
Terms for subject United States containing 联邦 | all forms | in specified order only
联邦保密电话局Federal Secure Telephone Service
联邦信息处理标准federal information processing standards
联邦国防通信机构Federal Defense Communications Authority
联邦地理数据委员会Federal Geographic Data Committee
联邦政府资助的研究与发展中心Federally Funded Research and Development Centers
联邦杀虫剂、杀菌剂和杀鼠剂条例Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act
联邦检查局Federal Inspection Service
联邦科学、工程、技术协调委员会Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology
联邦科学技术委员会Federal Council for Science & Technology
联邦贸易委员会关于丝绸增重之规定FTC Ruling on the Weighting of Silk
联邦通信委员会Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
联邦采购政策办公室Office of Federal Procurement Policy
联邦采购条例federal acquisition regulation