
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
串联配tandem position
主要布of principal layout
主要布principle layout
争议被暂时搁起来The dispute is kept in abeyance
人员需要配manpower requirement layout
保付行没有扣留货物或提单的-般留The confirming house does not have a general lien entitling it to retain goods or bills of lading for an indebtedness of the customer resulting from earlier transactions
储存布store layout
功能布functional layout
协会重条款Institute Replacement Clause
单位化货载装unitized load device
商店中传递货币及找零装cash carrier
固定设备布fixed equipment layout
土地购及厂址准备投资成本investment cost for land and site preparation
在适当情况下,代理人对委托人的货物或款项有抵消或留的权利The agent is, in appropriate cases, entitled to a set-off or a lien on the principal's goods or money
right to disposal
威尔科克森统计量信区间Wilcoxen statistic confidence intervals
settle ment fees
安全装foolproof device
小型可移动装packaged unit
小型可移动装packaged plant
局部布partial arrangement drawing
展览会场平面布exhibition hall plan
工业装industrial installation
修改revision in layouts
总布principal layout
总布master layout
技术装与设备technical installations and equipment
指定购实验室仪器款项10,000 美元earmark US $10,000 to buy instruments for the laboratory
按生产线布line layout
推测航行位dead reckoning position
暂时搁一项询盘have to leave an enquiry in abeyance
最佳资源配optimal resource allocation
有偿购acquisition for value
机械位map of machine location
机械布machinery layout
水平布horizontal layout
海上留marine lien
特别捐留special assessment lien
现金购cash purchase
权书lien letter
相机处act on one's own discretion
真实位true place
真实位apparent place
研制出一种装马达,显微镜,液体,电缆develop a device (a motor, a microscope, a fluid, cables)
研制新装develop a device
终点站起卸装terminal elevation
于凉处stow in cool place
信推论fiducial inference
信概率分布fiducial probability distribution
信程度degree of confidence
换体积displacement volume
被搁lie on the table
,组合件或零件installation, assembly or detail
费用installation cost
成本starting-load cost
设备平面布facility layout
设备重准备reserve for equipment replacement
调整后的购成本adjusted acquisition cost
财产留lien in property
财产留权与质押权lien and hypothecation
货物处right of disposal of the goods
成本procurement cost
成本acquisition cost (包括货价与运费、保险费、佣金等其他费用)
日期date of acquisition (企业固定资产)
first cost
零件purchased part
资产购手续费用acquisition commission
资产重新安费用rearrangement cost
资源配deployment of resources
这些购均用现金支付The purchases were paid for with cash
这种装的式样已落伍了This type of fixture went out of style and is now a drug on the market
与更新基金replacement and renewal fund
与维护replacement and maintenance
成本replacement cost (指再生产成本,再制成本 (reproduction cost))
费用replacement expense
重复购duplication of acquisition
重新安费用支付relocation payments
生产力spare capacity (指剩余生产能力 (excess capacity, over capacity, surplus capacity))
资本spare capital
零部件布partial arrangement drawing
非计划内购impulse buy
项目平面布project layout