
Terms for subject Librarianship containing | all forms
馆员faculty librarian
馆员professional librarian
馆员librarian with faculty status
专业馆员有教身份的图书馆员librarian with faculty status
专业馆员有教身份的图书馆员faculty librarian
专业馆员有教身份的图书馆员professional librarian
期间office of tenure
可被终生聘任的tenure-track position
图书馆library staff
图书馆library clerk
人员导向培训new staff training
人员导向培训new staff orientation
有教身份的图书馆员专业馆员faculty librarian
有教身份的图书馆员专业馆员professional librarian
有教身份的图书馆员专业馆员librarian with faculty status
永久tenured position
永久permanent position
面试job interview
终生tenured position
终生permanent position
美国图书馆协会业道德规范守则ALA Code of Ethics
业倦怠job burnout
业认同professional identity
位空缺position opening
官志monograph on official posts
称结构title structure
称结构position structure
称评定title evaluation
称评定position evaluation
job title
责范围duty scope
雇员的责范围描述job description