
Terms for subject Economy containing 联邦 | all forms | in specified order only
联邦储备银行借款borrowing from Federal Reserve Banks
美国企业持有的联邦证券commercial holdings of federal securities
会计员银行向联邦储备银行日报的存款平均额bank credit proxy
估计联邦所得税estimated federal income taxes
国家预支项目与联邦预算的关系national priority-federal budget relationship
对农业的联邦补贴federal aid to agriculture
美国 1935 年联邦失业税法案Federal Unemployment Tax Act, 1935
联邦主义new federalism
缅甸联邦标准Union of Burma Standard
美国联邦准备银行接受再兑现的票据eligible bill
美国联邦海事委员会Federal Maritime Commission
美国不需由州或地方政府作配合拨款的联邦财政补贴the non-matching grant
职工季度联邦税申报表employer’s quarterly federal tax return
职工年度联邦失业税申报表employer’s annual federal unemployment tax return
联邦与州政府之间的财政协调federal-state fiscal co-ordination
联邦中期信用银行Federal Intermediate Credit Banks
美国联邦交易委员会Federal Exchange Commission
联邦代扣所得税federal withholding tax (指企事业代政府从员工收入中扣除的应缴付税部分)
联邦仲裁法庭the federal court of arbitration
联邦价格支持计划federal program of price support
联邦住宅局Federal Housing Authority
联邦住宅法Federal Housing Act
美国联邦住宅管理局Federal Housing Administration
联邦住宅贷款银行体系federal home loan bank system
联邦供应部Federal Supply Service
联邦保险税Federal Insurance Contribution Act tax (美)
联邦保险税法Contribution Act
联邦保险税法Contribution Act
联邦保险税特别税法Federal Insurance Contribution Act (美)
联邦债务federal debt subject to limitation
联邦储备信贷Federal Reserve Credit
联邦储备兑换券federal reserve note
联邦储备制度federal reserve system
联邦储备制度federal reserve (system)
联邦储备券Federal Reserve Notes
联邦储备区Federal Reserve Districts
美国联邦储备委员会Federal Reserve Board
美国联邦储备局Federal Reserve Board
美国联邦储备条例Federal Reserve Act
联邦储备法案Federal Reserve Act
联邦储备监理官federal reserve agent
美国联邦储备系统Federal Reserve System
美国联邦储备银行Federal Reserve Bank
联邦储备银行分行域区Federal Reserve Branch City
联邦储备银行城市Federal Reserve Cities
美国联邦储备银行股本Federal Reserve Bank Stock
联邦储备顾问委员会Federal Reserve Advisory Council
联邦储蓄银行Federal Reserve Bank (美)
美国联邦公平包装和标签法案Federal Fair Packaging and Labeling Act
联邦公开市场政策委员会Federal Open Market Commission
联邦公开市场政策委员会Federal Open Market Committee
联邦准备制度federal reserve system
联邦准备制度与财政部协定federal reserve treasury accord
联邦准备条例federal reserve act
联邦准备银行federal reserve bank
联邦准备银行券Federal Reserve Bank Note
美国联邦动力委员会Federal Power Commission
联邦动力法案Federal Power Act
联邦劳动标准法案federal fair labor standard act
联邦卡特尔管理处Federal Cartel Office
联邦发行税Federal Issuance Tax
联邦合同执行计划办公室Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
联邦国库the federal treasury
/联邦国民抵押会社federal national mortgage association
美国联邦土地征用统一评估标准Uniform Appraisal Standard for Federal Land Acquisition
美国联邦土地银行Federal Land Bank
联邦地方法院federal district court
联邦基金市场federal fund market
联邦基金市场federal-fund market
联邦基金,收入和支出federal-funds, receipts, and outlays
联邦太平洋银行Federal Pacific Banking Corporation
联邦失业保险税unemployment compensation tax
联邦失业保险税法案federal unemployment tax act
联邦失业税法Federal Unemployment Tax Act
联邦娱乐委员会Feder al Recreation Commission
联邦存款保险法Federal Deposit Insurance Act
联邦、州及地方政府之间的三级财政职责划分federal and state-local diversion of fiscal responsibility
美国联邦巡回上诉法院Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
美国联邦应急管理局Federal Emergency Management Agency
美国联邦开放市场委员会Federal Open Market Committee
美国联邦所得税federal income tax
联邦所得税会汁federal income tax accounting
联邦所得税前before Federal income tax
联邦所得税后收益after federal income tax
联邦执行计划Federal Implementation Plan
美国联邦技术合作基金Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation
美国 联邦技术条件federal specifications
联邦拨款federal appreciation
联邦支出federal spending
美国联邦支出的预算分类budgetary classification of federal expenditures
联邦收入分享federal revenue sharing
联邦收购法规Federal Acquisition Regulations
联邦政府债券federal bonds
联邦政府批准的商业银行federal chartered banks
联邦政府给予州政府发行的证券收入的税款减免federal tax credit against state income
联邦政府证券federal securities
联邦政府采购管理法规Federal Procurement Management Regulations
美国联邦标准Federal Standard
联邦Federal statutes
美国联邦法规代码Code of Federal Regulations
美国联邦注册银行national bank
联邦注册银行券National Bank Note
联邦测试方法标准Federal Test Method Standards
联邦电讯委员会federal communication commission
美国联邦石油储备federal crude oil reserve
美国联邦研究法Federal Research Method
联邦破产法Federal Bankruptcy Act
联邦税收federal taxation
联邦税收缴存制度federal tax deposit system
联邦立案银行券National Bank Note
联邦立案银行法national banking act
联邦紧急救济法Federal Emergency Relief Law
联邦紧急救济法Federal Emergency Relief Law
美国联邦能源法规委员会Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
美国联邦规范Federal Specification
美国联邦规范一标准Federal Specification/Standard
刊名,美国联邦规范与标准索引Index to Federal Specifications and Standards
美国联邦技术规范局Federal Specifications Board
联邦调停和解委员会Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
联邦调査统计局Federal Bureau of Investigation
联邦财政补贴授权federal-aid authorization
联邦贷款处federal loan agency
美国联邦贸易委会员Federal Trade Commission
美国联邦贸易委员会Federal Trade Commission
联邦贸易委员会Federal Trade Commission (美)
美国联邦贸易委员会法案Federal Trade Commission Act
联邦资金市场federal fund market
联邦资金支票federal fund check
联邦资金日折利率federal fund rate
联邦通讯协会federal communication commission
联邦部门帐federal sector account
联邦部门收支账户federal sector account
联邦银行成立于 1875 年Bundesbank
美国联邦陆上油气资源租赁改革法案Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Reform Act
联邦顾问委员会法案Federal Advisor Committee Act
联邦预算federal budget: National-income accounts basis (federal sector account)
美国联邦高速公路管理局Federal Highway Administration
联邦商会联合会Federation of Commonwealth Chambers of Commerce
联邦特惠关税imperial preferential tariff
联邦特惠关税制度British Common Wealth Preference Tariff System
联邦特惠区Commonwealth Preference Area
联邦特惠待遇British preferential treatment
联邦特惠税制Imperial Preferential Tariff System
联邦特惠税制度British preference tariff system