
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
不可转移的能/作用non-delegable functions
不同行业内同行的工工会horizontal union
不履行breach of duty
人员dedicated person
收款员workout officer
监管主任/官员dedicated compliance officer
中国墙能及资料分隔措施的程序Chinese wall procedures
买方尽调查buyer due diligence visit
互任董事interlocking directorate
交易厅floor clerk
交易所pit official
交易所场内的floor clerk
业人员身份执业act in professional capacity
的合伙人active business partner
股东working partner
ex officio
允许工持股allow employees to hold some shares
全面尽调查comprehensive due diligence
公共public function
公共public function
公司渎corporate misconduct
hold concurrent posts
内部工流通股negotiable staff shares
内部工股staff shares
内部工股employee share
出资不任合伙人dormant partner
利用务之便take advantage of position
利益冲突的conflicting functions
前端尽调查股票上市发行前要进行的调查beginning due diligence
合理尽调查reasonable due diligence
合规compliance function
后台机构的back-office function
向公司员出售股票的计划employees stock sale plan
资金周转velocity function
员工in-service staff
审计员staff auditor
vesting period
审计企业债务渎行为audit of enterprise liabilities malpractices
审议国际金融机构的能、治理以及资源要求2008 年 G20 峰会为各过财长设定目标之一review the mandates, governance and resource requirements of international financial institutions
义务best execution obligations
尽责act with due diligence
调查due diligence investigation
调查事项due diligence issues
调查会议due diligence session
调查准备会议due diligence meeting
调查协议due diligence protocol
调查卖方意见seller's view of due diligence
调查报告due diligence report
调查清单列出应调查的详细项目due diligence checklist
调查程序due diligence procedures
调查范围scope of due diligence
调查责任obligation of due diligence
调查质询会due diligence meeting
履行discharge of function
履行监管discharging regulatory responsibility
市场调节market mechanism
必要业判断necessary professional judgement
恪尽best execution obligations
托管人trusteeship function
执行能的资本家entrepreneurial capitalist
担负一定责任的position of responsibility
指定的能部门designated functional department
按照授权履行监督管理perform the regulatory functions as authorized
收市后尽调查post-dosing due diligence
收益可观的lucrative post
故意渎股市上wilful misconduct
最终ultimate duty
杠杆工持股计划弊端disadvantage of leveraged ESOP
查账audit function
检察compliance function
法定statutory duty
法律业授权legal professional privilege
泛用权行为abusive practice
泛用权行为abusive conduct
注册交易所场内registered floor clerk
dereliction of duty
玩忽守的虚假陈述negligent misrepresentation
监管regulatory role
监管能衔接regulatory interface
监管者玩忽regulator asleep on the job
高管协议severance agreement
补偿金separation pay
业保障保险单professional indemnity policy
业养老基金occupational pension fund
业必备的谨慎例如,审计者的责任感与谨慎due professional care
业投资者的豁免exemption for professional investors
员在编人数staff complement
工人股信托基金employee stock ownership trust
工人股计划employee stock ownership plan
工代表大会staff and workers' congress
工代表大会employee's assembly
工参与employee participation (管理)
工股期权employee stock option
工股期权计划employee share option scheme
工股票优先购买权employee option
工集资人股的公司company on the basis of shares from its employees
能分工制度system of functional barriers
能划分制度Chinese Wall
能失调的行为与当局目标冲突的行为dysfunctional behaviour
能恢复resumption of functions
能的下放及再下放delegation and sub-delegation of functions
能的授权及转授权delegation and sub-delegation of functions
能的转授subdelegation of function
能转换transformation of functions
责分解segregation of duties
责划分segregation of duties
股东尽敬业stockholder duty of due care
自我尽调查do-it-yourself due diligence
良好的业信誉well-established career credit
董事退津贴directors' retirement allowance
蓝牌blue button
认证attest function
证券机构高管人员任资格管理暂行办法Provisional Regulations on the Administration of Qualifications of Senior Management of Securities Institutions
证监会的能和权力functions and powers of CSRC
财务代理银行或商行function of fiscal agent
董事outgoing directors
连续任serve consecutive term
退redundancy payment
遵守业道德证券市场上observe professional ethics
配备员的规定staffing requirement
非兼身份single capacity