
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing 联合国 | all forms | in specified order only
"一个联合国"试点One UN pilots
"一个联合国"试点UN pilots for delivering as one
国际人才培训和开发联合会International federation of training and development organization
国际运筹学会联合会IFORS International Federation of Operational Research Societies
管理学院和研究院国际联合会International association of schools and institutes of administration
联合国一体行动试点One UN pilots
联合国一体行动试点UN pilots for delivering as one
联合国全系统一致性United Nations System-wide coherence
联合国全系统评价United Nations system-wide evaluation
联合国全系统评价UN system-wide evaluation
联合国安全理事会决议缩写为SCRSecurity Council resolution
联合国志愿人员承付额UN volunteer commitment
联合国机构执行United Nations agency execution
联合国系统中业务实践协调与改革harmonization and reform of United Nations system business practices
联合国系统中业务实践协调与改革harmonization and reform of business practices in the UN system
联合国赔偿委员会United Nations Compensation Commission