
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
公共public function Activity carried out for the benefit of the community (为了社会利益开展的活动。)
美国加利福尼亚业安全与保健管理局California Occupational Safety & Health Administration
国家业安全与保健研究所National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
美国国家业安全与卫生咨询委员会National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health
政府责,政府公务government liability A public body's debt or other legal obligation arising out of transactions in the past which must be liquidated, renewed or refunded at some future date (由以前的交易所衍生,必须在未来清算、延续或偿还的公共团体债务或其他法律责任。)
employment The work or occupation in which a person is employed (被聘雇的工作或者职业。)
业保健occupational health care
业健康occupational health An area of statutory duty imposed on employers and employees in most countries, for the protection of the workforce from occupational diseases and stresses and physical hazards through adequate planning, ventilation, lighting, safeguards, safety and emergency procedures, routine inspections, monitoring, personal protection, etc. (在大多数国家,通过采用充分的规划、通风、采光、保障、安全和应急程序、常规检查、监督、个人防护等措施以保护劳动力避免职业病、压力和身体危害而强加给雇主和雇员的法定义务范围,。)
业健康与工作环境occupational health and working environment
业和环境employment and environment Issues or initiatives pertaining to the inter-relationship between ecological concerns and the economics of employment, including sustained, environmentally safe development; the effect of environmental activism on jobs; and the creation of environmental occupations (生态与经济间相互关系的议题或行为,包含持久性的环境安全发展、环境对职业的影响和环保职业的创立。)
业团体occupational group A collection of people who earn their living by similar or identical means of work (以类似或相同的工作来谋生的人的集合。)
业地位occupational status
业培训vocational training A special training for a regular occupation or profession, especially, one for which one is specially suited or qualified (针对一种定期职业或专业的专门培训,特别是针对适合的或合格的人员。)
业安全occupational safety An area of statutory duty imposed on employers and employees in most countries, for the protection of the workforce from occupational disease and stresses and physical hazards through appropriate measures (在大多数国家,通过适当的措施以保护劳动力避免职业病、压力和身体危害而强加给雇主和雇员的法定义务范围。)
美国业安全与保健法案Occupational Safety and Health Act
美国业安全与保健管理局Occupational Safety and Health Administration
业安全法规occupational safety regulation Law enacted to reduce the incidence among workers of personal injuries, illnesses, and deaths resulting from employment (制定法律来减少工人来自职业的人身伤害、疾病和死亡的发生。)
业病occupational disease A functional or organic disease caused by factors arising from the operations or materials of an individual's industry, trade, or occupation (一个功能性或器质性病变,由某个产业、贸易或职业的操作或材料因素所引起。)
业病学occupational medicine The branch of medicine which deals with the relationship of humans to their occupations, for the purpose of the prevention of disease and injury and the promotion of optimal health, productivity, and social adjustment (医学分支,处理人与其职业的关系,为预防伤害和疾病之目的及促进最佳的健康、生产力和社会适应力。)
业级别效应employment level effect The result or impact of a specific policy, action or event upon the number of working-age persons holding jobs in a specific region, nation or sector of the economy (一个特别的政策、行动或事件,对特定区域、国家或经济部门中,工作人员的冲击或结果。)
业结构employment structure The organization and proportions of the various job types and skill levels in an enterprise or economy (一个企业或经济体中,不同工作形态与技术水准的比例和结构。)
前训练initial training Any education, instruction or discipline occurring at the beginning of an activity, task, occupation or life span (在一项活动、任务、职业或人生开始之际所进行的教育、指导或训练。)
英国业卫生学会British Occupational Hygiene Society
行政administrative occupation