
Terms for subject Finances containing 股分 | all forms | in specified order only
上市公司股权分置问题issue of floating non-tradable shares of listed companies
不参与分红股non-participating stock
不参加分红的优先股non-participating preferred share
不参加分红的优先股non-participating preferred stock
不可分离认股权证non-detachable stock warrant
优先分配股利的优先股stock preferred as to dividends
优先分配财产的股票stock preferred as to accounts
决议分派的股利dividend declared (dividend payable)
分享股利participating dividend
分享股权贷款participating share loan
分先后的股票认购权tandem stock option
分数股临时凭证scrip certificate issued for fractional share
分期付款股票installment certificates
分期股款收据installment receipts (or scrip)
分期股票收据instalment scrip
分期认缴股款簿subscription installment book
分期认缴股款簿指公司债款subscription instalment book
分派股息make a dividend
分派股息公告declaration of dividend
分离式认股权证detachable warrant
分红股bonus share
分股后成本cost after split-up
分配股利、利润和偿付利息所支付的现金cash paid for distribution of dividends, profits or interest
分配股利所支付的现金cash paid for distribution of dividends
参与分红优先股participating preferred stock
参加分利优先股profit participating preferred stock
参加分红的优先股profit participating preferred stock
反向股份分割reverse stock split
可供股息分配的盈余surplus available for dividend
子公司股份之分批购买piecemeal acquisition control achieved or not achieved on first purchase
子公司股本分次取得piecemeal stock acquisition
已分拆股份split stock
已分拆股份split share
已缴部分股款的股本partly paid share capital
应缴股款的未催缴部分uncalled portion of payable shares
成分股constituent stock
持股人分布情况spread of holders
无分红股referred shares
未分散股权结构undiversified shareholding structure
未分股的共同产权tenant in common
未分配资本利得股息undistributed capital gain dividend
股东分户帐stock ledger (stockholders’ ledger)
股份分割stock split up
股份分类账share ledger
股份分配share allotment
股份分配通知书share allotment letter
股份的认购和分配application and allotment to shares
股份认购分配簿application and allotment book
股份认购及分配簿application and allotment book
股份认购及分配簿applicant and allotment book
股息分派payment of dividend
股权分离equity carve-out
股权分置equity division
股权分置改革equity division reform
股票分割stock split (stock split-up)
股票分拆上市equity carve-out
股票分配证书stock allotment certificate
股票技术分析stock technical-analysis
股金分配allocation of shares
股分户帐subscription ledger
股分配通知书letter of allotment
部分付款股份partly paid stock
部分付款股份partly paid shares
部分参与分红优先股partially participating preferred stock
部分参与分红优先股partially participating preferred shares
部分缴款权益股partly paid equity