
Terms containing 而定 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.一切要靠…而定everything depends on
light.一定要记得关闭断路器或熔断器面板处开关,从而切断将要工作处电路的电源Always remember to shut off the power at the breaker or fuse panel to the circuit that you'll be working on
auto.产品或材料为制定说明书而进行的试验documentation test
proj.manag.为家庭使用而设计和定价的个人计算机home computer
interntl.trade.为履行合同而指定的货物goods identified for the performance of the contract
gen.为此时此地某一特定目的〔问题,需要〕而安排〔设定,制造〕的〔地〕ad hoc
org.name.为粮食安全和持续农业及乡村发展的国别政策和规划援助而制定的特别行动计划Special Action Programme on Country Policy and Programming Assistance for Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development
busin.以销售大小而定的奖励佣金volume incentive
econ.依 …而定depend on upon...
proj.manag.依成本而定的收费cost-related fee
proj.manag.依成本而定的收费cost-related charges
busin.依条件而定depend on conditions
tech.依照情况而定decide as circumstances require
el.依电流而定current dependent
gen.M 依M的程度而定in proportion as
UN关于因勘探和开发大陆架而造成的海洋污染议定书Protocol concerning Marine Pollution Resulting from Exploration and Exploitation of the Continental Shelf
commer.劳资争执双方约定为准备协商而使紧张缓和下来的期间cooling-off period
interntl.trade.因不足法定人数而延会adjourned for want of a quorum
fin.因固定资产利益关系而调整存货inventory adjustment for profit on long-lived assets
el.因电压而定voltage dependent
econ.因购置和使用固定资产而产生的费用支出expenditures subsequent to acquisition and use fixed assets
sport.在径赛时决定一名参赛运动员是否到达终点取决于他的躯干的位置、而不取决于他的手臂、腿或头部的位置In track events it is the torso, not the arms, legs or head that determines when the competitor has reached the finish line
manag.坚定而公正型firm but fair
fin.基于产能因素而定load-factor pricing
proj.manag.如果选定字体相对于矩形而言太大、此方法将不会尝试替换为较小字体If the selected font is too large for the rectangle, this method does not attempt to substitute a smaller font
light.安装吊式灯具过程中,螺纹接合器的使用依所选灯具的设计和重量而定Hickey use in mounting drop fixtures varies according to the design and weight of the ceiling fixture
light.安装灯泡前,应先看灯具底座上的标签,从而确定此灯具所允许的最大功率Before installing the light bulb, you should look at the tag in the fixture socket and make sure the maximum wattage for the bulb
interntl.trade.定价过高而无销路price out of the market
econ.对规定价格须作些适当改变以补偿供应商由于成本增加而造成的损失The fixed prices shall be changed appropriately to compensate the supplier for any increased cost
tech.已接受而尚未运出的定货总数backlog of orders
avia.微风而风向不定light and variable
econ.所有发货应该按货主事先确认的订单而定All deliveries shall be contingent upon the confirmation beforehand of the order by the owner
desert.按情况而定as appropriate
tech.按荷载而定load dependent
sport.最后得分而定胜负seal a victory
gen.未经考虑重要因素〔未与主要有关人员磋商〕而作决定reckon without one's host
gen.然而,并不一定总是如此however, this need not always be so
expl.然而、爆破所用炸药的特性、岩石类型或地质构造的物理特性或爆破定时起爆顺序及由于这些因素的微妙差别所产生的相互影响均要考虑There is no simple way, however, to take into account the interactions resulting from subtle differences in the characteristics of the explosives the blaster had at his disposal, the physical characteristics of specific rock types or geological formations, or the effect of the changes in timing of the initiation sequence on his blast
sport, bask.犯规超过规定次数而被罚下场foul out
econ.真正的难题是扩大原始市场,而不是仅在规模已经确定的市场中抢占较大份额The real challenge is to expand the primary market rather than simply fight for a larger share in a fixed size market
gen.稳定而迅速hand over fist
gen.稳定而迅速地hand over hand
econ.第 310 号销售单已签退给我们,该单规定交货期是1月而不是 2 月The signed Sales Note No. 310 has been returned to us stipulating January delivery instead of February
econ.第14号销售单已签退给我们,该单规定交货期是6月份而不是7月份The signed Sales Note No. 14 has been returned to us stipulating June delivery instead of July
gen.签证处理时间一般为三个工作日,但是具体个案处理时间可能根据个人情况及特殊要求而定Visa processing time is typically three working days, but processing time for specific cases may vary due to individual circumstances and other special requirements
commer.红利稳定而值钱的主要公司股票blue-chip stock
commer.而不急于作岀决定prefer to make a careful feasibility study rather than make a hasty decision
econ.股息依盈利而定的实缴资本paid-up risk capital
UN, tech.自我维持类别进出任务区时不受问责制约束,而需要进行核查和检查,以确保其满足特遣队商定标准和任务规定self-sustainment categories are not subject to accountability upon entry into and departure from the mission area, but rather to verification and inspection to ensure that they meet the agreed standards and mandate of the contingent
expl.药包埋深不仅是决定空气压力强度的主要因素、而且对脉冲频率及持续时间也有影响The depth of burial of the charges is not only a primary factor in determining the intensity of the air pressures, but it also has an effect on the frequency and duration of the pulses
expl.装药比、即单位体积的岩石爆破所需的炸药量、根据岩石的类型、炮孔的深度及所用的炸药而定The loading ratio or amount of explosive required per volume of rock to be broken, depends on the type of rock,the depth of the hole,and the explosive to be used
gen.M 视 M 的结果而定be at stake in
gen.M 视M而定pivot upon
gen.M 视M而定pivot on
gen.… 而定accordingly as
gen.… 而定according as
interntl.trade.视价格而定rest upon the price
avia.视情而定on condition
gen.视情况而定it all depends
interntl.trade.视情况而定as appropriate
gen.视情况而定that depends
gen.视情况而定as the case may be
tech.视温度而定be temperature dependent
gen.视…而定be conditional upon
gen.视…而定turn upon
inf.视…而定be dependent on (upon)
gen.视…而定turn on
gen.…视…而定hinge upon
gen.…视…而定hinge on
gen.视…而定be conditional on
el.视频率而定frequency dependent
interntl.trade.议定再出售而买入的证券securities purchased under agreement to resell
expl.该评估与岩石含水量规定的值密切相关、而与实际爆破设计方案或实施的爆破强度无关These estimates are very sensitive to the value used for the moisture content of the rock and are quite independent of the actual blast design or blasting intensity applied
tech.购置及使用固定资产而产生的费用expenditure subsequent to acquisition and use of fixed assets
agric.超过法律规定期限而失效的subject to prescription
agric.超过法律规定期限而失效的subject to limitation
econ.达到一定储备而订货的政策stock level ordering policy
gen.这要看…是否…而定it depends whether...
econ.这项租金是根据当前的市场情况而定The rent is based on the current market
IMF.酌情而定的支出discretionary spending
IMF.酌情而定的政策discretionary policy
IMF.酌情而定的政策active policy
IMF.酌情而定的政策activist policy
gen.针对某一个问题而指定〔制造,设置〕的ad hoc
gen.…而定contingent (on, upon)
expl.随压力而定的屈服应力pressure dependent yield stress
shipb.随市价涨落而定subject to market fluctuation
el.随相位增量而定频率脉位调制frequency position modulation with phase increment
el.随离子角分布而定的电子激发解吸electron stimulated desorption with ion angular distribution
commun.随…而定lie on
gen.随…而定ride on
econ.随…而定lie upon
gen.随…而定hang upon
gen.随…而定hang on
econ.随…而定dependent on (upon)