
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
三轴参系统three-axis reference system
世界古学会World Archaeological Society
世界参系统world reference system
东南海岸平原计划Southeastern Coastal Plains Expedition US
中国南极察队Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition
中国石油察小组Chinese Petroleum Investigation Team
中国自然资源综合察委员会Commission of Integrated Survey of Natural Resources
仅供参for your information and guidance
供参for your information
国家航空和航天局先进行星察技术advanced planetary mission technology
全球参大气模式global reference atmospheric model
全球参系统用于检索陆地卫星数据的一个全球检索系统worldwide reference system
全球参global reference network
全球定位参系统World Position Reference System
全球气候变迁global change expedition
出口商技术参资料technical help to exporters
加拿大阿尔法山顶峰察队Canadian Expedition to Study the Alpha Ridge
天体坐标系Southern celestial reference system
南非国家南极察队South African National Antarctic Expeditions
博物馆古应用科学中心宾夕法尼亚大学Museum's Applied Science Center for Archaeology
印度洋Indian Ocean Expedition
reference zone
地图reference map
假定基面reference datum
总蒸发reference evapotranspiration
效应reference effect
文献号reference number
断面reference section
气压reference atmosphere
reference mark
目标大地测量reference object
reference station
蒸散发reference evapotranspiration
转换函数reference transport function
只供参for information only
固定地磁参definitive geomagnetic reference field
国家南极察委员会National Committee for Antarctic Research
国家大地测量参National Geodetic Reference System
国家标准参数据中心National Standard Reference Data Center
国家标准参数据系统national standard reference data system
国家标准参数据计划National Standard Reference Data Program
国家标准技术研究所标准参材料National Institute of Standards and Technology, Standard Reference Material
国际南极冰川察讨论会International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciological Exploration
国际印度洋察计划International Indian Ocean Expedition
国际参中心International Reference Center
国际地中海科学察委员会International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea
国际地球参框架International Terrestrial Reference Frame
国际地质学和地球物理学察目录International Geological/Geophysical Cruise Inventory
国际大地参坐标系International Terrestrial Reference Frame
国际天球参框架International Celestial Reference Frame
国际海洋International Marine Expedition
地球化学参geochemical reference samples
地球化学参geochemical reference network
地球参坐标系terrestrial reference frame
地球参坐标系统terrestrial reference system
地球参格网terrestrial reference frame
地理参数据存•储检索geographically referenced data storage and retrieval
地理坐标参geographical reference (system)
地质参文档geological reference file
地质学参文档geological reference file
地面参ground reference system
墨西哥湾研究计划gulf research and exploration program
墨西哥湾研究gulf research and exploration
复合标准参剖面composite standard reference section
大地测量参系统geodetic reference system
大西洋大陆架科学Scientific Exploration of the Atlantic Shelf
大西洋大陆架科学察委员会Committee for the Scientific Exploration of the Atlantic Shelf
天体参坐标系celestial reference frame
尼泊尔冰川察队Glaciological Expedition of Nepal
工业古学协会Association for Industrial Archaeology
巴基斯坦察基金Pakistan Exploration Fund
技术参手册technical reference handbook
斯特-隆贝格重力仪Lacoste and Romberg
挪威南极研究察队Norwegian Antarctic Research Expedition
新的石油参价格new oil reference price
日本北极冰川察队Japanese Arctic Glaciological Expedition
日本南极研究察队Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition
日本深海察队Japanese Expedition to the Deep Sea
标准参数据处Office of Standard Reference Data
标准参材料处Office of Standard Reference Materials
标准参水样本美国地质调查局standard reference water samplesUSGS
标准参资料standard reference data
标准参部面standard reference section
模型参自适应控制系统model reference adaptive control systems
模型参自适应系统model reference adaptive system
水下察车underwater vehicle
泰国国家参文献资料收藏中心Centre for Thai National Reference Collection
海山勘察和海底科学seamount exploration and undersea scientific expedition
海山勘査和水下科学seamount exploration and undersea scientific expedition
海底科学undersea scientific expedition
深海察运载器deep research vehicle
澳大利亚国家南极研究察队Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions
有人操作火星和金星察研究〔Manned〕Mars and Venus Exploration Studies
热带风能转换参基准实验tropical wind energy conversion and reference level experiment
瑞典深海Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition
白令海Bering Sea Expedition
海洋科学察与测绘计划scientific exploration and mapping program
科学察与海洋图集编制计划scientific exploration and marine atlas program
科学察工作者协会Society of Visiting Scientists
科学合作研究察队scientific cooperative operational research expedition NOAA
绝对absolute verification
美国古学会Society for American Archeology
美国尔科化学公司Calco Chemical Company
美国大学实地察研究公司American Universities Field Staff Inc.
察研究报告study tour report
林数磁流体力学上的一个无量纲数cowling number
特维-德伏里斯方程Korteweg-de Vries equation
芬兰南极察队Finnish Antarctic Expedition
英国全国南极察委员会British National Committee on Antarctic Research
英国南极察队British Antarctic Survey
英国国家海洋察委员会British National Committee for Oceanic Research
英国、澳大利亚、新西兰南极研究察队British-Australian-New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition
赤道大西洋Equatorial Atlantic Survey
赤道太平洋Equatorial Pacific Survey
载人地球物理察移动式潜水器geophysical exploration manned mobile submersible
载人月球manned lunar exploration
载人月球察规划manned lunar exploration program
近海面参气温near surface reference temperature
通用地球参系统conventional terrestrial reference system
阿肯色州古调查Arkansas Archeological Survey
黑海察队black sea expedition