
Terms for subject Economy containing 联行 | all forms | in specified order only
为贷款提供资金的联合行动协定joint venture agreement
从联邦储备银行借款borrowing from Federal Reserve Banks
会计员银行向联邦储备银行日报的存款平均额bank credit proxy
各国船舶经纪人和代理行协会联合会Federation of National Association of Ship Brokers
国外联行往来账户a nostro account
国外联行往来账结余nostro balances
国际运输行业协会联合会提单FIATA Bill of Lading (International Federation of Forwarding Agents Association Bill of Lading)
巴黎联合银行Banque de l'Union Parisienne
应收国外联行往来账利息nostro interest claims receivable
应收国外联行往来账利息nostro claims receivable
应收国外联行往来账款nostro claims receivable
瑞士联合银行United Bank of Switzerland
美国联邦准备银行接受再兑现的票据eligible bill
联号银行制chain and group banking
联合反霸行动joint anti-hegemony action
联合国技术援助执行局United Nations Bureau of Technical Assistance Operation
联合运输执行人combined transport operator
联合银行an associated bank
联营银行an affiliated bank
联行an affiliated bank
联行往来各分行与总行之间的存放款关系联行账户intra-bank account
联行往来利息interest on inter branches accounts
联行往来利息interest on inter-branch accounts
联行往来账interbranches accounts
银行联行往来账branch ledger
联行支票inter-bank checks
联行账户intra-bank account
联邦中期信用银行Federal Intermediate Credit Banks
联邦住宅贷款银行体系federal home loan bank system
美国联邦储备银行Federal Reserve Bank
联邦储备银行分行域区Federal Reserve Branch City
联邦储备银行城市Federal Reserve Cities
美国联邦储备银行股本Federal Reserve Bank Stock
联邦储蓄银行Federal Reserve Bank (美)
联邦准备银行federal reserve bank
联邦准备银行券Federal Reserve Bank Note
联邦发行税Federal Issuance Tax
联邦合同执行计划办公室Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
美国联邦土地银行Federal Land Bank
联邦太平洋银行Federal Pacific Banking Corporation
联邦执行计划Federal Implementation Plan
联邦政府批准的商业银行federal chartered banks
联邦政府给予州政府发行的证券收入的税款减免federal tax credit against state income
美国联邦注册银行national bank
联邦注册银行券National Bank Note
联邦立案银行券National Bank Note
联邦立案银行法national banking act
联邦银行成立于 1875 年Bundesbank
行业联合组织trade combines
美国银行联合money pool