毛美利奴羊育种者协会Black-Top Delaine Merino Sheep Breeders' Association