
Terms for subject Environment containing 联邦 | all forms | in specified order only
联邦政府federal government A system in which a country or nation formed by a union or confederation of independent states is governed by a central authority or organization (国家由独立州联邦,并由中央权利机关管理的制度。)
联邦权力federal authority The power of a central government agency or its administrators to carry out the terms of the law creating the agency as well as to administer and implement regulations, laws and government policies (一个中央政府机构或者其管理人员的权力,履行该机构的条例,同时管理和实施规章,法律和政府政策。)
美国联邦水污染控制条例Federal Water Pollution Control Act
美国联邦水污染控制管理局Federal Water Pollution Control Administration
联邦法律federal law A binding rule or body of rules established by a government that has been constituted as a union of independent political units or states (由独立州或独立政治单位组成的政府所颁布的具有约束力法律或条文。)
联邦清洁空气法案Federal Clean Air Act
美国联邦空气与水污染控制管理局Federal Air and Water Pollution Control Administration