
Terms for subject Exhibitions containing 联合国 | all forms | in specified order only
国际博览会联合会Union des Foires Internationales
国际展览服务联合会International Federation of Exhibition Services
国际展览统计联合会International Exhibition Statistics Union
法国文体联合会Federation Sportive et Culturelle de France
美国企业总裁联合会American Society of Association Executives
联合国世界人口会议United Nations Population Conference
联合国停火监督组织UN Truce Supervision Organization
联合国儿童基金会UN Children's Fund
联合国国际组织会议United Nations Conference on International Organization
联合国大会General Assembly of the United Nations
联合国开发规划署UN Development Program
联合国环境规划署UN Environment Program
联合国科教文组织巴黎United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
联合国粮食及农业组织罗马Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
联合国维和部队United Nations Peace-Keeping Force
联合国贸易与发展会议The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
联合国难民事务高级专员处Office of the United States High Commissioner for Refugees