
Terms for subject Artificial intelligence containing 网络 | all forms | in specified order only
主成分分量网络Principal Component Network
二层搜索网络Two-Level Search Network
交通网络transportation network
交通网络traffic network
交通网络分析traffic network analysis
<-> 传感器网络时间同步算法Time-synchronization Protocol for Sensor Networks
传感器网络泛洪时间同步算法Flooding Time Synchronization Protocol for sensor networks
sigmoid 信度网络sigmoid belief network
免疫网络算法Immune Network Algorithm
关联网络associative network
关联网络association network
兴奋-抑制网络excitatory-inhibitory network
军用战时无线电网络Combat Net Radio
函数链网络Functional Link Net
分封交换公众数据网络Packet-Switched Public Data Network
分组网络Packet Based Network
分组网络上的多媒体通信标准H. 323
前馈网络Feed Forward Network
动态贝叶斯网络dynamic Bayesian network
匹配子网络match subnet
区域传输网络local transmission network
单向网络unidirectional network
卷积网络convolution network
双向联想记忆网络Bidirectional Associative Memory
可携带网络portable network map
可携带网络图形格式portable network graphics format
因果网络causal network
多层感知器网络Multi-Layer Perceptron Network
大型网络群组划分large network grouping
对偶传播网络Counter Propagation Network
小波网络wavelet network
小脑模型神经网络Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller
层叠式扩充转移网络cascaded augmented transition network
库仑能量网络Coulomb Energy Network
强力网络brute force network
径向基函数网络Radial Basis Function Network
扩充转移网络语法augmented transition network grammar
拉格朗日网络训练Lagrange network training
推理网络inference net
无线分组数据网络Packet Radio NET
时间延迟神经网络time-delay neural network
时间滞后前馈网络time-lagged feed forward network
时间神经网络Time Neural Network
最大网络maximum network
有限状态网络Finite-State Network
标示网络labeled network
模拟神经网络simulated neural net
模糊极小极大网络Fuzzy Min-Max neural Network
模糊神经网络Fuzzy-Neural Network
正则化网络regularization network
比较网络comparator network
泛函连接网络Functional Link Artificial Neural Network
活动结构网络Active Structural Network
激活网络activation network
网络entropy net
玻耳兹曼网络Boltzmann network
生物神经网络Biological Neural Network
目标部队的网络化传感器Networked Sensors for the Objective Force
量量化网络vector-quantization network
神经网络信息理论模型information-theoretic models of neural network
离散型 Hopfield 神经网络Discrete Hopfield Neural Network
竞争型神经网络competitive neural network
竞争子网络competitive subnet
线性感知器网络Linear Perception Network
统计信息网络算法STatistical INformation Grid
综合智能网络comprehensive intelligent network
LVQ-SOM 网络LVQ-SOM network
网络kohonen network Kohonen
网络修剪技术network pruning technique
网络分配矢量Network Allocation Vector
网络剪枝network pruning
网络响应network response
网络激活net activation
网络network entropy
网络管理协议ad hoc Networks ad hoc Management Protocol
网络结构network architecture
网络表示图式network representational scheme
网络规模network scale
网际网络服务商Internet Service Provider
联想网络association network
联想记忆网络associative memory network
脉冲耦合神经网络Pulse-Coupled Neural Network
自组织神经网络self-organizing neural network
规则网络rule network
视频传输网络video transmission network
语法网络syntax network
连续型 Hopfield 网络continuous Hopfield net
递归网络recurrent network
<-> 递归网络状态空间模型state-space model of recurrent network
通用回归神经网络General Regression Neural Network
随机神经网络stochastic neural network
集成触觉结构网络Integrated Network of Touch in Architecture
霍普菲尔德网络Hopfield network
高阶网络Higher Order Network