
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
一般回归神经general return neural network
不连续裂隙discrete fracture network
东中伊利诺伊气象East Central Illinois Network
中国数字地震台Chinese Digital Seismic Network
串行络连接协议Serial Line Internet Protocol
主电master network
亚太地区国际气象电讯International Meteorological Telecommunication Network in Asia and the Pacific
交错格点法staggered grid points method
伯克利数字地震Berkeley Digital Seismic Network
佛罗里达州海岸观测数据Florida Coastal Data Network
全国放射性散落物监测national fallout monitoring network
全球卫星观测worldwide satellite observing network
全球历史气候global historical climate net. work
全球参考global reference network
全球地震仪器台站World Wide Seismograph Station
全球地震观测World-Wide Seismology Net
全球地震记录global seismographic network
全球应用研究global applied research network
全球数字地震台global digital seismic network
全球标准化地震仪器观测World-Wide Standardized Seismograph Network
全球标准地震仪器台站World-Wide Network of Standard Seismograph Stations
全球标准地震仪器观测World Wide Standard Seismograph Network
全球标准地震仪器观测World-Wide Network of Standard Seismographs
全球海洋大地测量控制global marine geodetic control net
准拉格朗日嵌套格模式quasi-lagrangian nested grid model
分布式处理distributed processing network
分支络流程序包美国地质调查局branched network flow package USGS
利用神经络进行卫星图像分析satellite image analysis using neural networks
加值value added network
加利福尼亚州地震观测美国地质调查局中心California Seismic Network USGS central
加拿大地震台Canadian Seismograph Network
加拿大大气和降水监测Canadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network
加拿大大气和降水采样Canadian Network for Sampling Air and Precipitation
加拿大标准地震台Canadian Standard Seismograph Network
加拿大重力标准Canadian Gravity Standardization Net
加拿大高级研究、工业和教育Canadian Network for the Advancement of Research, Industry and Education
动态自适应大气观测dynamics adapted network for the atmosphere
化学物质信息chemical substance information network
区域资料站分析network analysis for regional information
格法single grid method
卫星校正satellite calibration network
卫星跟踪和数据采集站satellite tracking and data acquisition network
变长子掩码variable length subnet mask
可移多重套格模式movable multiply nested grid model
可移细格天气预报模式movable fine-mesh model
可调与可适应隐藏细格法zoomable and adaptable hidden fine-mesh approach
可调隐藏细格拉格朗日-欧拉法Lagrangian-Eulerian Method with Zoomable Hidden Fine mesh Approach
台站试验和跟踪机构Network Test and Training Facility
史密森学会科学事件警报台Scientific Event Alert Network Smithsonian Institution
因特服务机构Internet Service Provider
因特网络信息中心Internet Network Information Center
固定格法fixed grid method
国家信息national information network
国家大地测量垂直基准测National Geodetic Vertical Datum Network
国家大地测量局垂直台分局Vertical Network Division of the National Geodetic Survey
国家大气监视national air surveillance network
国家大气采样national air sampling network
国家气象传真National Meteorological Facsimile Network
国家气象火箭national meteorological rocket network
国家海洋和大气数据服务National Oceanic and Atmospheric Data Service Network
国家趋势站大气沉积物预报National Trend Network
国家配电电.National Distribution Circuit
国际古气候资料International Paleoclimatic Data Network
国际地学信息联合会consortium for international Earth science information network
国际月球观测Lunar International Observer Network
国际标准化组织信息ISO information network
国际气象观测站用蒸发皿International Network Evaporation Pan
国际生物科学International Bioscience Network
国际重力标准基点International Gravity Standardization Network
图书馆研究信息research libraries information network
图形交互式络分析与模拟程序graphical interactive network analysis and simulation program
地区性干旱地信息regional arid land information network
地区资源regional resource network
地球化学参考geochemical reference network
地球参考格terrestrial reference frame
地理格geographic grid
地理读岀络数据库geographic read network data base
地面臭氧观测ground ozonometric network
坐标格信息操作系统grid-based information manipulation system
城市道路密度density of urban road network
基准气候站reference climate network
基线高层大气测站世界气象组织baseline upper-air network WMO
复式开闭通信与环境传感系统multiple opening closing net and environmental sensing system
外层空间deep space network
格域分解共轭梯度算法multigrid domain decomposition conjugate gradient algorithm
多时态地理坐标temporary geographic grid
多目标因特发送延伸Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
多重格法multigrid algorithm
多重套格模式multi-nested grid model
coarse mesh grid
状离子交换树脂macroreticular ion exchange resin
大地测量控制geodetic control network
大型人工神经large artificial nerve network
大气本底污染监测世界气象组织background air pollution monitoring network
大湖大气沉积物测great lakes atmospheric deposition network
大陆卫星continental satellite net
天体地球物理信息传送astrogeophysical transmission network
天气信息显示系统weather information network and display system
天气信息远距离显示示系统weather information network and display system
太平洋区域通讯Pacific Area Communication Network
太平洋气象Pacific Meteorological Network
太平洋通信Pacific Communication Net
太平洋通讯Pacific Communication Network
格尺度subgrid scales
格比例尺subgrid scales
寰球world wide web
对话式格conversational grid
7 层粗格天气预报模式seven-layer coarse mesh model
嵌入广义络算法embedded generalized network algorithm
工程控制engineering control network
广义最小二乘法络分析network analysis using generalized least squares
广义随机皮特里格模型extended stochastic petri net model
弗吉尼亚卅酸雨观测Virginia Acid Precipitation Network
德国区域地震German Regional Seismic Network
成矿系统metallogenic system network
成都遥测地震中国Chengdu Telemetry Seismic Network
控制器区controller area network
数字络分析机digital network analyzer
数据处理data processing network
数据采集data acquisition network
方里kilometer grid
施工控制测量construction control network
无序成层random stratified grid
日本信息处理Japan Information Processing Network
日本重力基准Japan Gravity Standardization
时空子格尺度space-time subgrid scale
最优决策络图示法decision mapping optimum networks
最优河optimal channel network
有坐标格的数据库系统grided data base system
有源络综合active network synthesis
未来学信息futures information network
标准多格格式standard multigrid scheme
校正整形corrective network
gridiron pattern
与质点grid and particles
中的质点计算法particle in cell computing method
单元信息管理系统information management on a grid cell system
连测grid sheet survey
欧洲国际气象电传打字电报International Meteorological Teleprinter Network in Europe
欧洲大地测量观测European Geodetic Observations
欧洲大气化学污染测European Air Chemistry Network
欧洲学术和研究工作用计算机European Academic and Research Network
欧洲气象业务电讯Meteorological Operational Telecommunication Network in Europe
欧洲海洋观测站European Network of Ocean Station
欧洲联机信息European On-line Information Network
欧洲试验与代表性研究流域站European Network of Experimental and Representative Research Basins
格三维数据regular grided three-dimensional data
气象业务电讯meteorological operational telecommunication network
气象地面观测站meteorological surface observation network
气象火箭委员会Meteorological Rocket Network Committee
水文气候数据美国地质调查局hydro-climate data network USGS
参数drainage network parameter
泛非电讯Pan-African Telecommunication Network
流动格边界current net boundary
海军全球环境监测数据Naval's Worldwide Environmental Data Network
海军全球环境监测数据海洋数据分布和展延系统NEDN oceanographic data distribution and expansion system
海-冰格数据sea-ice gridded data
海岸高空远程警戒雷达chain home high
海洋协调、评估和分析oceanographic coordination, evaluation and analysis network
海洋污染数据信息ocean pollution data and information network
澳大利亚书目Australian Bibliographic Network
澳大利亚全国重力Australian National Gravity Network
澳大利亚地图格Australian Map Grid
澳大利亚资源Australian Resource Network
澳大利亚资源信息Australian Resource Information Network
热通道heat channel network
环境化学资料和信息欧洲共同体environmental chemical data and information network
环境资料environmental data network
球面正交spherical orthogonal grids
甚细very fine-mesh
生成格系统控制中心Generation Grid System Control Centre
生活污水管domestic sewer system
电讯main telecommunications network
疏水-栅膜滤器hydrophobic-grid membrane filter
监测monitoring network
矩形rectangular grid
神经neural networks
神经neural network approach
神经络技术neural network technology
离散裂隙discrete fracture network
移动式自动中等无线电portable automated mesonetwork
移动式自动气象观测portable automatic meteorological network
空气污染监测air pollution network
空间物理分析space physics analysis network
空间跟踪和数据采集站space tracking and data acquisition network
空间通信space communications network
空间飞行跟踪与数据美国国家航宇局spaceflight tracking and data network
格模式coarse-mesh model
系统应用程序络分析计算机程序network analysis for system application program
fine mesh grid
格定限区域天气模式fine mesh limited area model
经纬线fictitious graticule
经纬仪测量transit network
格化资源编录数据系统gridded resource inventory data system
格图map of network
格地图grid map
格垂直位移net vertical displacement
格填图sectional drawing
格带宽指数grided band index
格格式空间数据grid format spatial data
格算法girding algorithm
格线路network former
状层积云stratocumulus lacunosus
状模型network former
状流netlike flow
状玻璃体碳reticulated vitreous carbon
状高积云altocumulus lacunosus
络信息传递连续连结点connector for networked information
络分析与模式搜索模型network analysis and pattern search model
络协议network protocol
络和地球定位数据系统Grid and Earth Location Data System
络地理信息系统web geographical information system
络数据存储系统network file system
络数据库管理系统network database management system
络数据整理network data reduction
络数据采集系统network data acquisition
络流network flows
络流规划network flow programming
络线性规划network linear programs
络计划技术program evaluation and review technique
络计划技术critical path method
美国国家宇航局全球通信NASA World-wide Communications Network
美国国家海洋和大气管理局国家环境数据服务NOAA National Environmental Data Service Network
美国铝业公司实验室信息ALCOA Laboratories Information Network
的决策支持系统decision-making support system
联邦通信委员会Federal Communication Commission Network
自动格剖分法auto grid splitting
自动络分析仪automatic network analyzer
自动络显示程序automatic network display programs
自动数字automatic digital network
自动数字天气观测digital automatic weather network
自然神经预测水质参数natural neural network
航空气象传真aviation meteorological facsimile network
西欧卫星观测Western European Satellite Network
规则格点法regular grid points method
视窗因特名服务Windows Internet Naming Service
解适应格法solution adaptive grid method
计权权重weighting network
资源络委员会Resource Network Committee
资源确定resource decision network
远程wide area network
连续动态格自适应技术continuous dynamic grid adaption
通用关接口common gateway interface
通用极球面坐标格universal polar stereographic grid
都市metropolitan area network
重力控制gravity control network
非洲重力标准化African Gravity Standardization Net
非线性络模拟和分析程序nonlinear network simulation and analysis program
面向处理地方区域终端的processing local area terminal oriented network
高空探测upper air sounding network
高级络设计与管理系统advanced network design and management system