
Terms for subject Project management containing 网络 | all forms | in specified order only
与互联网本身相似 DNS 设计为甚至在部分网络受到严重破坏的情况下仍能工作Like the Internet itself DNS was designed to function even in the face of severe disruption of parts of its network
与各种应用程序、工具、附件和网络周边设备无缝集成、减少您对 IT 职员的需要Seamless integration with a wide variety of applications, tools, accessories and network peripherals, reducing demands on your IT staff
与各种应用程序、工具、附件和网络周边设备无缝集成、减少您对 IT 职员的需要Seamless integration -with a wide variety of applications, tools, accessories and network peripherals, reducing demands on your IT staff
也就是说、宽带并没有真正地提供双向的网络线路In other words, broadband doesn't really offer a two-way street
互联网网络安全性Internet security
从摄像机到监控主机为点对点的连接、以监控主机为中心构成星形网络From the camera to monitor the host for point-to-point connections, as the center console to monitor a star network
令牌环形网络token ring network
传真机效应、免费软件的升级规则、还有分布式智能的力量、都是正在兴起的网络经济的一部分The Fax Effect, the rule of freeware upgrade, and the power of distributed intelligence are all part of an emerging network economics
使用这种声学耦合器连接网络和办公室便于发送或接收电子邮件和传真Use this acoustic coupler to send or receive e-mails and faxes, access the Internet or connect to the home office from anywhere in the world
便携式网络图形portable network graphics
关键路径网络critical path network
分组交换与电路交换不同、与网络节点的多个连接将共享可用带宽With packet switching, unlike circuit switching, multiple connections to nodes on the network share the available bandwidth
单代号网络precedence diagram
双代号网络arrow diagram
因为超时或其他错误、 网络虚拟线路被终止The network virtual circuit was terminated due to a timeout or other failure
网络图中添加安装在个人计算机扩展槽中的短卡Adds a short card that fits in an expansion slot in a personal computer to your network diagram
在客户机中、必须安装 SQL Native Client 并将其配置为使用服务器中已启用的网络协议On the client computer, SQL Native Client must be installed and configured to use a network protocol enabled on the server
在许多方面、网络空间反映了真实世界In so many ways, cyberspace mirrors the real -world
多用户网络游戏multi-user dungeon
如果您不清楚代理应如何设置、请联系网络管理员或互联网服务供应商If you do not know what your proxy settings should be, contact your network administrator or internet service provider (ISP)
如果纽约州的电话网络属于一个独立的企业、那它早就破产了If the telephone network in New York State was a stand-alone business, it would already be in bankruptcy
宽带用户用于虚拟网络社交的平均时间为每周近三个小时、相当于每年六天The average amount of time spent on virtual networking is nearly three hours a week, or six days a year
OSI/RM 将计算机网络体系结构划分为应用层、表示层、会话层、传输层、网络层、数据链路层和物理层七个层次OSI/RM classify the structure of the network into application layer, presentation layer, session layer, transport layer, network layer, data link layer and physical layer
小型计算机系统接口网络SCSI network
层次型计算机网络hierarchical computer network
怀有某种动机的个人也许会或难或易地把您的网络 IP 地址和您的真实身份联系到一起It may be either difficult or easy for a motivated individual to connect your network IP address with your real-life identity
总线网络中的设备可以连接到网络上的任何一点、或从网络上任何一点取下、而不影响其他部分In bus network, any devices can be attached or detached from the network at any point without disturbing the network
您要使用的设备当前在您的网络上不可用。请检查此设备是否在网络上、然后再试一次The device you are trying to use is not currently available on your network. Check to see if the device is on the network and try again
"插件"指的是一个附加的小软件、它能够扩展你的网络浏览器的功能The term "plug-in" refers to a small, addon piece of software which extends the capabilities of your -web browser
时标网络time-scaled network diagram
标准或传统的 IP PBX 至少包含一个通过 VoIP 协议连接数据网络的单独网络接口A standard or traditional IP PBX contains at least a single network interface that connects to a data network by using VoIP protocols
浏览网络信息资源surf u
点对点网络peer-to-peer network
环形网络:在环形网络中、所有微型计算机和其他通信设备以一种连续循环的形式被连接Ring network: in a ring network, all microcomputers and other communications devices are connected in a continuous loop
现在、这个网络绝对不同于你所知道的受保护的局域网Now, the Net is an entirely different environment than you'll find 'within the protected walls of your LA
网络中返回其他用户的邮件地址或允许用户对主机和服务进行定位的服务directory service
网络network chart (diagram)
网络接口卡network information center (network interface card)
网络数据库营销internet database marketing
网络新闻network news
网络服务商包括网络连接服务商和网络内容服务商Internet Service Provider includes Internet Access Provider and Internet Content Provider
网络消熔network meltdown
网络电视Net TV (Internet television)
网络的一个应用是采用专用线路来发送蓝牙数据The application of a network where a dedicated line is used is to transmit bluetooth data
网络等待时间network latency
网络计划形式network form
网络进度计划法network scheduling technique
联网和通信服务器在网络上为客户提供命名和路由服务A networking and communications server provides naming and routing services to clients on the network
要使-个 IP 网络中的两个节点能够通信、那些 IP 地址必须在整个网络中是唯一的To enable communication between two nodes in an IP network, those IP addresses have to be unique among the whole network
访问网络服务号码access number
语义万维网的目标是让计算机从网络中的数据中获取有用的信息The semantic web aims to allow computers to extract useful information from data on the net
调制解调器通常连接到电缆或 DSL线、然后通过以太网电缆和网络适配器连接到计算机The modem is usually connected to a cable or DSL line, and is then connected to your computer through an Ethernet cable and network adapter
转换:控制网络地址转换和数据包重定向Translation: controls network address translation and packet redirection
这个高性能的折叠网络使用了三层交换、为客户端和服务器提供网络冗余The high performance collapsed backbone uses layer three switching. Network redundancy are provided to clients and servers
通过网络向大量用户提供互动多媒体体验不再是梦Delivery of an interactive multimedia experience over a network to a large audience is no longer a dream
防火墙不仅能防止无用访问、而且能通过开放的公共网络、如互联网、建立安全通道Firewalls not only guard against unwanted access, they can also be used to create a secure channel through an open public network, like the Internet
需求增长速度快于平均水平的职位包括计算机网络管理员、数据通信分析师和网络开发员Jobs that are expected to grow faster than average include computer-network administrators, data-communications analysts and web developers
麻省理工学院提供给我的可信度、管理培训和机遇都超越了我的人际网络MIT has provided me with credibility, management training and opportunities that would otherwise be beyond the reach of my net-work