
Terms for subject Business containing 股票的 | all forms | in specified order only
一时走俏的股票fashion shares
一种使股票行情下跌的影响bearish effect on the stock market
不公开发行股票的独占公司proprietary company
不可靠的股票wildcat stock
不易跌价的股票stiff stock
不稳定的股票市场queasy stock market
为实物投资而发行的股票issuance of capital stock for non-cash assets
买进过多而价高的股票overbought stock
低于账面价值发行的股票stock issued at less than book value
作为职工报酬的股票选购权和购买计划compensatory stock option and purchase plan
保险业者投资购买的股票insurance share
全部缴付股款的股票fully paid stock
受关注的股票watched stock
受关注的股票watched share
可提前回收的优先股票callable preferred stock
可通知赎回的股票callable stock
各类股票的会计处理accounting for various classes of stocks
同意调换的股票assented stock
向子公司直接购入的股票stock acquired directly from the subsidiary
实际无面值的股票actual no-par value stock
股票的留置权lien on shares
已兑换的股票converted share
已全部缴付股款的股票fully paid share
应向负责人、股东、及雇员收款的票据note receivable from officers, stockholders and employees
待价出售的股票nurse stock
投机性大而价格变动大的股票high flyer
按市价折换成股票的债券debenture convertible to stock at market price
损赠股票的出售disposal of donated share
无商誉的股票non-goodwill share
无票面值股份的设定价值stated value of no par stock
无表决权的股票股份voteless share
无面值股票的宣布面值no-par stock with stated value
有投票权的股票即股票持有人在公司大会上有投票权的股票voting stock
有投票权的股票voting share
有票面价值的股票stock with par value
有账面价值的无面值股票no-par stock with stated value
未发行的股票unissued stock
未发行的股票unissued capital stock
每股股票的账面值book value of per share of stock
波动的股票fluctuating stock
清理人所掌握的债券和股票liquidation holding
清理人所掌握的债券或股票liquidation holding
用交换股票取得的子公司subsidiary acquired by exchange of share
直接向子公司购入的股票stock acquired directly from the subsidiary
硬推销不值钱股票的share pusher
经由股票市场的外国投资foreign investment via the stock market
经证明的股票过户certified transfer
股票投资会计的权益计价法equity method of accounting for stock investment
股票无牌价的公司指公司股票不合上市条件,或不愿上市的公司unquoted company
股票未上市的附属公司的股息dividend from unquoted subsidiary
股票的额外发行incremental stock issue
货币借贷对股票借贷的差额balance of money loan over stock
按照认股证上注明购买退股人股票的价格exercise price
超面值出售股票的盈余paid-in surplus
较便宜的股票bargain stock
附有购买股票权的债券bonds with stock purchase warrants
附有限制条件的股票qualifying share
非法经营的股票wildcat stock
面值25美元的股票quarter stock
高于账面价值发行的股票stock issued at more than book value