
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
下岗工基本生活费subsistence allowances for laid-off workers
与其务相适应的职责function and duty commensurate with the post
人员full-time persons
人员special personnel
消防队full-time fire brigade
专业技术务聘任制度system of appointment for professional or technical post
专业技术称制度system of professional and technical titles
专门和技术professional and technical post
专门委员会的任务the responsibilities of the special committees
严重失serious dereliction of duty
中等业学校secondary vocational school
中等业学校secondary vocational schools
for the workers
为全国人民代表大会代表和全国人民代表大会常务委员会组成人员依法行使权服务assist National People's Congress NPC deputies and members of the NPC Standing Committee in their work
主席的office of the President
乡科级副deputy at the township and section level
乡科级正chief at the township and section level
书面提出辞submit his written resignation to
井下作业miners working underground
交叉任hold Party and government posts concurrently
人民代表大会常务委员会组成人员和专门委员会成员的代表a deputy serving on the standing committee or on a special committee of a people's congress
人民政府副领导人员deputy heads of the people's governments
从事业中介活动in intermediary activity for employment
代理主任的act on behalf of the chairman
代理船长act as the master
代行主席的部分exercise such function and power of the President
代行委员长的部分exercise certain functions and powers of the Chairman
代表on behalf of the employee
代表依法履the lawful execution of deputies's duties
仲裁duty of arbitration
take up position
前公示制度publicity system prior to the assumption of the post
回避assignment evasion
回避post to be avoided
回避avoidance system when making appointment
文件appointment document
条件qualifications for the office
资格qualification for the position
资格审查qualifications for the positions to examination
资格管理control of the qualifications for the positions
依据in conformity with the functions and powers
依据in compliance with the duty
代表依法履perform deputies's duties in accordance with the law
代表依法履perform deputies's functions in accordance with the law
代表依法履carry out deputies's duties in accordance with the law
依法履行perform the duties according to law
依法执行performance of duties according to law
依法承担仲裁charged by law with the duty of arbitration
依法招用hire workers in accordance with the law
依法独立负责地履行in the independent performance of their duties and responsibilities in accordance with the law
依法行使exercise the functions and the powers according to law
依法行使监督in the lawful exercise of their oversight functions and powers
依照宪法和法律赋予本级人民代表大会的各项in accordance with the functions and powers vested in the people's congresses at the corresponding levels by the Constitution and relevant laws
停止执行代表suspension of performance of functions as a deputy
remove from one's post
建议propose the removal
免除其removal of his or her post
全体all staff and workers
全面履行政府fully exercise the government's functions
人员civil servant
人员holder of public office
公务员任public service posts
具备相应业资格equipped with the appropriate professional qualification
具有管理公共事务perform the function of administering public affairs
具有行政管理endowed with administrative functions
具有行政管理能的国务院直属机构organs endowed with administrative functions directly under the State Council
人员part-time persons
律师part-time lawyer
报酬remuneration for a concurrent post
教师part-time teacher
兼任take a job on a part-time basis
军人functions and responsibilities as servicemen
军人违反责罪crime of a serviceman's transgression of duties
农村每一代表所代表的人口数同镇或者企业事业组织工每一代表所代表的人口数之比the ratio between the number of people represented by a rural deputy and the number of people represented by a town deputy or a deputy of an enterprise or institution
减少业危害reduce occupational hazard
出资人contributor's function
出资人duty of the investor
利用务便利take advantage of one's authority
利用务便利take advantage of one's office
利用务便利take advantage of one's position
利用务便利take advantage of one's post
利用务违反交易规则violate the trading rule by taking advantage of one's post
利用务阻碍解救take advantage of one's office to hinder the rescue effort
利用take advantage of one's position and power
领导deputy head
劳动争议调解function of labor-dispute mediation
协助支持代表执行代表support deputies in their performance of functions as deputies
协助支持代表执行代表assist deputies in their performance of functions as deputies
厅局级副deputy at the department and bureau level
厅局级正chief at the department and bureau level
县处级副deputy at the county and division level
县处级正chief at the county and division level
反垄断执法responsibility of enforcement of the Anti-monopoly Law
反洗钱监督管理duty of supervision over anti-money laundering
发展业培训development of vocational training
受托entrusted duties
各司其perform one's own duties
各自的责范围内within one's respective functions and duties
各部委、办、局务名称positions of departments, offices, bureaux of ministries/commissions
合格的务证书valid job certificate
吊销务证书revocation of one's work certificate
听取工的意见和建议solicit the opinions and proposals of the employees
围绕党和国家工作的大局履行focus on the overall work of the Party and the government in carrying out our duties
国务院具有行政管理能的直属机构department directly under the State Council that have administrative functions
国家上年度工日平均工资state worker's average daily salary in the previous year
国家机构的functions of state organs
国家级副associate officials at the state level
国家级正principle official at the state level
国际铜研究组织权范围Terms of Reference of the International Copper Study Group
权范围内within the scope of their functions and powers
在各自责范围内within the limit of one's respective duties
在编permanent workers and staff
在行使行政权时in the cause of exercising one's power and function
在香港任的法官judge serving in Hong Kong
坚持民主集中制、集体行使权、集体决定问题、依法按程序办事的原则uphold the principles of democratic centralism, collective exercise of functions and powers, collective decision making and acting in accordance with the law and prescribed procedures
城镇工基本医疗保险制度the basic medical insurance system for urban working people
城镇工基本医疗保险制度the basic health insurance system for urban employees
基本称basically competent
dereliction of their duties
渎职neglect or dereliction of duty
行为acts of dereliction of duty
women staff and worker
安全生产管理duty of administering production safety
宗教教人员professional religious personnel
审判judicial functions
宪法和法律赋予人大的重要major powers granted to people's congresses in the Constitution and other laws
对于各级人大常委会依法行使监督权具有重大的意义be of great significance for standing committees of people's congresses at all levels in the lawful exercise of their oversight functions and powers
对代表依法执行代表务进行打击报复retaliate against deputies performing their duties legally
assume office
演说an inauguration speech
尽责discharge one's responsibility
尽责fulfill one's duty
尽责fulfill the duty conscientiously
完成,履行义务discharge your responsibilities obligations
尽到管理fulfilled the duty of management
尽忠dedicate to his or her duty
属于权范围内的within the scope of the functions and powers (of)
属于权范围内的within the scope of the authority
属于全国人民代表大会权范围内的within the scope of the functions and powers of the National People's Congress
属于全国人民代表大会权范围内的within the scope of the NPC's authority
属于全国人民代表大会权范围内的议案bills and proposals within the scope of the functions and powers of the National Peopled Congress
属于全国人民代表大会权范围内的议案bills or proposals that fall within the scope of its functions and powers
属于全国人民代表大会权范围内的议案a bill within the scope of the NPCs authority
属于全国人民代表大会权范围内的议案a bill within the scope of the NPC's authority
属于常务委员会权范围内的within the scope of the functions and powers of the Standing Committee
属于常务委员会权范围内的within the scope of the Standing Committee's authority
属于常务委员会权范围内的议案bills and proposals within the scope of the functions and powers of the Standing Committee
属于常务委员会权范围内的议案bills concerning matters within the scope of the Standing Committee's authority
履行discharge duties
履行implementation of the duties and functions
履行perform duties (of)
履行discharge responsibilities
履行fulfil a duty
履行任手续complete the formalities for appointment
履行反洗钱资金监测perform the duty of monitoring the antimoney laundering funds
履行审判performance of judicial functions
履行治安管理performance of the duty of security management
履行法定perform the statutory duty
履行法定carry out statutory duties
履行禁毒perform the duty of fighting against narcotic drugs
开除公dismissed from public employment
引咎辞take the blame and resign
引咎辞admit the mistake and resign
忠于be loyal to the duty
总结代表依法履的经验review deputies' experience in performing deputies' duties in accordance with the law
总统就典礼the Presidents inauguration
恢复原级别、原reinstatement in the former rank or post
恪守业道德scrupulously abide by professional ethics
恪守律师业道德strictly observe lawyers' professional ethics
代表恪尽work conscientiously and wholeheartedly to fulfill deputies's duties
代表恪尽carry out our duties with even greater drive and work tirelessly
执法responsibility of enforcement of law
执行performance of functions
执行perform one's duties
执行execute one's duties
执行perform their duties
执行perform their functions
执行代表perform their functions as deputies
执行代表constitute the performance of their functions as deputies
执行公司perform one's duty
承担反垄断执法责的机构authority responsible for enforcement of the Anti-monopoly Law
投保业责任保险take out professional liability insurance
担任 M hold the office
担任 M do the office
担任hold office
担任assume office
担任代表perform his duties as deputy
担任国家行政机关的hold office in an administrative organ of the State
担任领导occupy some senior positions
担任领导务的权利right to hold a leading position
锻炼secondment for training to become experienced
锻炼secondment for getting experience
按照责分工according to one 's functions and duties
按照规定的in compliance with one's defined duties
挪用工教育经费misappropriate funds for workers' education
接受辞accept the resignation
提出辞submit the resignation
提出辞submit their resignations (to)
提取工教育经费allocate funds for the workers' education
提高代表依法履的能力improve deputies's ability to perform their functions in accordance with the law
提高工福利improve workers and administrative staffs welfare
处分punishment of demotion
proposal for removal from office
案的表决vote of a proposal for removal from office
撤销be dismissed from
撤销其任资格revoke the post-holding qualification
擅离leave the positions without permission
支持代表执行代表support deputies in the performance of their duties
支持和保证代表依法履support and ensure the lawful execution of deputies's duties
改善工生活improve workers and administrative staff's living standards
放弃监护discard the duty of guardianship
工代表大会congress of teachers, staff members and workers
教师务制度system of professional title for teachers
教育员制度system of educational administrator
干部civilian cadre
无力履行lose the ability to discharge duties
无力履行inability to discharge his or her duties
晋升be promoted to a higher office
晋升领导be promoted to a leading post
工作respective work
检察procuratorial functions
检察procuratorial functions and duties
残疾人业康复和就业公约Convention Concerning the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Disa bled Persons (ILO 159)
残疾人业教育vocational training for the disabled
法定权范围scope of the statutory functions and power
法定legal function and duty
法定statutory duties
法律legal occupation
法律legal profession
法律赋予的检察procuratorial functions as vested by law
涉及两个以上国务院部门权范围的事项with regard to a matter that falls within the limits of power of two or more departments under the State Council
dereliction of their duties
行为dereliction of duty
滥用abuse one's power
滥用权罪crime for abuse of power
煤矿企业employees of coal mining enterprises
玩忽neglect one's duty
玩忽dereliction of their duties
申请兼律师执业apply to practice as a part-time lawyer
监察supervisory functions
监护duty of guardianship
监督power of supervision
监督oversight functions and powers (of)
监督管理duty of supervision and administration
相应撤销常务委员会组成人员或者专门委员会成员的be dismissed accordingly from membership on the standing committee or special committee
省部级副deputy at the provincial and ministerial level
省部级正chief at the provincial and ministerial level
神圣sacred duty
神圣the sacred duty
神圣the inviolable duty
禁毒duty of fighting against narcotic drugs
leave the post
leave the service
符合规定离leave the service in compliance with regulations
紧紧围绕党和国家工作的大局认真履行in diligently carrying out its duties closely centered around the overall work of the Party and the government
组织和structure, powers and functions
经营性业中介活动profit-making job intermediary activity
继任主席succeed to the office of the President
继续行使其continue to exercise one's functions and powers
继续行使其权的行政机关succeed administrative organ
罢免remove from office
业中介机构job intermediary
业中介许可证job intermediary permit
业介绍机构job-introduction agency
业健康卫生保护occupational protection and health care
业健康检查occupational health examination
业危害vocational injury
业危害防护protection against occupational hazard
业和工作occupation and work
业技能professional skill
业技能鉴定verify professional competence
业教育制度system of vocational education
业病occupational diseases
业资格证书制度system of vocational qualification certificate
业道德教育education in professional ethics
位分类categorized post
位空缺vacancy of posts
务上的便利job convenience
务与级别posts and ranks
务与级别相结合combine posts with ranks
务作品service work
务发明创造service invention and creation
务层次level of posts
务序列order of posts
务技术成果service-related technological result
务证书work certificate
工代表employees' representative
工代表大会congress of workers and staff
工代表大会workers' conference
工代表大会congresses of workers and staff
工住宅分配方案program for the allocation of the staff and workers' housing
工大会meeting of the company's employees
工技能培训train in skills among workers
工生活福利well-being and benefits of the staff and workers
functions and powers
权划分division of functions and powers
权的具体划分the detailed division of functions and powers (between)
权范围内within the scope of the function and power
权范围内的议案bill or proposal to the people's congress at the corresponding level
能机构functional departments
责、义务function and obligation
责分工division of responsibility
责权限limits of one's powers and duties
责范围scope of offical duties
责范围limits of the duties
股东会function of the shareholders' meeting
自被解除务之日起as of the day of removal from one's post
自谋seek job by oneself
行为与其所任务不相称behavior incompatible with his or her post
行使discharge of one's functions and powers
行使discharge one's duties
行使exercise authority
行使exercise one's powers
行使exercise the functions and powers
行使the exercise of its functions and powers
行使exercise the functions
行使exercise power
行使代表的exercise the functions and powers as deputies
行使代表的exercise deputies's functions and powers
行使监督权的程序procedure to exercise the power of supervision
行使行政practice the functions and power
行政administrative powers and functions
行政管理权的事项matters subject to the administrative regulation
要求辞request resignation
解除其relieve of one's duties
设专或者兼职人员have full or part-time positions
设副have deputies
设有若干能机构maintain a number of functional departments
调整和优化政府组织结构与责分工adjust and optimize government structure and the division of responsibility
调解function of mediation
负有处置突发事件charge with the duty to handle emergencies
负有报告责的人员person whose duty is to report the occurrence
负有环境保护监督管理responsible for environmental protection
超越exceeding authority
转变政府transform the way the government functions
转让业中介许可证transfer the job intermediary permit
辞去代表务的请求the request of a deputy for resignation
辞去常务委员会的resign from his post on in the standing committee
辞退dismiss the staff members and workers
违法失行为law-breaking activities and dereliction of duty
违法失行为violation of law or dereliction of duty
违法或失violate the law or neglect the duty
违法行使exercise function and powers illegally
连续任consecutively serve
连续任不得超过两届serve no more than two consecutive terms
述廉制度the system of officials reporting on their work and anti-corruption performance
述廉制度the system of officials9 reporting on their work and anti-corruption performance
述廉制度a reporting system on job and anti-corruption performance
退retirement or quitting work
选择业的自由freedom of choice of occupation
遵守业道德observe professional ethics
部分certain functions and powers
部分some of the functions
防务defence functions and responsibilities
阻碍代表执行代表obstruct deputies from performing their functions as deputies
阻碍代表执行代表hinder deputies in the performance of their duties
阻碍军人依法执行obstruct a serviceman from performing his or her duties according to law
降低一个务层次be demoted to a post at the next lower level
集体行使collective exercise of functions and powers
集体行使exercise powers collectively
集体行使监督collectively exercise the power of supervision
务发明创造not job-related invention-creation
务技术成果non-service-related technological result
领导务和非领导职务leading and non-leading posts
高等业学校vocational colleges
高等业学校教育tertiary vocational education