
Terms for subject Space containing 联系 | all forms | in specified order only
三军联合先进战术指挥控制/通信系统joint advanced tactical command control/com system
航天器与地面通信联系ground contact
联系series system
串-并联系serial-parallel system
串并联引爆系统series-parallel fuzing system
串联多星发射系统tandem launch system
串联引爆系统series fuzing system
串联母线系统series connection bus system
联系interacted system
人-机联系man-computer interaction
人机联系专题制图程序interactive thematic mapping program
人机联系地图制图模拟系统interactive graphic map modelling system
人机联系数字化interactive digitizing
人机联系数据库管理系统interactive data base management system
位置捷联初始对准系统position strapdown initial alignment system
位置捷联式惯性制导系统position strapdown inertial guidance system
先进的空间地面联络子系统advanced space ground link subsystem
先进空间地面联络子系统advanced space ground link subsystem
联系interacted system
关联计算机系统associated computer system
冗余捷联式惯性系统redundant strapdown inertial system
制动-修正联合推进系统combined braking/correction propulsion system (苏联 Phobos 探测器上的)
哈尔科夫自动控制系统科学生产联合体KhNPO SAU (乌克兰,俄文缩写英译)
多站联用测量系统multistation joining tracking system
多系统联网multiple system networking
天基红外系统联队ISSW space-based infrared systems wing (美国空间和导弹系统中心的)
小型再入系统联合研究combined reentry effort in small system
局部联机网络系统local on-line network system
并行parallel system
并联引爆系统parallel fuzing system
开放式系统互联参考模型open system interconnect reference model
联系strapdown system
联系统的初始对准initial alignment of strapdown system
联系统监控器strapdown system monitor
捷联惯导系统strapped-down inertial system
捷联制导与控制系统的综合系统integrated strapdown guidance and control system
捷联寻的制导系统strapdown homing guidance system
捷联式参系strapdown reference system
捷联式惯性制导系统strapdown inertial guidance system
捷联式惯性参照系strapdown inertial reference system
捷联式惯性导航系统strapped-down inertial navigation system
捷联式惯性导航系统strapdown INS
捷联式惯性导航系统strapdown inertial navigation system
捷联式激光惯导系统strapdown laser inertial navigation system
捷联式陀螺系统strapdown gyroscope system
捷联式陀螺系统技术strapdown gyro system technology
捷联数字控制系统strapdown digital control system
数字存取交联系统/开关digital access cross-connect system/switch
方位捷联平台惯导系统azimuth strap-down inertial navigation system
联系standby system
无线电联系radio contact
日本联机情报系统Japan on-line information system
最后的无线电联系last radio contact
混合式捷联制导系统hybrid strapdown guidance system
混合式捷联姿态与航向基准系统hybrid strapdown attitude and heading reference system
用仪表着陆系统交联进场ILS coupled approach (着陆)
目视联系visual contact
空间-地面联系子系统space-to-ground link sub-system
系统联试system integrated test
系统联试system integration test
系统联试system debugging test
系统联调system integration and test
系统联调试验system synthesis debugging test
综合捷联式大气数据系统integrated strapdown air-data system
联合仿真系统joint simulation system
联合作战演习系统joint wargaming system
联合作战规划系统joint operational planning system
联合信息分发系统joint information distribute system
联合先进武器系统joint advanced weapons system
联合全球情报通信系统joint worldwide intelligence communications system
联合可视综合显示系统joint visual integrated display system
联合多路中继与交换系统joint multichannel trunking and switching system
联合威胁报警系统joint threat warning system
联合建模与仿真系统joint modeling and simulation system
联合战术作战训练系统joint tactical combat training system
联合战术开发系统joint tactical development system
联合战术控制系统joint tactical control system
联合战术无线电系统joint tactical radio system
联合战略规划系统joint strategic planning system
联合战略跟踪与雷达系统joint strategic track and radar system
联合战略跟踪和雷达系统joint strategic tracking and radar system
联合报警指示通信系统joint warning indications communications system
联合数据系统协作局Allied Data-System Interoperability Agency
联合电子设备型号标识系统joint electronics type designation system (北约)
联合的轨道机动和中止飞行系统combined orbital maneuvering and abort system
联合监视与目标攻击指示雷达系统joint surveillance target attack radar system (美国战场监视侦察机)
联合监视目标攻击雷达系统Joint STARS joint surveillance target attack radar system
联合管理信息系统corporate management information system
联合精确空投系统joint precision air drop system
联合精确进场着陆系统joint precision approach and landing system
联合系统测试combined system test
联合部队司令部信息系统Combined Forces Command Information System
联合防空体系combined air defense system
联合飞行数据采集与传输系统joint inflight data acquisition and transmission system
联机处理的发展系统an evolutionary system for on-line processing
联机外围设备测试系统on-line peripheral test system
联机数据压缩系统on-line data compression system
联机数据输入系统on-line data entry system
联机文件系统on-line file system
联机模式分析与识别系统on-line pattern analysis and recognition system
联机程序测试系统on-line program testing system
联机程序设计系统on-line programming system
联机计算机系统on-line computer system
联机逻辑模拟系统on-line logic simulation system
联系测量connection survey
联网航天任务操作系统networked mission operations system
联网通信系统internet communications system
США.联邦远程通信系统federal telecommunications system
联锁[同步]雷达系统interlocking radar system
自动数字联机工作仪器系统automatic digital on-line instruments system
自动数字联机仪表系统automatic digital online instrumentation system
话音联系voice contact
速率捷联惯性制导系统rate strapdown inertial guidance system
速率捷联惯性系统算法rate strapdown inertial system algorithm
陆空联合作战系统joint air-ground operations system
静电陀螺捷联式惯性导航系统electrostatic gyro strapdown navigation system