
Terms for subject International trade containing 联合国 | all forms | in specified order only
国际版权联合会copyright union of international
国际联合concert of nations
国际联合大企业的经营者international conglomerate
国际联合运输international combined transport
国际航运保险联合会International Union of Marine Insur ance
国际货物运输行协会联合会International Federation of Forwarding Agent's Association
帝国联合协会Imperial Federation League
1966 年联合国亚洲与远东经济委员会国际商事仲裁规则和调解准则Rules for International Commercial Arbitration and Standards for Conciliation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far Esat, 1966
联合国国际卖货时效会议United Nations Conference on Prescription Limitation in the International Sale of Goods New York, May June, 1947 1947
1966 年联合国欧洲经济委员会仲裁程序规则Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 1966
1978年联合国海上货物运输公约汉堡规则UN convention on the carriage of goods by sea, 1978
1978年联合国海上货物运输公约United Nations Convention on the Carrier of Goods by Sea 1978
1978 年联合国海上货物运输公约United Nations Convention on the 1978 Carriage of Goods by Sea
消费国联合组织common organization of consuming countries
美利坚合众国与联合国签订的邮政协定Postal Agreement between the United Nations and the United States of America
美国劳工联合会AFL American Federation of Labour
美国劳工联合会-产业工会联合会劳联-产联AFL CIO American Federation of Labour and Congress of Industrial Organization
联合国亚洲及太平洋经济和社会委员会United Nations Economic and social commission for Asia & the Pacific Escap
联合国亚洲及远东经济委员会United Nations Economic Commission for Asia & the Far East
联合国亚洲及远东经济委员会economic Commission for Asia and Far East
联合国亚洲和太平洋经济社会委员会亚太经社会United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
联合国人口问题基金United Nations Fund for Population Activities
联合国会费United Nations assessments
联合国促进全球经济合作的新机构new United Nations Structure for global economic co-operation
联合国公债United Nations bond issue
联合国关于南北问题的全球性谈判United Nations global negotiations on North-South issues
联合国区域委员会UN Regional Commissions
联合国十年发展计划United Nations Development Decade
联合国发展合作周期United Nations Development Coopertaion Cycle
联合国发展规划、预测和政策中心United Nations Centre for Development Planning, Projections and Policies
联合国国际货物多式联运公约United Nations Convention on International Multimodel Transport of Goods
联合国国际贸易法律委员会United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
联合国国际销售货物合同公约United Nations Convention on Contract for the International Sales of Goods
联合国地理名词标准化会议United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names
联合国大会第七届特别会议Seventh Special Session of the U.N. General Assembly
联合国工业发展组织工发组织United Nations Industrial Development Organization
联合国工业发展组织UN Industrial Development Organization
联合国工发组织总信托基金UNIDO Central Trust Fund
联合国开发十年United Nations Development Decade
联合国拉丁美洲经济委员会United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America
联合国拉丁美洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Latin America
联合国杜会保防研究所UN Social Defence Research Institute
联合国欧洲经济委员会买卖一般条件和标准合同格式General Conditions of Sale and Standard Forms of Contract of the ECE
联合国法律委员会国际支付研究小组Study Group on International Payments
联合国法律委员会国际汇票Draft Uniform Law on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes
联合国海上货物运输会议United Nations Conference on the Carriage of Goods by Sea
联合国海洋法会议UN Conference on the law of the sea
联合国特别基金United Nations special Fund
联合国科学和技术应用于发展咨询委员会United Nations Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development
联合国粮农组织联合管理处Joint United Nations/FAD Administrative Unit
联合国粮食及农业组织粮农组织United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization
联合国组织UND United Nations Organizations
联合国经济及社会理事会经社理事会United Nations Economic and Social Council
联合国经济发展特别基金会Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development
联合国经济合作行动计划署United Nations Action Programme for Economic Cooperation
联合国统计局United Nations statistical office
联合国统计年表United Nations Statistical Year Book
联合国自然资源、能源和运输中心United Nations Centre for Natural Resources, Energy and Transport
ECWA联合国西亚经济委员会Economic Commission for Western Asia
联合国货币金融会议United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference
联合国贸易与发展会议United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
联合国贸易与发展会议贸发会议United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
联合国贸易发展会议贸发会议United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
联合国贸易法律委员会的审查事项范围说明terms of reference of UNCITRAL
联合国贸易组织International Trade Organization
联合国资本开发基金会United Nations Capital Development Fund
联合国跨国公司调查研究中心Information and Research Center on Transnational Corporations
联合国难民事务高级专员公署United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
联合国非洲经济委员会United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
联合国非洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Africa
联合王国原子能管理局United kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
英国工业联合会Confederation of British Industries
跨国联合企业transnational conglomerate
运输代理人协会国际联合会the international federation of forwarding agent association