
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 联合国 | all forms | in specified order only
中国勘查地球物理联合会Union of Chinese Exploration Geophysics
全国书业联合会National Book League
全国图书馆协会联合会Council of National Library Association
全国文摘与索引服务联合会National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services
全国矿工联合会National Union of Miners
全国财产所有者联合会National Federation of Property Owners
全球联合海洋站系统可信国家海洋数据中心IGOSS Responsible National Oceanographic Data Centre
印度全国矿工联合会Indian National Mineworkers, Federation
国会原子能联合委员仝Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy
国会原子能联合委员会Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy
国会联合经济委员会Joint Economic Committee of Congress
国家咨询联合委员会National Joint Advisory Council
国家标准化协会国际联合会International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations
国家标准实验室联合会national conference of standards laboratories
国家科学文献文摘和检索服务联合会national federation of science abstracting and indexing services
国家联合委员会National Joint Council
国立西南联合大学National South-West Associated University
国际人类学联合会International Union of Anthropological Sciences
国际信息科学联合会International Federation of Information Science
国际化学命名法联合会International Union of Chemistry Name
国际化学工作者联合会International Chemical Worker's Union
国际化学工作者联合会International Chemical Workers Union
国际化学联合会International Chemistry Union
国际协会组织联合会比利时Union of International Associations Belgium
国际古生物联合会International Paleontological Union
国际图书馆协会与学会联合会International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
国际土地测量工作者联合会International Federation of Land Surveyors
国际土壤联合会International Union of Soil Science
国际地学信息网联合会consortium for international Earth science information network
国际地球动力学联合会间委员会Inter-Union Commission on Geodynamics
国际地理学联合会International Geographical Union
国际地质学和地球物理学联合会International Union of Geology and Geophysics
国际地质科学联合会国际地科联International Union of Geological Sciences
国际地质科学联合会海洋地质委员会International Union of Geological Sciences/Committee on Marine Geology
国际地质调查联合会International Consortium of Geological Surveys
国际大地测量学和地球物理学联合会international union of geodesy and geophysics
国际大学联合会International Association of Universities
国际大湖联合委员会美国和加拿大Great Lakes International Joint Commission US and Canada
国际天文学联合会International Astronomical Federation
国际学术联合会International Academic Union
国际宇宙航行联合会International Astronautical Federation
国际工程协会联合会Union of International Engineering Organizations
国际市政工程师联合会International Federation of Municipal Engineers
国际微生物学联合会International Union of Micro-biological Societies
国际技术协会联合会法国Union of International Technical Association France
国际抱粉学会联合会International Federation of Palynological Societies
国际操作工程师联合会International Union of Operating Engineers
国际数学地球物理协会联合会Inter-Association Committee on Mathematical Geophysics
国际文献编辑联合会International Federation for Documentation
国际文献联合会Fédération Internationale de Documentation (International Federation for Documentation)
国际文献联合会美国国家委员会United States National Committee for FID
国际无线电科学联合会International Union of Radio Science
国际无线电科学联合会美国国家委员会International Union of Radio Science-US National Committee
国际晶体学联合会International Union of Crystallography
国际月球研究联合会间委员会Inter-Union Commission for Studies of the Moon
国际材料与结构研究实验室联合会International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Material and Structures
国际标准协会联合会International Federation of the National Standardizing Association
国际气体工业联合会International Gas Union
国际油轮污染防治联合会International Tanker Owners's Pollution Federation
国际测绘联合会International Union of Surveying and Mapping
国际测量师联合会International Federation of Surveyors
国际测量联合会International Measurement Confederation
国际热分析联合会International Confederation for Thermal Analysis
国际理论和应用力学联合会International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
国际生物化学联合会生物化学命名委员会IUB Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature
国际生物化学联合会生物化学杂志编辑委员会IUB Commission of Editors of Biochemical Journals
国际电子显微〔镜〕学会联合会International Federation of Societies for Electron Microscopy
国际电子显微镜学会联合会International Federation of Electron Microscope Societies
国际电气、无线电及机械工作者联合会International Union of Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers
国际电热联合会International Union for Electroheat
国际真空科学、技术与应用联合会International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications
国际石油工作者联合会Oil Workers International Union
国际矿冶专业学生联合会International Federation of Mining and Metallurgical Students
国际矿工联合会Miners' International Federation
国际科学史与哲学联合会International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science
国际科学和技术发展组织联合会Confederation of International Scientific and Technological Organizations for Development
国际科学无线电联合会International Scientific Radio Union
国际科学联合会理事会国际生物学规划特别委员会ICSU Special Committee for the International Biological Programme
国际科学联合会理事会地球动力学联合会间委员会ICSU Inter-Union Commission for Geodynamics
国际科学联合会理事会-文摘委员会International Council of Scientific Unions-Abstracting Board
国际科学联合会理事会文摘编辑部ICSU Abstracting Board
国际科学联合会理事会科学技术数据委员会ICSU Committee on Data for Science and Technology
国际第四纪研究联合会International Union for Quaternary Research
国际第四纪研究联合会协会International Association on Union for Quaternary Research
国际纯粹与应用力学联合会International Union of Pure and Applied Mechanics
国际纯粹与应用化学联合会international union of pure and applied chemistry
国际纯粹与应用化学联合会光谱化学和其他光学分析程序委员会IUPAC Commission on Spectrochemical and other Optical Procedures for Analytics
国际纯粹与应用化学联合会分子结构与光谱学委员会IUPAC Commission on Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy
国际纯粹与应用化学联合会分析化学量和计量单位委员会IUPAC Commission on Quantities and Units in Clinical Chemistry
国际纯粹与应用化学联合会分析命名委员会IUPAC Commission on Analytical Nomenclature
国际纯粹与应用化学联合会原子量委员会IUPAC Commission on Atomic Weights
国际纯粹与应用化学联合会无机化学命名委员会IUPAC Commission on Nomenclature in Inorganic Chemistry
国际纯粹与应用化学联合会有机化学命名委员会IUPAC Commission no Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry
国际纯粹与应用化学联合会热力学和热化学委员会IUPAC Commission on Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry
国际纯粹与应用化学联合会物理化学测量与标准委员会IUPAC Commission on Physicochemical Measurements and Standards
国际纯粹与应用化学联合会物理化学符号、术语与单位委员会IUPAC Commission on Physicochemical Symbols, Terminology and Units
国际纯粹与应用化学联合会物理化学部IUPAC division of physical chemistry
国际纯粹与应用化学联合会电化学委员会IUPAC Commission on Electrochemistry
国际纯粹与应用化学联合会胶体化学与表面化学委员会IUPAC Commission on Colloid and Surface Chemistry
国际纯粹与应用物理学联合会International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
国际纯粹与应用物理学联合会符号、单位和命名委员会IUPAP Commission for Symbols, Unit and Nomenclature
国际纯粹与应用生物学联合会International Union of Pure and Applied Biology
国际纯粹与应用生物物理学联合会International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics
国际纯粹与应用生物物理联合会生物热力学委员会IUPAB Commission on Biothermodynamics
国际经济地质学家联合会International Federation of Societies of Economic Geologists
国际联合委员会International Joint Commission
国际自然保护联合会International Union for Conservation of Nature
国际自然和自然资源保护联合会International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
国际自然和自然资源保护联合会international union for conservation of nature and natural resources
国际航运研究机构联合会International Association of the Institutes of Navigation
国际航运联合会International Shipping Federation, Ltd.
国际藻类学联合会International Confederation of Algology
国际证券交易所联合会International Federation of Stock Exchanges
国际超前研究机构联合会International Federation of Institutes for Advanced Study
国际运筹学会联合会International Federation of Operational Research Societies
国际采矿、选矿及冶炼工人联合会International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers
国际防止空气污染协会联合会International Union of Air Pollution Prevention Associations
国际顾问工程师联合会international federation of consulting engineers
法国地球物理联合股份有限公司United Geophysical France
科学技术联合会-国际地球动力学计划委员会Federal Council for Science and Technology-Committee for the International Geodynamics Project
美国信息处理学会联合会American Federation of Information Processing Society
美国北极研究联合会Arctic Research Consortium of the United States
美国国际研究所联合会American Federation of Internation Institute
美国生物学会联合会Union of American Biological Societies
美国矿工联合会United Mine Workers of America
美国矿物学会联合会American Federation of Mineralogical Society
美国科学家联合会Federation of American Scientists
美国联合能源公司美国新泽西州United American Energy Corp.
美洲国家联合国协会American Association for United Nations
联合国Nations Unies (United Nations)
联合国亚太经济与社会理事会Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific
联合国亚洲及太平洋地区经济与社会委员会United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
联合国亚洲及太平洋开发研究所United Nations Asian and Pacific Development Institute
联合国亚洲及远东经济委员会United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East
联合国人类环境会议conference on the human environment (UN)
联合国制图会议United Nations Cartographic Conference
联合国制图委员会United Nations Cartographic Commission
联合国协会世界联合会World Federation of United Nations Associations
联合国原子能控制委员会United Nations Atomic Energy Control Commission
联合国原子辐射效应科学委员会United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation
联合国可持续发展委员会Community on Sustainable Development of the United Nations
联合国周转基金署United Nations Revolving Fund
联合国和平利用外层空间委员会United Nations Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
联合国国际法规委员会International Law CommissionUN
联合国国际组织会议United Nations Conference on International Organizations
联合国地名工作小组United Nations Working Group on Geographical Name
联合国地图局United Nations Cartographic Office
联合国外层空间探索与和平利用大会United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
联合国大会UN general assembly
联合国工业发展组织Industrial Development Organization
联合国工业开发组织维也纳United Nations Industrial Development Organization Vienna
联合国开发公司United Nations Development Corp.
联合国开发咨询小组United Nations Development Advisory Team
联合国开发技术合作部Department of Technical Co-operation for Development
联合国开发计划署特别基金United Nations Development Program Special Fund
联合国总部United Nations Headquarters
联合国情报中心United Nations Information Centre
联合国扩大技术援助计划United Nations Expanded Technical Assistance Programme
联合国技术合作局United Nations Office of Technical Cooperation
联合国技术开发合作部United Nations Department of Technical Cooperation for Development
联合国技术援助United Nations Technical Assistance
联合国技术援助Technical Assistance of the United Nations
联合国技术援助团United Nations Technical Assistance Mission
联合国技术援助委员会Technical Assistance Committee
联合国技术援助委员会United Nations Technical Assistance Committee
联合国技术援助委员会Technical Assistance Board
联合国技术援助小组委员会technical assistance panel
联合国技术援助局United Nations Technical Assistance Board
联合国技术援助执行局United Nations Bureau of Technical Assistance Operations
联合国技术援助扩大计划expanded technical assistance programme
联合国技术援助扩大计划expanded programme of technical assistance
联合国技术援助研究会United Nations Technical Assistance Fellowship
联合国技术援助管理局Bureau of Technical Assistance Operation (UN)
联合国技术援助署Technical Assistance Administration (UN)
联合国技术援助署United Nations Technical Assistance Administration
联合国技术援助署Board of Technical Assistance (UN)
联合国技术援助计划United Nations Technical Assistance Programme
联合国技术援助计划United Nations Programme of Technical Assistance
联合国拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN)
联合国救灾组织United Nations Disaster Relief Organization
联合国救灾署United Nations Disaster Relief Office
联合国教科文组织地球科学部Division of Earth Science (UNESCO)
联合国教科文组织日本协会联盟Nihon UNESCO Kyokai Renmei
联合国教育、科学及文化组织巴黎united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization Paris
联合国文献索引United Nations Document Index
联合国水资源秘书联席小组intersecretariat group for water resources
联合国海底委员会全称:联合国和平利用国家管辖范围以外海床洋底委员会Committee on the Peaceful Uses of the Sea-Bed & the Ocean Floor Bay and the Limits of National Jurisdiction
联合国海洋法会议United Nation Conference on the Law of the Sea
联合国环境和发展大会United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
联合国环境基金United Nations Environment Fund
联合国环境署united nations environment programme
联合国环境规划管理理事会Governing Council of United Nations Environment Programme
联合国环境规划署国际查询系统International Referral System (UNEP)
联合国环境规划署能源和环境合作研究中心UNEP Collaborating Centre on Energy and Environment
联合国环境计划署国际分派系统United Nations Environment Programme/International Referral System
联合国环境计划署理事会United Nations Environment Programme/General Council
联合国生态计划United Nations Ecological Program
联合国社会发展研究学会United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
联合国科学咨询委员会United Nations Scientific Advisory Committee
联合国科学技术应用专家委员会United Nations Expert Committee on the Application of Science and Technology
联合国科学技术应用于开发会议United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development
联合国科学技术应用于开发咨询委员会United Nations Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development
联合国科学技术应用会议United Nations Conference on Science Application and Technology
联合国科学技术应用会议United Nations Conference on the Applications of Science and Technology
联合国科学技术用于开发委员会Committee of Science and Technology for Development
联合国秘书间水资源小组inter-secretariat group for water resources
联合国粮农组织罗马United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Rome
联合国粮农组织Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
联合国粮农组织修正的布莱尼-克里德尔法估计蒸散发的方法blaney-criddle method modified by the FAO
联合国组织原子能委员会UNO Atomic Energy Commission
联合国经济与社会理事会United Nations Economic and Social Council
联合国经济及社会理事会Economic and Social Council of United Nations
联合国经济及社会理事会economic and social council (UN)
联合国经济和社会开发部United Nations Department of Economic and Social Development
联合国经济开发特别基金Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development
联合国经济开发署United Nations Economic Development Administration
联合国经济社会理事会economic and social council
联合国自然资源与能源局division of natural resources and energy
联合国自然资源勘查周转基金United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration
联合国自然资源、能源与运输中心United Nations Center for Natural Resources, Energy and Transport
联合国西亚经济与社会委员会Economic and Social Commission or Western Asia
联合国西亚经济与社会委员会Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN)
联合国计算中心United Nations Computing Centre
联合国辐射效应科学委员会United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Radiation
联合国防止沙漠化大会United Nations Conference on Desertification
联合王国大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,即英国United Kingdom
联合王国英国东海岸East Coast of United Kingdom
联合王国原子能管理局United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
英国圭亚那联合采金公司British Guiana Consolidated Goldfields, Ltd.
英国机械工程联合会British Mechanical Engineering Confederation
英国气象局无线电传递气象资料联合小组委员会Meteorological Office, Joint Meteorological Radio Propagation Subcommittee
英国水生科学学会联合会Federation of British Aquatic Societies
英国浇注混凝土业联合会British Cast Concrete Federation
英国矿工联合会Miners, Federation of Great Britain
英国矿工联合会Miners' Federation of Great Britain
英国矿渣联合会British Slag Federation
英国联合石油公司British Union Oil Co.
英国花岗岩与暗色岩联合会British Granite and Whinstone Federation
英国采石与矿渣联合会British Quarrying and Slag Federation
英国钢铁联合会British Iron and Steel Federation
英国预制混凝土联合会British Precast Concrete Federation
阿拉伯联合酋长国亚洲United Arab Emirates
韩国科学技术学会联合会Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies