
Terms for subject Securities containing 股份 | all forms | in specified order only
上市股份公司open corporation
上市股份公司open company
上市股份有限公司public limited company (PLC)
上市公司对其股份权益有进行调查的权力power of listed corporation to investigate ownership of interests in its shares
不公开发行的股份closely-held shares
不可转换成其他证券的股份non-admitted stock
中央股份借贷系统centralised borrowing and lending system
中央股份借贷系统centralized borrowing and lending system
临时股份分配函provisional allotment letter
为了零售股份发出的临时凭证scrip certificate issued for fractional shares
互助权益股份share of beneficial interest
付清股份full-paid stock
代息股份scrip share
以公有制为主导的股份公司stock company with public ownership as the mainstay
以单一货币计算的股份shares calculated in a single kind of currency
以持有的股份数量为限extent of their respective shareholdings
以货币形式表示的股份shares expressed in terms of money
份外股息unearned dividends
企业股份share of a business
企业股份system of shares in enterprise
企业股份制改造transforming enterprises into joint-stock ones
优先分配股息的股份stock preferred as to dividends
优先分配财产的股份stock preferred as to asset
使拥有者受益的股份share beneficially owned
信托股份trust share certificate
信用社股份credit union shares
信贷债券股份debenture stock
修订的股份卖空计划revised short selling scheme
借出股份lend stock
债务人的股份debtors share
偿还库存股份收益gain on realization of treasury stock
储备股份reserved shares
储存股份warehouse share
兑换股份right of conversion into stock
全球发行的股份数目number of offer shares in the global offering
全部股份收益total shares return
公众股份、公众股票public shares
公司股份化计划corporatization scheme
公用事业公司股份public utility stocks
共同基金股份share of mutual fund
关联股份持仓量related stock position
冻结股份on hold
减少股份Zusammenlegung von Aktien
减持股份shareholding lessening
出售股份close out one's shares (of the business)
出售股份要约offer of shares for placing
分摊股份allocate share
创办人股份founder's share/stock
创办人股份promoter's share
单位股份投资信托unit share investment trust
双重股份两重普通股,分红时权力平等,表决时权力不平等dual-class stock
双重股份资本调整的转换方法向内部人发行高表决权股份换回他们现有表决权股,其余由外部持股者拥有的低表决权股份通常能拿到较高的红利exchange method of dual-class recapitalization
反向股份分拆reverse stock split
发行在外的所有股份total shares outstanding
发起人股份promoter's stock
取得股份权益的所有人资料的权力power to obtain information as to those interested in shares
取消的股份cancelled share
受益股份beneficially owned share
受益股份beneficial shareholding
受益股份持有数量beneficial holding
受限制股份restricted stock
受限制股份restricted share
只持有部分股份的卖家vendor of part only of a shareholding
可借出的股份lending pool
可分配股份价值attributable share value
可归属股份价值attributable share value
可收回股份callable shares
可用的股份数量share availability
可赎回股份callable shares
合格股份qualified share
后备股份reserved shares
股份施加限制的指令orders imposing restrictions on shares
向同业变卖子公司股份horizontal divestiture
向战略投资者配售股份placement to strategic investor
员工股份回购employee share repurchase
员工股份认购权计划employee share option scheme
员工股份购买计划employee share purchase scheme
固定股份投资信托公司closed-end mutual fund
国有资本折成股份break the national capital down into stocks
场内股份回购on-market share repurchase
场外股份购回off-market share repurchase
场外交易股份OTC traded stocks
境外上市外资股份公司foreign shares company listed overseas
增加股份additional shares
备用的股份数量share availability
外国股份市场foreign equity market
多数股份majority stake
股份企业集团large shareholding conglomerates
定向募集股份private placement shares
实物股份结算settlement of physical shares
实行股份enforce stockholding system
实际股份真正股东所持有的股票real stock
对国外投资者持有股份的限制limit on foreign investors' holding of stocks
小份股权fractional entitlement
已分拆股份reduced shares
已发股份总额total issued equity shares
已发行股份outstanding share
已发行股份outstanding stocks
已发行股份capital stock issued
已发行有投票权的股份issued voting share
已发行有表决权的股份issued voting share
已缴款股份paid-in share/stock
已缴足股份fully paid up share
已认购股份issued capital stock
已认购的股份资本金额issued capital stock
已转移的股份transferred share
库存持有的股份shares held in treasury
应占股份attributable equity interest
延期付息股份deferred shares /stock
强化的特别股份交易方法enhanced special stock trading method
"待转让股份street name share certificate
德国交易所股份有限公司Deutsche Borse AG
或有股份contingent share
批准的股份share authorized
把资产低价折成股份convert assets into shares at depressed price
投资性股份investment stock
投资持有股份investment holdings
折合成股份的实物material objects converted into shares
披露股份质押disclosure of share pledges
披露导致股份波动disclosure leading to fluctuation of stocks' prices
招标发售股份offer by tender
持有股份equity stake
持有10%以上的股份的股东holders of more than 10% shares
持有受益股份beneficial interest in shareholding
持有多家银行股份的公司multibank holding company
持有的股份holding of shares
指定股份/股票designated shares
股份制偿还limited by share
授予股份granting shares
接管前股份收购战略pre-takeover share acquisition strategy
撤回的股份withdrawal share
收购股份buying out an interest
整份股full lot
整份股board lot
新增股份newly-increased shares
无价格股份duff stock
无证书股份uncertificated shares
普通股票担保账户/抵押股份账户general stock collateral account
暴跌股份plummeting share prices
有关股份权益过分集中的公告announcements concerning high concentration of shareholdings
有投票权股份的权益interests in voting shares
有投票权的股份vote shares (stocks)
未上市股份投资股利dividend from unquoted investment
未付足款股份partly-paid stocks
未发凭证的股份uncertificated shares
未注册股份unregistered stock
未注册股份unregistered share
未缴款股份nil-paid share
未购股份unpurchased shares
本地登记机构注册的股份share on local register
权益和股份登记簿register of interests and shares
某类股份的权利class rights
核准股份authorized shares
核准的股份登记机构approved share registrars
横向出售子公司股份horizontal divestiture
每日股份转移结算单daily movement statement
没收股份forfeit of shares
法定股份stock authorized
注册股份authorized shares
注销股份cancel shares
混合所有公有制为主的股份公司stock company under mixed ownership with public ownership rights as the principal part
特殊类别股份special classes of shares
现有股份capital stock outstanding
目标公司股份target company shares
相互拥有股份mutual stock ownership
确认的股份identified shares
私人股份有限公司private limited company
私募股份private placement shares
等值股份equivalent shares
等额股份equal shares
累积股份cumulative capital stock
股份市场net shares market
纽约股份guilder shares
终止拥有股份的权益cease to be interested in shares
绝对多数选举权投票权股份supermajority voting shares
统一商务股份有限公司consolidated merchandising corporation
缴纳股份subscription share
缴足股份fully paid share
缴足股份full-paid stock
置换股份计划plan of share exchange
联合股份有限公司consolidated corporation
股东自有股份shareholders' equity
股份stock unit
股份不上市的closely held
股份不公开公司股票全部或大部分为少数人控制的一般不公开上市的公司close company/corporation
股份不发行公司closed corporation
股份不流通的closely held
股份不流通的市场close market
股份不流通限制closely-held restriction
股份两合公司public company organized by limited and unlimited shareholders
股份两合有限合伙关系joint stock limited partnership
股份中包含的经济权益economic interest in shares
股份互换stock merger
股份互换share exchange
股份享有权益的排序ranking of shares
股份保证金贷款share margin lending
股份储蓄银行stock savings bank
股份全数交割full delivery
股份全部交付full delivery
股份公司stock holding company
股份公司share company
股份公司stock association
股份公司shares firm
股份公司joint stock enterprise
股份公开的公司public corporation
股份共享制stock sharing system
股份关联保险equity linked assurance
股份净交割责任net share delivery obligation
股份减持reduced shares
股份分拆stock spWt
股份分红share dividend
股份分配apportionment of shares
股份分配弃权证书letter of renunciation
股份分配通知书share allotment form
股份制企业enterprises operating on shareholding system
股份制企业joint-equity enterprise
股份制企业share issuing enterprises
股份制企业shareholding enterprises
股份制企业corporate enterprise
股份制公司集团share issuing company group
股份制商业企业shareholding commercial enterprise
股份制度shareholding system
股份制度system of shares
股份制度stock system
股份制度share system
股份制有限公司joint stock limited company
股份制试点企业会计制度accounting system for stock companies on experiment
股份制银行joint-stock bank
股份化体系的设置establishment of a full-fledged shareholding system
股份单位share unit
股份卖空试验计划short selling pilot scheme
股份发售要约offer of shares for placing
股份变化报告statement of stock movement
股份合作joint stock partnership
股份合作企业joint-equity cooperative enterprise
股份合作制system of joint-stock and cooperation
股份合作制shareholding cooperative system
股份合作制joint stock cooperative system
股份合并split down
股份合并split back
股份回购守则share repurchase code
股份回购授权share repurchase mandate
股份回购纪录报告share repurchase history report
股份回购计划share repurchase
股份固定投资公司closed end investment company
股份固定的信贷投资公司closed-end trusts
股份基金share fund
股份奖励计划share incentive scheme
股份存放费stock deposit fee
股份总账share ledger
股份或债券计划性要约programme offer of shares or debentures
股份所有人owner of the shares
股份所有权title in shares
股份所有权的分割fragmentation of stock ownership
股份押金贷款share margin lending
股份拥有权ownership of shares
股份持仓报告stock position report
股份提取share draft
股份收益equity yield
股份收益率earnings of stock price
股份整批上市block listing of shares
股份有限公司日本kabushiki kaisha
股份期权方案share option scheme
股份right over shares
股份权益interest in share
股份权益账户entitlement account
股份注销缴人资本contributed capital from retirement of capital stock
股份激励计划share incentive scheme
股份的认购和分配application for and allotment to shares
股份禁售期locked-in period
股份管理stock management
股份细分share subdivision
股份经济stock economy
股份经济权益economic interest in shares
股份结算stock clearing
股份结算费stock settlement fee
股份维持费stock maintenance fee
股份置换资产式兼并stock for assets acquisition
股份要约的作用role of stock offer
股份认购及分配application and allotment to shares
股份认购权一定期限内按预定价交易股票的权利share option
股份认购重复申请multiple applications for shares
股份记录簿stock book
股份证书share certificate
股份证书scrip certificate
股份调换exchange of shares/stocks
股份责任有限公司joint stock company with limited liability
股份账户结算单statement of stock account
股份购回报告share repurchases report
股份资本joint stock capital
股份赎回redemption of shares
股份转移transmission of shares
股份转移stock migration
股份转让vote or sell
股份转让transfer of shareholding
股份转让费stock transfer fee
股份配发结果allotment results
股份配发通知书share allotment form
股份配售share allotment
股份配售allotment of shares
股份面额share denomination
股利股份dividend shares/stock
股票交易量少的年份原意指果树的小年off year
股票份额share of stocks
董事应持股份directors' share qualification
虚假股份公司bogus stock company
虚假股份账户dummy share account
规定的股份权益prescribed interest in share
解救市场时吸纳的股份rescue shares
计划中股份持有人plan holder
计算期加权股份指数帕奇加权理想式Paasche Index
认可的可赎回股份approved redeemable share
认股股份number of shares subscribed
认购股份share subscription
认购股份申请application for shares
豁免股份exempted shares
豁免股份回购exempt share repurchase
货币市场共同基金股份/份额monetary market mutual fund shares
资产股份turn the assets into shares
资本分成股份capital divided into shares
资本股息转为股份capital divided into shares
赎回股份基金stock redemption fund
超额股份excess share
超额股份条款excess-share provision
超额配发股份over-allocation of shares
转变为股份公司的大中型企业large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises turned into corporate enterprise
转变为股份合作制的小企业small enterprises changed into shareholding cooperatives
选购股份方案share option scheme
重组后股份溢价减少reduction of share premium on reorganization
间接股份权益indirect stake
集中化股份借贷系统centralised borrowing and lending system
零星股份凭证fractional certificate
零星股份证书scrip certificate
股份金融公司non-stock money corporation
非上市可交易股份trading only stock
非参与性股份non-participating stock
非流动股份制度system of immobilization
非证书股份non-certificated share
预留股份reserved shares
额定股份authorized shares
香港交易所股份信息板HKEx Share Information Board
香港公司股份回购守则Hong Kong Code on Share Repurchase
高增长及新兴股份的市场market for the high-growth and emerging stocks