
Terms for subject Geophysics containing | all forms
双侧向一微球形焦测井dual laterolog/microspherically focused log
双感应焦测井dual induction focused log
双感应一焦一伽马测井dual induction focused log gamma ray
双感应一侧向一双感应焦测井dual induction lateral/dual induction focus log
双感应一球形测井dual induction spherically focused
双感应一球形焦测井dual induction spherically focused log
双感应一球形焦测井dual induction SFL
双感应一球形焦测井dual induction log/spherically focused log
合成焦电阻率synthetically focused resistivity
焦距离back focal length
微柱型焦测井microcylindrically focused log
微球焦测井micro-spherical focused log
微球焦测井电导率conductivity of micro-spherically focused log
微球焦测井电导率conductivity of MSF
微球焦电导率micro-spherically focused conductivity
微球形测井micro-spherically focused tool
微球形焦测井micro-spherically focused log
感应焦测井induction focused log
感应一球形焦测井induction-spherically focused log
数字焦测井digitally focused log
柱状焦技术cylindrical focusing technique
每英尺能喷流射孔数jet shots per foot
每英尺能射孔数jet perforations per foot
浅探测焦电阻率测井resistivity focused log shallow
深度depth focusing
深度焦分析depth focusing analys
滤波后的焦测井线性电阻率linear resistivity of focused log filtered
滤波后的焦测井线性电阻率RFL filtered
球形焦侧向测井spherically focused laterolog
球形焦测井spherical focused log
球形焦测井导电率spherically focused log conductivity
球形焦测井导电率SFL conductivity
球形焦测井平均值averaged spherically focused log
球形焦测井电阻率RSFL resistivity of spherically focused log
球形焦测井电阻率RSFL resistivity of SFL
球形焦测井电阻率测井spherical focused log resistivity tool
球形焦测井电阻率测井SFL resistivity tool
球形焦测井非平均值unaveraged spherically focused log
球形焦电阻率仪spherically focused resistivity tool
球形焦电阻率测井曲线spherical focused resistivity logs
由于焦而造成的非均匀背景inhomogeneous background-based focusing
由微球形焦测井改装的微电阻率测井microlog from MSFL
由电阻率焦测井的电导率导出的孔隙度conductivity derived porosity from R resistivity focused log
由电阻率焦测井的电导率导出的孔隙度conductivity derived porosity from R FOC
电缆能射孔弹cable charge
等电子isoelectric focusing
乙烯绝缘导线polyethylene insulated conductor
乙烯绝缘导线电缆polyethylene insulated conductors cable
合物示踪测井polymer pathfinder log
地层倾角仪focused dipmeter
地层倾角测井focused diplog
焦控制块focused control block
焦测井focused log
焦测井得到的电导率conductivity from focused log
焦测井电阻率resistivity focused log
焦测井的线性电阻率linear resistivity of focused log
能喷流射孔jet perforation
能射孔器jet perforator
能射孔有效英尺effective feet of injecting perforations
自动automatic focus
镀金属的酯薄膜metallized mylar
静电焦速调管electrostatic focusing klystron
焦密度测井non-focussed density