
Terms for subject Surgery containing | all forms
三尖瓣换tricuspid valve replacement
主动脉瓣与二尖瓣换术aortic and mitral valve replacement
主动脉瘤间修复术interposition repair of aortic aneurysm
二尖瓣换术mitral valve replacement
人工关节prosthetic replacement
人工椎间盘换术artificial disc replacement
人工气管换术replacement of tracheal prosthesis
人工气管换术replacement of artificial trachea
人工瓣膜换prosthetic valve replacement
人工血管换术prosthetic vessel replacement
人工血管换术prosthetic blood vessel replacement
性低血压postural hypotension
性弓形腿positional bowleg
假体prosthesis replacement
全髋关节换术replacement of total hip
冠状动脉血吸引装coronary suction device
匐行creeping substitution
半开放装semi-open system
半闭式装semi-close system
双瓣膜换术double-valve replacement
同种气管换术tracheal homograft replacement
小肠倒intestinal reversal
布里斯班主动脉瓣与升主动脉换术Brisbane method of aortic valve and ascending aorta replacement
开放装open system
异种气管换术tracheal heterograft replacement
往复式装to and fro system
瓣膜换术cardiac valve replacement
心室辅助装ventricular assist device
无复吸人装nonrebreathing system
来回式呼吸装to and fro absorption system
气管腔内 T 形管人术intratracheal T-tube insertion
导尿管indwelling catheter
瓣膜valve replacement
空肠间代胆道术choledochoplasty by jejunal interposition
肠外intestinal exteriorization
舌下前nucleus prepositus hypoglossi
近球装juxtaglomerular apparatus
酚红排泄倒inversion of phenolsulfonphthalein excretion
闭式循环装closed circuit system
震波碎石装shock-wave lithotomy apparatus
面罩活瓣呼吸装bag-valve-mask respiration unit
食管胃切除术与结肠间esophagogastrectomy with colon interposition
麦氏装Mapleson system