
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing | all forms
一等大地first-order geodetic network
七点井seven spot pattern
三点法注水井three-spot waterflooding
三维three-dimensional network
三维区域平差stereoblock adjustment
三维测three-dimensional grid
三角测量area triangulation
三角形井triangular pattern
三角测量triangulation network
不对称井asymmetrical pattern
不规则irregular grid
不规则井skewed pattern
不规则注水井irregular flood pattern
不规则测线irregular line network
世界标准地震仪World-Wide Standard Seismograph Network
主要控制major framework
九点井nine spot pattern
九点注入井nine-spot well injection configuration
九点注水井nine-spot well injection configuration
九点注采井nine-spot well network
事故供电emergency network
二维two-dimensional grid
互穿聚合物interpenetrating polymer network
互连interconnection network
五点井five-point scheme
五点井five spot pattern
五点井注水five spot water flooding
五点井流动公式five-spot flow formula
五点注采井five-spot flood system
well pat tern
well network
井距pattern well spacing
传导率conductance ratio of well pattern
内水分布pattern-area water distribution
几何形态pattern geometry
加密well pattern thickening
加密井infill well
动态pattern performance
区配水pattern-area water distribution
单井控制面积pattern well spacing
单元element pattern
受效pattern response
因数well-pattern factor
型式spacing pattern
型式pattern of spacing
外注入井off-pattern injector
外生产井off-pattern producer
大小pattern size
密度well density
密度well spacing density
密度well spacing
布置pattern arrangement
平衡pattern balance
形状pattern shape
形状pattern configuration
扫油效率sweepout pattern efficiency
排列pattern arrangement
控制面积well-pattern spacing
效率pattern efficiency
旋转rotation of pattern
死区well pattern dead area
波及效率pattern sweep efficiency
波及系数sweepout pattern efficiency
波及系数pattern coverage
注入井pattern injector
注水spot flooding
注水pattern flooding
生产井pattern producer
突破曲线pattern breakthrough curve
系数well-pattern factor
见效pattern response
调整pattern modification
转换rotation of pattern
选择pattern selection
面积pattern area
驱动pattern drive
交织河anastomosing stream pat tern
交错行列井staggered line-drive pattern
伸长四点井elongated four-spot pattern
供应supply network
供气gas grid
供水管water supply network
侵蚀etch pattern
储罐管storage-tank piping
先导性试验井pilot pattern
光束法区域加密bundle triangulation
入口滤inlet screen
全油田井fieldwide pattern
全球数字地震仪Global Digital Seismometer Network
全球重力基本台worldwide gravity base station network
全面开发井full-scale well pattern
公路road net
六边形hexagonal network
六边形井hexagonal well network
共深度点CDP grid
决策络计划decision making network
准理想quasiperfect network
分配distribution network
加密detail network
加密五点井tightly spaced five-spot pattern
加密井infill well pattern
加权weighting network
动态局部格加密dynamic local grid refinement
区域平差area adjustment
区域地震测regional seismic network
单井模型single-pattern model
单井集气管gas single well gathering network
卫星satellite network
卫星通信satellite communication link
卫星遥测络节satellite telemetry link
状构造twin-mesh structure
双五点井double five-spot
双曲线hyperbolic lattice
反九点注水井inverted nine-spot injection pattern
合采开发井full zone development pattern
吸入滤suction screen
ground network
效应fence effect
地区local area network
地质勘探测量survey for establishing geological prospecting network
地震测seismic grid
地面管线络模拟程序surface pipeline network simulator
均匀uniform grid
坐标coordinate net
坐标延长线graticule ticks
块中心block-centered grid
垂直线perpendicular grid line
城市供应管public supply mains
城市分配管distributing pipeline network in city
复合complex network
复合complex network
复杂管integrated network
外部outside network
多井井multiwell pattern
多井注采井multiwell flooding pattern
多井生产井multiwell producing pattern
多井集气管gas multiwell gathering network
多井集输管multiwell-gathering network
多孔金属expanded metal
多端multi-terminal network
状弱酸树脂macroreticular weak acid resin
状树脂macroreticular-type resin
大分子状结构macromolecular network structure
大地控制geodetic network
天文大地平差astro-geodetic net adjustment
孔板分层筛perforated-panel layered screen
孔隙pore network
孔隙络拓扑结构topology of pore network
fine grid
钻井dense drilling
密井dense well pat tern
密井close spacing
局部格加密local mesh refinement
岸上定位land-based positioning network
岸台station network
带电状薄膜charged net membrane
带电络黏土隔膜charged-net clay membrane
干酪根kerogen network
平均averaging network
平行parallel grid
平面plane net
平面格步长areal block dimension
并联对偶二端parallel two-terminal pair network
应力络图stress grid diagram
开发井development well pattern
开采井offtake pattern
形状不规则井irregularly-shaped well pattern
微波通信microwave network
成对状构造twin-mesh structure
扩展管expanded network
扩建管expanded network
投影projective net
投影格延伸短线projection ticks
报信滤tell-tale screen
抽样sampling mesh
抽样sampling grid
按井布井pattern well spacing
换热heat exchanger network
排状井row well pattern
排队queueing network
排队queuing network
斜四点注水井skewed four-spot injection pattern
断层network of fault
断层regmatic network
方孔筛square-mesh (screen)
方形square net
方形square lattice
方形square lattice
方形井square well pattern
方格square grid
施氏Schmidt net
旁侧扫描声side-scan sonar grid
crystal mesh
晶格crystalline network
最佳注采井optimum injection recovery pattern
最大井距井ultimate spacing pattern
最小成本络流程问题minimal-cost network-flow problem
枝状branch network
标准井normal well pattern
树型tree network
grid screen
graticule mesh
交点reseau cross
北向grid north
十字reseau cross
叠置片grid overlay
grid chart
坐标grid coordinate
方位角grid azimuth
标记grid tick
首子午线prime grid meridian
梯形periodic line
椭圆孔筛oblong-mesh screen
概率型probabilistic network
正五点井normal five-point pattern
正交络系统orthogonal network
正常井normal well pattern
正方square mesh
正方equidimensional grid
歪四点注水井skewed four-spot injection pattern
比例格线scale grid lines
分析gas networks analysis
气体管负荷系数load factor of gas network
水化学hydrochemical network
水文化学hydrochemical network
水文地质hydrogeologic network
水系drainage network
stream pattern
河道channel net
油田供电oil field power supply network
活动节点activity oriented network
调整器survey-net adjuster
测流管flow test network
测点point grid
浮标fish trap buoy
渗透性permeable network
dot grid
点中心point-centered grid
片状眼结构lamellar mesh texture
环型ring network
环境监测station and network of environmental monitoring
环式ring network
环状井peripheral pattern
环状集气管looped gas gathering network
球面投影stereographic net
理想ideal network
生产井producing pattern
络模型electrical network model
电阻resistor network
界面subsurface gridding
破沫demister pads
碳纤维预浸渍法pre impregnated carbon fiber web method
离散discrete grid block
稀井wide spacing
空间跟踪和数据获取space tracking and data acquisition network
立体状聚合物space network polymer
立体区域平差stereoblock adjustment
等维equidimensional grid
等角angle-true net
等距正交isometric orthogonal net
筒式纤维织过滤器fabric cartridge filter
导液率conductivity of screen cloth
护条screen cloth protector
透液能力screen conductance
黏度计screen viscometer
简化络模型simplified network model
pipeline network
管线微波pipeline microwave network
管路pipe network
管道piping system
管道network of pipelines
管道微波pipeline microwave network
coarse grid
滤器coarse-meshed filter
粗孔隙coarse pore network
粗滤strainer screen
精密precision network
精细筛fine mesh screen
纤维滤fabric screen
纵横开关crossbar network
线性井line pattern
组合composite grid
振动筛fine-screen shaker
筛布fine screen cloth
经纬线geographic mesh
经验格剩余系统empirical grid residual system
缠结entanglement network
垫除雾器mesh demister
孔塔板netted tray
孔栅格填料netted grid packing
孔-筛板塔板netting sieve tray
式滤器strainer screen
格内插grid interpolation
格几何形态lattice geometry
格列mesh column
格剩余法grid residual method
格加密mesh refinement
格加密grid refinement
格区域net region
格区域mesh region
格参数mesh parameter
格因子grid operator
格图grid map
格图形grid pattern
格外插grid extrapolation
格孔隙fenestral porosity
格宽度mesh width
格尺寸mesh size
格技术gridding technique
格指数mesh index
格排序ordering of grids
格效应grid effect
格方程mesh equation
格构形mesh configuration
格构造reticular structure
格构造cancellated structure
格模型grid model
格步长mesh spacing
格步长grid spacing
格法gridding method
格状线grid pattern
格状组构fenestral fabric
格电路cage circuit
格畸变mesh distortion
格矩阵grid matrix
格离差grid dispersion
格空间mesh space
格算子grid operator
格线grid line
格编号ordering of grids
格行mesh row
格间距mesh spacing
格间隔grid interval
格频散grid dispersion
lattice point
点剩余值法grid residual
点平滑grid smoothing
chicken-wire pattern
状冲积扇三角洲沉积braided-fan-delta deposit
状图spider plot
状填料gauze packing
状孔隙cellular porosity
状构造chessboard structure
状构造kramenzel structure
状栅reticulated grating
状水系reticulate drainage
状水系型braided drainage pattern
状水道braiding channel
状沙洲reticulated bar
状沙洲reticular texture
状河braided river
状河anastomosed stream
状河沙坝braid bar
状河流anastomosing river
状河道braided river course
状泡沸石netted zeolite
状滤器gauze filter
状硅酸盐framework silicate
状礁mesh reef
状粗滤器gauze strainer
状组构chicken-wire fabric
状组织network structure
状组织cellular structure
状结构reticular texture
状结构reticulated texture
状结构cell texture
状聚合物net polymer
状裂纹reticulated cracks
状裂纹map cracking
状裂隙network of cracks
状镶嵌构造reticulate mosaic
球状对流tennis ball convection
眼结构eyed structure
wire screen
纟各electric network
reticulate pattern
纹土patterned ground
纹构造dictyonitic structure
纹状reticulate pattern
纹钢板floor plate
络丝network yarn
络图intersection chart
络式钢制塔架lattice-steel tower
络结构network structure
络结构形network topology
络训练network training
路损失network loss
采浮游生物net plankton
肯定型deterministic network
蜘蛛spider diagram
螺旋分馏柱spiral-screen column
行列井line-drive well network
行列井line well pattern
行列驱井line drive pattern
补偿corrective network
补偿compensation network
表面起状裂纹surface checking
衰减attenuation network
裂缝fracture network
裂缝络体积fracture network volume
观测observation grid
规则regular grid
规则井regular well pattern
计算calculation grid
计算computational grid
贮气罐与管模拟系统gas reservoir and pipeline networks simulator system
起始井initial pattern
辐射状井sun-flower pattern
输气管gas line network
输配气管gas transmission and distribution network
边缘井peripheral pattern
边缘注水井peripheral waterflood pattern
边缘注水井peripheral injection pattern
过滤组合screen pack
逐个井分析pattern-by-pattern analysis
配位coordinated network
配气管gas distribution network
采样sampling grid
采油井oil production pattern
重力测gravity coverage
重力测gravimetric network
重复井repeating pattern
金属metallic wire cloth
金属丝wire gauze
金属丝填料wire mesh packing
金属丝填料gauze packing
金属丝焊接wire mesh welding
金属丝破沫wire mesh demister
金属丝筛wire mesh screen
金属丝筛wire cloth sieve
金属布hardware cloth
金属板填料expanded metal packing
金属线wire screen
钢丝wire net
钢丝缓冲总成wire mesh pad assembly
钢板metal mesh
钢板metal lath
钢板expanded metal
钢板蜂窝填料expanded steel packing element
钻杆滤drill pipe strainer
钻杆滤drill pipe screen
铁丝wire gauze
铁丝玻璃wire glass
销售sales network
长条形四点井elongated four-spot pattern
防滑antiskid net
限制limiting mesh
随机络孔隙模型stochastic network pore model
集成管integrated network
集气管gas gathering network
集油管gathering network
非均匀non-uniform grid
非循环acyclic network
非肯定型indeterministic network
stockwork lattice
间距interplanar spacing
面积井areal well pattern
面积井井距well-pattern spacing
面积井见水曲线pattern breakthrough curve
面积注水井spot pattern
面积注采井pattern well network
饮用水管potable water network
馈电supply network
鸡笼状井chicken-wire pattern
龟甲hex steel grating
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