
Terms for subject Project management containing 网站 | all forms | in specified order only
一些有关本网站和分布式计算项目的常见问题解答Frequently Asked Questions about this site and distributed computing projects
利用拼写检查器、可避免网站出现尴尬的拼写错误、否则会降低网站的信誉度Use a spelling checker, spelling mistakes are embarrassing and hurt credibility
发出此网站证书的证书权威已过期The certificate authority that issued this site's certificate has expired
如果您觉得这个网站对您很有帮助、请将它加到书签If you find this site helpful, please bookmark it
本公司提供一站式网上服务、 让客户能够快速建立网站并开展业务We offer a One-Stop Online Service to help our clients set up their own website
网站文件保护系统的研究与实现study and implementation of 'website file protection system
网站条幅广告banner advertisements
网站标题页banner page
这个工具不能帮助用户浏览受审查的网站或者获取大文件The tool cant help a user browse censored sites or obtain large files