
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一般务说明general description of job
一般员工作测验general clerical test
上级superordinate position
不在经理absentee manager
full-time service
full-time jobs
会计公报Staff Accounting Bulletin
员工full-time executive worker and staff
审计员commissioner of audit
工作full-time jobs
工作者full-time workers
查账员staff auditor
盘点人员full-time inventory crew
董事长full-time working director
专责functional staff
专门learned profession
专门人员以上业类别professional category and above
业务能基础base of business function
中央银行基本basic functions of central bank
临时temporary clerk
临时temporary work force
主要业组chief groups of occupation
主要top dog position
主要key post
义务voluntary office
企业工代表大会congress of workers and staff in enterprise
企业工代表大会congress of workers and staff in business
企业能部门business functional department
会计业道德accounting ethics
会计fiscal responsibility
会计工作业准则professional standards in accounting
会计师accountant's responsibility
创新innovation function
初审位应征者preliminary screening of the job applicants
利用务便利的犯罪white collar crime
到规定年龄自动退制度age-limit system
合法legal occupation
合法业权利legal professional privilege
名誉honorary post
名誉honorary office
商业业培训business education
商业企业基本basic functions of business enterprises
in active service
人员in-service staff
人数working population
任期tenure of office
员工总数total employment
培训in-service training course
培训on-site training
培训field training
培训方案on-the-job training project
培训方案in-service training program
职员staff in post
职工active employees
训练in-service training
训练field training
证明incumbency certification
雇员按劳力平均的资金装备程度average amount of investments in funds and equipment per employed worker
领导leaders on the job
在册employees on payroll
在训employee under training
处分imposition of sanction against staff and workers
resume one's office
外地field post
外籍foreign staff member
大公司高级organization men
fail in one's duty
official misconduct
take up a post
entrance into office
job placement
take office
enter upon one's duties
培训induction training
就业文人员civilian employment
就任、调和解职旅差费travel on appointment, transfer and separation
execute one's duties
pay ones way
fulfill a duty
居要奢者man of position
常换业者job hopper
开始新enter upon a new career
开除公deposed from office
强制forcing function
强制离forced withdrawal
成本控制cost control function
指定specific job
员平均average per employee
工人数分摊费用成本personnel-related basis of allocation
能分工functional division of labour
能划分部门departmentation by function
搜集员反应canvassing workers and staffs reactions
放弃求希望的工人discouraged workers
政府官员渎罚金amercement royal
明尼苏达员测验Minnesota clerical test
业人口occupied population
业者occupied person
业者job holder
有关工舒适和服务的布置employee comfort and services in layout
有报酬业人口gainful occupied population
有报酬的业人口gainfully occupied population
有薪wage-related occupation
有薪salaried employment
有薪salaried post
有薪remunerative occupation
有限limited function
有限能批发商limited function wholesaler
服务性service occupation
期末工人数number of workers and staff at the end of period
未参加业活动的人non-active person
未恪尽want of due diligence
未恪尽lack of due diligence
机要confidential clerk
横向务充实horizontal job enrichment
横向务扩大化horizontal job enlargement
横向务负荷量horizontal job loading
job application
apply for a position
seek for employment
application of job
待聘广告栏situation wanted
employment seeker
office hunter
job hunter
official misconduct
misconduct in office
行为delinquent behaviour
责任malpractice liability
生产工培训production work force training
生产工培训费用production work force training expenses
male staff
社会中有业的那部分人active and employed sector of society
第二secondary occupation
walk of life
业不稳定instability of employment
业与就业处所的选择choice of occupation and place of employment
业与行业分类classification of professions and trades
业中毒防护protection against occupational poisoning
业介绍所employment service
业介绍所job office
业介绍所personnel agency
业介绍所job centre
业介绍所经营者employment agent
业会计师协会professional accountant association
业保险employment insurance
业保障employment security
业信息occupational information
业信用联合occupational credit union
业偏好occupation preference
APU 业兴趣指导APU occupational interest guide
业再训练job retraining
业分类job classification
业划分division of occupation
业发展规划career development program
业发展计划career development plan
业变更occupational change
业培训technical training
业培训career training
业培训团job corps
业培训班vocational training course
业女工career woman
业女工career girl
业妇女office lady
业妇女Business Girl
业学校training school
业学校trade school
业安全办公室employment security office
业审计亦professional auditor
业工业开发者professional industrial developer
业工会occupational union
业工伤立法employment injury legislation
业工资差别occupational wage difference
业市场的员工"供给"job market personnel "supply"
业应有注意due professional care
业开发训练career development training
业心理学家occupational psychologist
业性代表functional representation
业性分析occupational analysis
业性危害occupational hazard
业意识job consciousness
业技术学校vocational-technical school
业技能教育vocational technical education
业抚恤金occupational pension
业指数occupational index
业教育on-the-job training
业本领vocational stock-in-trade
业水平开发employee development
业流动性career mobility
业申请job application
业申请application of job
业病trade disease
业知识job knowledge
业社团影响influence of professional societies
业租赁occupational lease
业稳定性occupational immobility
业竞争论job competition theory
业管理者professional management
业类别professional category
业经历employment experience
业结构employment structure
业结构structure of occupation
业结构career structure
业统计employment statistics
业群job cluster
业计划career plan
业训练professional training
业训练industrial training
业训练预备学校prevocational school
业调查occupation census
业调查employment survey
业责任professional liability
业费分项收费标准itemized scale of professional charges
业资历occupational seniority
业选择途径job search channels
业道德守则code of professional ethics
业道德标准professional ethical standard
业金字塔occupational pyramid
业阶段career stage
业雇员professional employee
位与任用position and employment
位供求定额open-to-application ration
位供求比open-to-application ratio
位创造job creation
位审查position audit
位层次positional levels
位工资status pay
位所具权责authority and responsibility embodied in a position
位所具权责authority and responsibility embodied in a job
位提升计划career progression plan
位的设置establishment of post
位空缺job opening
位级别level of position
位要求job request
位评价position evaluation
位轮换position rotation
位递补卡position replacement card
位需要needs for job
位需要need of job
level of position performance
前训练prejob training
务价值functional value
务任命assignment of duty
务任期job tenure
务公害分析job hazard analysis
务分等grading of occupation
务分类人员job classification analyst
务分类法job classification method
务变迁function change
务审计job audit
务工资official emolument
务工资制job wage system
务工资标准base rate for job class
务权力official authority
务权限official authority
务津贴assignment allowance
务津贴allowance for the job
务满足job satisfaction
务盲指文化素质与其职务不相称functional illiterate
务等级level of position
务纵向扩大vertical job enlargement
务结构task structure
务角色job oriented role
务证书certificate of job qualification
务详目索引job descriptive index
务调动functional transfer
务调整regularization of employment
staff posts
working man
floor clerk
floor representative
company officer
office holder
black-coated worker
雇员预支advances to officers (or employees)
员储蓄存款staff savings account
员免职removal of an official
员办公室staff section
员参股型企业内部股份制internal shareholding system within enterprises with employee participation
员因受贿免职remove an official for taking bribes
员培训training of the staff
员奖金officer's bonus
员奖金bonus to officers
员安全与保健法案occupational safety and health act
员安置placement of employee
员平均收入average income of workers and staff
员更替调整数adjustment for turnover of staff
员管理staff management
员考绩personnel evaluation
员职责staff function
员薪金employee payroll
员预支advances to officers and employees
工互助会journeyman fraternity
工代表employees' representation
工代表employee representation
工代表大会congress workers and staff
工代表大会workers' congress
工代表大会worker's congress
工优先认股筹资计划capital raised under share incentive scheme
工优先认股购股办法stock option and purchase plans
工会议staff meeting
工伤亡事故报告制度system of reporting accidents resulting in injuries and death of workers and staff
工伤害补偿金compensation of employees
工住宅公司artisans dwelling's company
工住宅区housing colony
工保健需要employee needs for hygiene
工保结employee security bond
工保证fidelity guarantee
工保险insurance for employee
工保险employee insurance
工保险基金employee's insurance fund
工养老基金employee pension fund
工分类employee classification
工分红制employee participation in profits
工劳动守贝work rules for workers and staff
工参与employee participation
工参与管理employee participation in management
工参与管理employee participation management
工参加分红employee participation profit
工参谋议事employee counseling
工及其直系亲属死亡丧葬费employees and their direct dependents funeral expense
工及其直系亲属死亡抚恤金pension for deceased employee and their direct dependent
工商店company store
工商店收入income from commissary
工因公负伤就医路费employee training expense for medical treatment due to on job injury
工地位staff status
工奖励与福利基金bonus and welfare fund for staff and workers
工奖励基金workers and staff bonus fund
工奖励基金bonus funds for staff and workers
工奖金employee's bonus
工奖金bonus to employees
工奖金employee bonus
工奖金制度premium system
工姓名employee name
工定员制system of quota of staff
工审评employee evaluation
工小卖部industrial store
工工资employee payroll
工工资扣款deduction from employees' earnings
工工资扣款deductions from employees earnings
工工资扣款deduction from employee's earning
工年度联邦失业税申报表employer's annual federal unemployment tax return
工年金worker's annuity
工年金保险worker's annuity insurance
工心理学家staff psychologist
工忠诚保险指职工渎职、贫污舞弊而造成的损失,雇主可获得赔偿的一种保险fidelity insurance
工忠诚服务保证保险fidelity guarantee insurance
工情况conditions of employment
工技能operative skill
工抗议行动job action
工抗议行动如怠工抗议job action
工报告数据employee reporting data
工报告法employee reporting approach
工招聘活动employment activities
工持股计划指公司允许职工以优惠价格购买股票的计划,用以提高其责任感, 增加向心力employee stock ownership plan
工救济employee relief
由雇主负担的工救济基金employer's relief fund
工教育基金employee education fund source
工教育费用educational class expense
工构成composition of workers and employees
工流动比率employee turnover ratio
工流动率employee turnover rate
工潜在能力employee potential
工激发需要employee needs for motivation
工生活费指数index number of cost of living to staff and workers
工生活费指数cost-of-living index for workers and staff
工申诉employee complaint
工的鼓动motivation of employees
工福利industrial welfare
工福利employee welfare
工福利基金workers and staff welfare fund
工福利基金benefit fund for employees
工福利基金employee welfare fund source
工福利基金employee welfare fund
工福利计划employee welfare plan
工福利费employee services and benefits
工福利费用总额total expense about workers
工福利项目如住房免费,休假等benefit in kind
工离职进修制block release
工管理条例regulations of staff
工级别表employee rating form
工组织staff organization
工编号employee number
工罚款fines on staff
工考绩employee rating
工考绩performance rating
工联合会employee association
工联合会trade union
工联合会employee's association
工股staff share
工股份所有权计划employee stock ownership plan
工股票所有权employee stock-ownership
工董事worker's director
工行会journeyman's gilds
工补偿金employee compensation
工补助金employee compensation
工解职遣散费employee payment for removal
工认股权employee stock option
工认购股票employee stock-purchase
工认购股票制度employee stock-purchase system
工评审staff appraisal
工调动transfer of staff
工调动津贴staff relocation allowance
工调配allocation of working and staff
工身份证employee identification card
工身份证employee identification card (I.D.)
工轮班制rotation of staff
工过剩redundancy of employees
工退休employee retirement
工退休基金employee retirement funds
工退休基金employee retirement pension
工退休金employee retired pension
工退休金准备reserve for employees retirement allowance
工退职金charge for reserved employees
工雇用hiring of employee
工雇用合同contract of employment
工需求估计estimation of required personnel
工需求量demand for personnel
工预支advance to workers and staff
工额外福利employee fringe benefit
工额外酬偿employee fringe benefit
工餐厅employee mess hall
掌财务be in charge of financial affairs
function and power
权划分division of function and power
权差距authority gap
权的形式理论formal theory of authority
权类别type of authority
权结构structure of authority
薪回归线regression line for job and salaries
title and rank
job responsibility
functional responsibility
责与部门交叉管理法staff and line organization
责分掌division of duties
责指定assignment of responsibility
责范围scope of official duty
责范围amount of responsibility
责评定job evaluation
apply for a position
seek for employment
apply for employment
谋求或工作apply for a position or job
谨慎的duty of care
财产能说functional theory of property
货币如价值尺度、流通媒介等职能money function
货币function of money
资本非能化capital disfunctionalization
退be discharged from office
退separation from service
退福利金severance benefit
退severance compensation
适应新adjusted to the new job
适当工员额幅度desirable range of posts
速成业训练accelerated vocational training
销售selling function
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