
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
一般rank and file
上船任join a ship
不在流动职工unemployed workers in motion
消防队professional fire brigade
管理人员full-time administrator
训练career training
专业人员在培训on-the-job professional training
业主client's personnel
业余spare-time employment
业务operation function
为本企业工提供的住宅company's house for employees
交换function of exchange
人事staffing function
代理vicarious authority
员优先股计划筹集资金capital raised under share incentive scheme
会计业团体accounting profession organization
低工资low-paid workers
低级works staff
信托trust function
停薪留remaining at post without wage
grand bounce
deposed from office
免受限制的exempt employees
入门threshold worker
全体工大会general meetings of the staff and workers
public service
人员public official
具有危险性的hazardous occupation
人员part-time staff
part-time worker
part-time worker
工流动率net turnover
分类组合sorting function
分配distributive function
分配distribution function
制造者responsibility of manufacturer
办公室office staff
劳动部业安全与卫生管理局Occupational Safety and Health Administration of Department of Labor (美国)
补偿费golden handshake
参与业组织membership in professional organization
发放业许可证occupational licensing
商业企业基本basic functions of commercial enterprises
因无能被解discharged for inefficiency
固定constant employment
国外业工作out-of-the country job
国外业活动out-of-the country job
国立业安全卫生研究所National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
国际业和卫生资料中心International Occupational and Health Information center
专业训练on-the-job professional training
博士生on-job doctorate
培训on-service training
培训on-job training
培训计划on-service training programme
培训计划on-service training program
训练training on the job
训练on-service training
训练on-job training
进修学校in-service training institute
进修学院in-service training institute
地勤ground handling staff
地方工宿舍local public service employee's residence
城市urban function
城市人口业构成employment structure of urban population
培训training function
dereliction of duty
negligence of duty
breach of duty
古罗马守夜人的watchman shed
训练job orientation and training
宏观调节function of macroscopic regulation
实际physical function
薪金entrance salary
就业位求供比率opening-to-application ratio
履行perform one's duty
履行carry out the duties
工作operational staff
工地site staff
工程上的engineering function
总会计general accounting function
扩展公扩充准备reserve for extensions
技术title for technical personnel
技术engineering function
按产业类型的业分布industrial type employment distribution
按正式工计算的固定资产装备率tangible fixed assets per regular employee
挑选临时shape up
控制生产费用的cost control function
提供provision of employment
提供业岗位job creation
公务人员civil service
新住宅区function of settlement
方案project authority
无缝seamless steel pipe
日常会计routine accounting function
服务service function
服务性tertiary occupation
木工carpenter's trade
未定级ungraded position
森林forest staff
正式regular employee
job hunting
广告positions wanted
成本search cost
申请书application form
申请书application for employment
申请表application for employment
途径job search channels
法定legal occupation
法定legitimate authority
法定的业权力legal professional privilege
泰勒的能工长制Taylor's system of functional foremanship
泰勒的能组织Taylor's functional organization
breach of duty
crime of dereliction of public duty
煤矿业性皮肤病occupational dermatosis of mines
current post
present employment
current job
生产production function
生产线line function
停薪leave without pay
疾病业分布profession distribution of disease
福利welfare function
或解雇break your pick
证书certificate of discharge
空缺vacant position
空缺的vacant job
终止任cease to hold office
终身job for life
经济economic function
经营业介绍所employment agent
维修maintenance staff
美国业安全与卫生条例Occupational Safety and Health Act of American
美国业安全与卫生管理局Occupational Safety and Health Administration
美国劳动部业安全与卫生局Occupational Safety and Health Administration
professional (的)
接触occupational exposure
occupational cancer
致癌危险性occupational cancer risk
业专门化occupational specialization
业中毒occupational poisoning
业人口classified population
业介绍所intelligence office
业介绍所labor exchange
业介绍所labour exchange
业介绍所employment office
业会计师public accountant
业保障job security
业保障保险professional indemnity insurance
业健康occupational health
业分析job analysis
业前程发展管理career management
业前程辅导career counseling
业前训陈job orientation and training
业前途career prospect
业卫星occupational satellite
业卫生标准standard of occupational hygiene
业危害occupational hazards
业发展训练career development training
业变化occupational shift
业史occupational history
业噪声occupational noise
业地区分布geographical employment distribution
业地区分布geographic employment distribution
业妇女career woman
业妇女career-oriented women
业学校school of general instruction
业安全occupational safety
业安全与卫生条例Occupational Safety and Health Act
业安全与卫生法Occupational Safety and Health Act
业实习professional intership
业建筑师professional architect
业心理学occupational psychology
业性中毒occupational poisoning
业性传染病occupational infectious disease
业性判断professional judgment
业性化学侵蚀occupational chemical erosion
业性危害occupational risk
业性变态反应occupational allergic reaction
业性听力损失occupational hearing loss
业性哮喘occupational asthma
业性噪声接触occupational noise exposure
业性噪声源occupational noise source
业性尘末occupational dust
业性意外事故occupational accident
业性接触皮炎occupational contact dermatitis
业性湿疹occupational eczema
业性照射occupational radiation
业性皮炎occupational dermatitis
业性皮肤病professional dermatosis
业性皮肤病industrial dermatosis
业性皮肤病occupational dermatosis
业性眼病occupational ophthalmopathy
业性矽肺病industrial pneumoconiosis
业性神经官能症occupational neurosis
业性紧张occupational stress
业性耳聋occupational deafness
业性致癌物occupational carcinogen
业性辐射防护occupational radiation protection
业性过失occupational negligence
业性近视occupational myopia
业性铅中毒occupational lead poisoning
业性雷诺现象Reynaud's phenomenon of occupational origin
业性雷诺现象occupational Reynaud's phenomenon
业房地产经理professional real estate executive
业执照professional licensing
业映像professional image
业概念professional image
业毒理学occupational toxicology
业治疗occupational therapy
业消防局paid fire department
业消防战斗员paid man
业消防战斗员paid firefighter
业消防队professional fire brigade
业潜水professional diving
业特征occupational stigmata
业疗法occupational therapy
业病industrial illness
业病employment disease
业病疗法诊室facilities for occupational therapy
业病门诊occupation disease clinics
业病防治所occupation disease prevention and treatment center
业癌professional cancer
业癌cancer due to occupation
业白内障occupational cataract
业神经症occupational neurosis
业禁忌症occupational contraindication
业税occupational tax
业等级professional grade
业精神病学occupational psychiatry
业结构occupational structure
业规划career planning
业训练career training
业训练学院vocational training college
业评估操纵统一标准uniform standards of professional appraisal practice
业转换occupational transformation
业转换occupational shift
业转换job conversion
业辐射剂量occupational radiation dose
业道德ethics of profession
业道德准则code of professional ethics
业道德规范standards of professional practice
业领域occupational area
业驾驶员协会Professional Drivers' Council
前指导job orientation
前训练vestibule training
务分离控制室work duty separation control room
务工资率job rate (指某一具体职务的最低工资率)
务津贴duty allowance
务称呼position title
务等级工资制post-rank salary system
务终身制lifetime employment system
务轮流job rotation
staff member
员专用车staff vehicle
员奖金bonus to officer
员宿舍staff quarter
员更替调整adjustment for turnover of staffs
员的提供supply of personnel
员的更换changes in personnel
员的雇佣engagement of staff
员纪律staff morale
workers and staff members
staff and worker
staff and labor
staff and labour
临时食堂staff canteen
工专业训练费用familiarization cost of workers and staff
工业务支出employee's business expenses
工交通personnel traffic (量)
工交通运输staff traffic
工人数计划staff amount plan
工休息室staff lounge
工优先认股权stock option
工住宅dwelling house for staff and workers
工住宅personnel house
工住宅apartment house of employees
工住宅staff house
工住宅dwelling house for employees
工住宅employee's house
工住宅apartment house for employees
工住宿部分personnel accommodation portion
工住房staff house
工保证保险fidelity guarantee insurance
工保险基金employee insurance fund
工储蓄金employee saving fund
工入口personnel entrance
工入口处staff entrance
工关系employee relations
工分配指标allocate income ratio for workers and staff members
工制服补贴uniform subsidy
工医院worker's hospital
工厕所staff toilet
工厕所personnel toilet
工参与管理participative management (法)
工周转率employee turnover ratio
工培 tillstaff training
工培训计划employee-training plan
工培训费employee-training expenses
工大楼staff building
工奖励基金staff and worker's bonus
工奖励基金staff award fund
工奖励基金employee incentive fund source
工奖金制度premium bonus system
工存款deposite from employees
工存款deposit from employees
工室staff room
工宿舍staff quarter
工宿舍living quarters for staff and worker
工宿舍楼staff building
工寻找系统staff location system
工导向employee orientation
工小卖部staff canteen
工小卖部personnel canteen
工带眷比percentage of employees living with dependents
工平均收入average income of nonagricultural workers
工意外事故保险法insurance law of labour accident
工意外事故保险法insurance law of labor accident
工技术培训费technical training cost for employees
工投资款employee's investment fund
工抚恤金employee pension fund
工救济基金employee relief fund
工教育费employee's educational expenses
工更衣室staff changing room
工更衣室personnel changing room
工欠款due from officers and employees
工流动employee turnover (率)
工生活福利employee welfare
工用房personnel building
工的筹款费用employee's floatation expenses
工的筹款费用employee's flotation expenses
工盥洗室personnel toilet
工福利employee benefit
工福利基金staff welfare funds
工福利基金employee's benefit fund
工福利费employee services and benefit
工租赁住房单元staff rental dwelling unit
工租赁公寓staff rental flat
工租赁公寓staff rental apartment
工租赁套房staff rental flat
工租赁生活单元staff rental living unit
工租赁起居单元staff rental living unit
工积极性employee incentive
工考核evaluation of employee
工考核表employee rating form
工股票购买权employee stock option
工脱产培训vocational training for the employees
工膳食供应区personnel accommodation portion
工衣帽箱personnel lock (带锁的)
工调査法employee questionnaire method
工身份证employee identification
工退休基金employee's retirement fund
工退休基金employee's pension fund
工通道staff aisle
工酬劳金employee bonus
工食堂personnel canteen
工食堂personnel dining room
工食堂staff's cafeteria
工食堂mess room
工食堂mess house
工食堂mess hall
工食宿供应区staff accommodation portion
工餐厅staff dinning room
工饭厅mess hall
工饭堂mess room
工饭堂mess house
工饭堂mess hall
权范围limits of functions and powers
权范围functional area
professional rank and titles
positional title
称等级professional qualification
能区域terms of reference
能区域functional area
能合并functional consolidation
能图symbolic circuit
能完整性functional viability
能式分权制functional decentralization
能式组织管理机构functional structure
能机器人heuristics robot
能权力functional authority
能权限functional authority
能组织functional organization
能范围terms of reference
能资本家industrialist and businessman
能资本家entrepreneurial capitalist
责范围limitation of liability
自动离dragging-up (俚语)
致病业因素pathogenic occupational factor
营运operational function
行使discharge one's functions and powers
行使exercise of authority
行使discharge one's duties
设计design profession
补助金benefit for the change of job
调控adjust and control function
调整工工资give wage increases to workers and staff members
货币的动态dynamical function of money
货币的动态dynamic function of money
贸易商行trade gang
贸易商行trade crew
跳厂换job hopping
车站station staff
辅助supplementary occupation
辅助业技能subsidiary trade
辅助auxiliary staff
辞退dismiss workers
退quit office
退severance pay
配置allocation function
钻孔boring obligation
铁路railway man
附加additional service
业性噪声接触non-occupational noise exposure
业性审计amateur audit
业潜水员non-professional diver
非全日业教育part-time vocational education
非正式联络informal liaison roles
预算能结构functional frame for budget
驻外expatriate employee
高级executive staff