
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
一揽子购basket purchase
一般物价水平重成本会计general price-level replacement cost accounting
上市公司股权分问题issue of floating non-tradable shares of listed companies
代理人留agent’s lien
优先留权债券prior lien bonds
优化资源配optimize allocation of resources
优化配optimal allocation
债券搁suspension of claim
债务debt displacement
充分发挥市场在资源配中的基础性作用make full use of the basic role of the market in allocating resources
决定布的成本determining cost of layout
出差安津贴mission installation allowance
制度之设system building
定价法backpricing (金属市场的一种定价方法。按此方法,拥有长期合约的消费者有权根据伦敦金属交易所的有效结算价格确定其合约)
单一期间的设成本single-period with set up cost
危机处机制crisis management mechanisms
发挥市场在资源配中的基础性作用give play to the fundamental role of the market in resource allocation
受押人留pledgee's lien
的厂房和设备additions to plant and equipment
更新折旧法depreciation-replacement method
完善危机处机制improve crisis management mechanisms
定期重掉期periodic resetting swap
将欧元区稳定于危险之中put at risk the euro area stability
平时闲之设备standby equipment
建立健全系统性金融风险防范预警体系和处机制establish a sound early warning system and a risk response mechanism to prevent systemic financial risks
征税留tax lien
成本会计制度之设installation of a cost system
把稳定价格总水平放在更加突岀的位prioritize overall price stability
投资处收益income from investment disposal
折余重成本written-down replacement cost
拒绝decline to comment
按揭留mortgage lien
不付leave outstanding
保险deferred insurance
资本lock up capital
普通留general lien
更换及重准备reserve for renewals and replacement
未审定重成本信息unaudited replacement cost information
未获授权处资产unauthorized disposition of assets
机器位map of machine location
机械装mechanical devices
标普推荐资产配S & P recommended asset allocation
次级留权债券junior-lien bond
次级留权抵押junior-lien mortgage
浮动留floating lien
特定留权债券special lien bond
现行重成本current replacement cost
权及质权lien and hypothecations
权限制limitation on lien
第一留primary lien
之不付leave unpaid
于表的主要栏内full extended
产费用capital expense
商品储存费及贷款利息存资产费用指流动费用carrying charges
有基金的准备funded reserve
股权分equity division
股权分改革equity division reform
自动结总装automatic totaling devices
set up
出口新限定impose new export restrictions
基金establishment of fund
银行存款余额的记录maintaining a record of the bank balance
财产留权准备reserve for encumbrance
不动产融资real estate financing
purchase method
资产处利润profit on disposal of property
资产处损失loss on disposal of assets
资产处账户asset disposal account
资产处限制limitation on asset disposition
资产换基金retired funds
资产购预算asset acquisition budget
资产配工具asset allocation tool
资产重新配asset redeployment
资本配capital allocation
资本配allocation of capital
资本配不当misallocated capital
资本配不当distortions in capital allocation
资本配不当capital misallocation
资金配能力ability to allocate capital
资金非预合成型资产证券化unfunded synthetic securitization
资金预合成型资产证券化funded synthetic securitization
起始参考reference position
远期资产购forward asset purchase
部分资金预partially funded
酌情处discretionary power
型基金configure-type fund
固定资产的会计replacement accounting
成本cost of reproduction new value
成本会计replacements cost accounting
成本会计replacement cost accounting
replacement unit
现行成本replacement current cost
计价法replacement pricing
repossessed properties
cost of replacement
资产replacing assets
资产replacement assets
银行留banker's lien
余额idle balance
时仍需之成本standby cost
活期存款idle demand deposit
线路dead line
资产dormant asset
资金idle funds
资金funds lying idle
非流动性资产处损益profit and loss on the disposal of non-current assets
首先留first lien