
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing | all forms
一般事务GS category
一般事务General Service
一般事务General Service category
一般服务人员GS category
一般服务人员General Service
一般服务人员General Service category
一般服务人员及有关General Service and related categories
上游程序upstream function UNDP
下属subordinate post
不计入养恤金的务补贴special non-pensionable post allowance
员有关的计划staff related scheme
人员full-time staff
官员full-time officer
服务full-time service
专业位的任命career service appointment
专业人员professional category
专业人员及以上professional and higher categories
严重渎gross misconduct
临时任地点temporary duty station
以硬通货支付薪金的任地点hard currency duty stations
地点duty station
地点分类classification of duty stations
地点旅行的改变change of duty station travel
地点的改变change of duty station
duration of term of office
期限limitation on the term of office
企业管理functions of enterprise management
企业管理function of enterprise management
伦理ethics function
低类别baby post
低级别junior-graded staff
依据ex officio
信息系统careers in information systems
停薪suspension without pay
调查suspension pending investigation
全组织工发展和培训计划corporate staff development and training programme
关联double grading
关联linked grades
人员part-time personnel
工作part-time work
冻结frozen post
初级junior-graded staff
到任, 就日期entry on duty
到任, 就日期entrance on duty
前任former staff member
前序upstream function UNDP
业人员subprofessional personnel
单身工工资single rate salary
即决撤summary dismissal
参与与业组织membership in professional organization
双重dual grading
名誉honourary post
名誉honourary office
因丧失劳动能力离suspension for disability
因残疾离separation for disability
因渎被解雇dismissal for misconduct
因行为不端被免dismissal for misconduct
基本core post
实地位空缺公告field vacancy announcement
审计audit function
已离养恤金计划参加者terminated participant pensions
常设established post
平行parallel post
延迟填补delay in filling posts
总部员挑选程序headquarters staff selection procedure
总部员选拔程序headquarters staff selection procedure
总部任地点headquarters location
总部任地点headquarters duty station
惩处性停disciplinary suspension from duty
扩大的兼安排expanded part-time
拥有直系瞻养人员净薪金dependency rate salary
擅离unauthorized leave
擅离absence without leave
放弃abandonment of duty
人员civil service
文书clerical post
文书clerical job
无薪停suspension without pay
无赡养人工工资single rate salary
显性能和隐性职能manifest and latent functions
有家属员的薪金dependency rate salary
未定等的职位ungraded post
标准standard title posts
标准normative function
核心core staff
核心core functions
核心core function
毛空缺位率crude vacancy rate
永久任地点permanent duty station
派生baby post
海关customs clerk
特殊业工资率special occupational rates
理事会主席的Chair of the Council
理事会主席的Chairpersonship of the Council
申请空缺application for vacancy
监督性supervisory responsibility
直线、能参谋和委员会组织line functional staff and committee organization
相关related categories of jobs
相同等研究grade equivalency study ICSC
separation from service
付款termination of service payment
付款terminal payment
付款separation payments
付款terminal emolument
休假terminal leave
偿付计划Separation Payments Scheme
偿金withdrawal settlement
养恤金支付payment of benefits upon separation
后健康保险费after-service health insurance
后医疗保险after-service medical coverage
后医疗保险负债ASMC liability
后医疗保险负债After Service Medical Coverage liability
后福利after-service benefit
后负债after-service liability
手续separation action
批准separation clearance
授权separation clearance
搬迁费removal expenses on separation
日期date of separation
时享有全额付款full cover on separation
津贴termination indemnity
津贴termination allowance
福利付款payment of benefits upon separation
行动separation action
补偿金termination indemnity
补偿金termination allowance
面谈termination interview
面谈separation interview
面谈exit interview
管理managerial competency
管理当局与工关系staff-management relations
管理当局与工关系management-staff relations
业发展之途career path
业发展培训career development training
业安全卫生法Williams Steiger occupational safety and health act
业岗位career post
业生涯发展顶峰career ceiling
业简历career profile
业类共同分类法Common Classification of Occupational Groups
业类别occupational group
业结构career pattern
业编号occupational code
位冻结freezing of posts
位分类grading of posts
位分类post classification
位分类请求request for classification
位分配allocation of posts
位升降系统career path
位叙级grading of posts
位叙级post classification
位和职工的分类classification of posts and staff
位提升upgrading of post
位的撤消abolition of post
位空缺公告vacancy notice
位空缺公告vacancy announcement
位管理position management
位类别post category
位紧缩post reduction
位紧缩post retrenchment
位结构career pattern
位编号codification of posts
位解冻unfreezing of post
位设置establishment of post
位调整transfer of posts
内升级step increase
务工资差额补贴post differential
务扩大化job enlargement
务补助金assignment grant
务说明post description
务说明job description
代表staff representatives
员信托帐户staff fiduciary account
员再吸收reabsorption of staff
员轮岗政策staff rotation policy
员轮换rotation of personnel
员轮换staff rotation
员轮换rotation of staff
staff member
staff members
工与非职工资源的比例staff/non-staff ratio
工与非职工资源的比例ratio of staff to non-staff resources
工代表会议staff council
工代表机构staff representative body
工代表机构Staff Body
工代表机构representative staff body
工关系staff relations
工发展计划staff development programme
工商店帐户staff commissary account
工商店特惠commissary privileges
工培训training of staff
工守则Staff Rules
工审查staff review
工手册章节缩写为MSmanual section
工旅行staff travel
工旅行travel of staff budget
工条例Staff Regulations
工福利staff welfare
工管理计划staff management programme
工编制staffing pattern
工考核staff appraisal
工考核staff evaluation
工职衔titles of staff
工薪给税staff assessment
工薪给税收入staff assessment income
工薪给税率staff assessment rate
工薪给税的统一比例common staff assessment scale
工补偿计划compensation plan for staff
工补偿计划staff compensation plan
工表现评估制度staff performance appraisal system
工计划内费用staff planned cost
工评选staff selection
工调动staff transfer
工调动transfer of staff members
工调解程序conciliation procedure
工调解程序staff conciliation procedure
工调配deployment of staff
工货币差异currency variance on staff cost
工货币差异staff currency variance
工费用差额staff-cost differential
工费用的货币差异currency variance on staff cost
工费用的货币差异staff currency variance
工遵守规则staff compliance
工需求staff requirements
grade staff
等内升级within-grade step
等内所需最低工龄time-in-grade requirements
等内薪金递加within-grade salary increment
等晋升所需时间time-in-grade requirements
等评定标准grading standard
等重叠grade overlap
post category
级逐步提升grade creep
能中介functional intermediary
能主管functional manager
能陈述functional statement
责冲突role conflict
责文化role culture
自愿离voluntary separation
艰苦任地点hardship duty stations
行使excise tax
行使excise duty
计划内非工费用non-staff planned cost
评定工作人员grading of staff
staff transfer
transfer of staff members
优先考虑priority consideration for reassignments
旅行transfer travel
调高upgrading of post
货品merchandize employee
旅行appointment travel
起始starting grade
轮换rotational post
通知notice of resignation
运营operation employee
部级级别的位调整fractional post adjustment classes
部级级别的位调整fractional classes of post adjustment
长期permanent position
长期core post
长期任地点permanent duty station
长期合同continuing staff
附属subordinate post
工旅行non-staff travel
工费用non-staff human resources costs
工费用non-staff costs
工资源non-staff resources
非当地non-local staff
非总部任地点non-headquarters duty stations
非本国non-local staff
预算外extrabudgetary post
高级senior clerk
高级员月缩写为SSMsenior staff months